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1、Section Writing 如何写诗评写作技法指 文体指 本模 的写作 目 如何写 , 种 目要求我 就有关 歌 行分析和 。一、基本框架 的写作大致可分 以下几个步 :1 述 歌内容。当然 必 建立在很好地把握原 主旨的基 之上,而非 列原 的 句。2 自己的感受。一首好的 歌,自然有 人之 。可 重 中最打 你的某一方面抒 自己的感想。二、注意事 1欣 歌。好的 歌 能做到形式和内容的 一,所以我 欣 歌的着眼点也不能离开 两个方面。2根据高考的要求,中学 段的 不可能做 多的 , 价 歌要言 意 ,写出精彩,不要拖沓冗 ,重复表述。亮点句式 1This is a poem writt

2、en by. 是一首由 作的 歌。2The poem,whose author is.,show the deepest feelings on.写的 首 表达了 的深深的情意。3Written by., the poem gives us a vivid picture of.由 作, 首 向我 展示了一幅的生 画面。4We are shown that.我 从 中可以看到5The poem touches me deeply. 首 深深地触到了我。6Obviously, the poem aims to show. 然, 首 想展示第 1页7Critics sing high praise

3、 for the poem.评论家们对这首诗评价很高。8It is thought highly of by many people.很多人对此高度赞扬。满分佳作构建 写作任务 请阅读下面这首小诗,然后按要求与提示写一篇100 词左右的短文。A Poem of an Iraqi ChildMum is tearing.Dad,where did you go?I am scared from heart to soul.Mum and I needed you so much.But what happened?People say that I am too young to know.I

4、heard the terrible sound and smelled the smoke.Dad,come back.But what happened?I dont know.Mum and I love you so much.Dad,where did you go?She says you will be back.Mum and I missed you so much.With good news and hope.审题谋篇 体裁诗评时态一般现在时为主主题渴望和平的诗歌人称第三人称第一段:简述诗歌内容结构第二段:谈论对这首诗歌的感受遣词造句 .对接模块词汇1at war处于交战

5、状态第 2页2suffer遭受3meaningless毫无意义4long for peace渴望和平5touch my heart打动我的心.巧用模块语法和句型1这是一首伊拉克儿童写的一首诗。This is a poem.It was written by an Iraqi child.(用分词作定语合并句子 )【导学号: 90862034】This is a poem written by an Iraqi child.2虽然描写简明扼要,但是这首诗的意义却很丰富。The description is simple and to the point.The meaning of the po

6、em is rich.用(状语从句合并句子 )Though the description is simple and to the point ,the meaning of the poem isrich.妙笔成篇 【参考范文】This is a poem written by an Iraqi child.We are shown,rather than told that Iraq is at war.The childs father has gone to the battlefield for their freedom.Iraqi people are suffering a

7、lot from the war.To a small child war seems meaningless, but father means much to him and the family.They are longing for the peace.The poem touches my heart.It truly brings tears to my eyes.One obvious meaning of the description is that how much peace means to a country and its people.Though the description is simple and to the point ,the meaning of the poem is rich.They have to be separated at the moment,however, they still have the hope in their mind.They believe the victory will belong to them.And they are looking forward to the day.第 3页


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