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1、Module 3My English bookUnit 1Whats this in English? .Teaching modelTeam work and communication approach .Teaching aimsTo recognize objects in the class .Teaching aidsTape recorder .Teaching stepsStep 1: Warming up1 Point at objects in the classroom and ask students: Whats this in English?2 Ask stude

2、nts to spell the words : How do you spell it?3 Ask students to write down the words on the blackboard : Write it on the blackboard , please.Step 2: Listening and reading1 Play the recording and ask students to listen and read the conversation in Activity 1.2 Ask students to read the conversation sil

3、ently and underline the key points.3 Explain the points to the students and solve the problems.4 Ask them to read the conversation aloud.5 Let them act it out.Step 3: Practice1 Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity 2.2 Ask and answer like this : Whats this in English? Its a dog. Whats

4、 this in English? Its a pen.3 Work in pairs.Step 4: Listening practice1 Play the recording of Activity 3, and listen and write.2 Play the recording of Activity 5, and listen and write.A :Whats _ ?B: _ cat.A :How _ spell “ cat?”B: _3 Listen again and check.4 Call back the answers from the whole class

5、 and check the answers.Keys: this in English ; Its a;do you ; C A T, catStep 5: Work in pairs1 Ask and answer like this :A :Whats this in English?B: A pen?A :No.B: A pencil?A :Yes, a pencil.B: How do you spell “ pencil?”A :P E N C I L, pencil.2 Work in pairs.Step 6: Homework1 Copy the new words and expressions.第 1页2 Recite the text of the Unit 1.3 Finish the workbook.Blackboard DesignUnit 1Whats this in English? Whats this in English? Its a dog. How do you spell “ dog?” D O G,dog.(1.a bird2.a book3.a cat4.a dog5.a flower6 a pen7.a pencil)第 2页


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