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1、UNIT THREE WELCOME TO MY HOUSELesson 9教案Lesson 9课时 1知识与能力: 1能听懂、会说“ You have a big bookcase”.及时间的整点表达,并能在实际情景中运用。教学目的过程与方法: 2能听、说、读、写h ouse, bedroom 等五个词 , 认读 a sofa, acomputer, a sitting room,会用 a sofa等进行描述。情感,态度,价值观: 3在交流与合作的过程中提高学生的表达能力。1.交际用语和句型: You have a big bookcase.教学重点2.词汇:掌握house, bedroom

2、, room, tidy, chair.认读a sofa, a computer, a sitting room教学难点运用对话进行交流教学用具Picture, tape, recorder, word cards教学过程StepsTeacher s activityStudents vityactiGreetingGood morning, boys and girls!Good morning, Miss Ji!一、导入来源 :ZXXK创设情景进行交流向个别学生打招呼: “Hello, !”Hello!“Glad to see you again”.Glad to see you,tooT

3、: ( 手 持 一 本 书 ) What sthis inIt s a book.English?T: I have a book.学生重复。T: (把书给一名学生 ) You have abook.Yes.T: My house has many rooms. Do you认读单词want to go to my house?看图观察 T: OK. Let s go now.spelling第 1页二、新授(show the picture of the house)重复 house 个 。T: This is my house.Repeat the words.T: ( 介 ) This

4、is my bedroom./ room/ cha 一 来源 :ZXXKbookcase.练习T: 学生一些卡片, 内学生分 抽 卡片,其他学生就 个同学 :Yo听 音have a .学 教 指 。听The first time:Just listen.学生跟 ,理解 含 。The second time:扮演 中角色表演 。1、播放 音选择单词2、教 正 音。3、教 与及 价。从 卡中任 一个 ,教T: read a passage. 一段 ,在 的 程中, 理解T: This is a bedroom. There is a chair in 凡it.是听到自己 的 , clock is

5、in the bookcase. We can see a要迅速起立再坐下。bed and a desk in the bedroom. There is aWrite the wordscomputer on the table. The room is niceRead and spelling来源 :学 |科|网 tidy.ReadRead and spelling the word.1. show the word cards.Write the word in the book.Homework2. “ read it one by one”3. Let s write the wo

6、rd Write the word in the notebook.第 2页Lesson 9课时 2知识与能力: 1能听懂、会说“ You have a big bookcase.”及时间的整点表达,并能在实际情景中运用。教学目的过程与方法: 2能听、说、读、写 house, bedroom 等五个词 , 认读 a sofa, a computer, a sitting room ,会用 a sofa 等进行描述。情感,态度,价值观:3在交流与合作的过程中提高学生的表达能力。3. 交际用语和句型: You have a big bookca se.教学重点4.词汇:掌握house, bedro

7、om, room, tidy, chair.认读a sofa, a computer, a sitting room教学难点教学用具教学过程运用对话进行交流Picture, tape, recorder, word card sStepsGreeting创设情景进行交流Teacher s activityGood morning, boys and girls!一、导入向个别学生打招呼: “ Hello , !”“Glad to see you again.”T: 出示 lingling 家的图片 .T: Whose house is it?Students activityGood morn

8、ing, Miss Ji!Hello!Glad to see you,too T: Yes, i t s Lingling s house. Look, this isthe sitting room, and this is the bedroom.What s in the sitting room?T: Yes, here is a computer, a compu ter inthe sitting room. 来源 :ZXXK二、新授( show the pictures)New wordsT: 带读 a sofa, a computer, a sitting room. 来源 学

9、#科# 网racticeShow the cards of the words.学生重复。A computer.认读单词第 3页转瓶子T: 将词卡贴到黑板上,请三位学生到黑板spelling前做“瓶子” ,分别面对黑板上的三张卡片,Read小韵文rhyme )课后练习Homework背向学生。师偷偷向其他学生出示词条,大家大声读出单词,黑板前站在这张卡片前的学生听到后要像瓶子一样转动一圈。在出示词条,游戏继续。Read like this: s sounds /s/ for sofa, s sounds/s/ for sitting room, c sounds /k/ for compute

10、r.1. listen to the tape: The first time:Just listen.The second time: What did you heard? The third time: Listen and repeat.1. Listen and number2. Look and write3. Read and fill in the blanks Listen and point.Listen and say. Listen to the tapeRead the textbook and recite the dialogues.重复 house这个词。Repeat the words.repeat the word.S use the word cards to read thewords like that and line the firstletter.Listen carefully and read aloud.Listen carefull y and write the numbWrite the word第 4页


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