新教师试用期校本培训教学工作汇报表(PEP 四上 Unit 4 My home定稿).doc

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1、 新教师试用期校本培训教学工作汇报表(PEP 四上 Unit 4 My home定稿)学科英语授课时间2015年12月节次1合作班级四(2)班课题Unit4 My home Part A Lets talk&Lets play课型对话课教学目标1. 能够理解对话大意;能够用准确的语音、语调朗读对话。2. 能够在语境中理解新单词或短语home, bedroom, living room, kitchen, study的意思,并能够准确发音。3. 能够利用主句型玩Lets play的游戏。4. 能够在情境中使用句型Is she in the? Yes, she is./No, she isnt.询

2、问物品或人物的位置,同时作出判断,并能够在情境中恰当使用句型Where is she? Shes in the kitchen.5. 了解国外家庭通常把宠物作为家庭成员对待,所以本课时的cat用she表示。教学重点、难点重点:能够准确使用句型询问、猜测物品或人物的位置,并作出相对应的回答。难点:能够准确区分she/he、it,并在问答中准确使用。教学准备1、 同桌两人一组准备好一幅包含bedroom, living room, kitchen, study的房子图片和自己喜欢的小宠物图片。2、 本课主要句型卡和单词卡。3、 多媒体课件。教学过程Step 1 Warm-up and Revisi

3、on1. Free talkS: Whats in your classroom? How many fans do you have? What colour is it? Where is it?.2. Song in on under3. Lets playS: I have a pen. Its nice. Now please close your eyes and guess where it is.请学生闭上眼睛,教师藏起钢笔,学生猜一猜钢笔的位置,复习句型Is it on/in/under/ near the? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. 然后学生同桌之间

4、玩一玩这个游戏。Step 2 Presentation and Practice1. 了解为何用she代替it, 教学home.T:Amy has a cat, its very cute. Its Amys pet. Pet is one of family members in their county. So here we use “she”, but not “it”.(适当中文解释)But now Amy cant find it. (利用Lets talk 部分版块的图片)Sarah and Amy are looking for the cat. Look, where are

5、 they?引出home并教学。2. 教学bedroom, living room, kitchen, study利用Lets talk 部分版块的图片,教师引导学生描述Amy家,引出四个房间bedroom, living room, kitchen, study。3. 预测,听音找答案T:Amys home is clean and tidy. But I dont see the cat. Whsre is she? Can you guess?引导学生试着用句型Is she in the bedroom/living room/kitchen/study?来猜测。T:Now lets l

6、isten and try to find the answer.请学生通过听录音来确认答案:Shes in the kitchen.4. 跟读模仿(1)教师播放视频,学生观看一遍后,模仿朗读对话。引导学生关注Is she in the living room/study?句末的声调。(2)同桌之间分角色有感情地朗读对话。(3)Lets act it outStep 3 Consolidation and Extension1. 对话练习同桌二人一组拿出事先准备好的一幅包含living room, kitchen, study的房子图片以及两个小宠物图片,cat(she)和dog(he),一人藏小宠物,一人猜宠物在哪个房间,创编对话。S1: Welcome to my home.S2: Wow, your home is so!S1:I have a dag/cat!S2: Where is he/she?S1: Is he/she in the living room/kitchen/study?S2: Yes,he/she is. No,he/ she isnt.2. 完成配套课堂练习。Step 4 Homework1. 听音模仿P38录音。2模仿文本对话,利用主句型创编对话。教后反思:


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