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1、英语新目标英语七年级(上)Unit 2 Section A 教学实录Step I: Warm up before class. Greet with students by using the expressions learnt in the units before. 通过这种亲切自然的问候,帮助学生复习学过的问候语,揭开了本课的序幕。Step II: Warm up after class.T: Im very happy to have a chance to teach you. As we all know yesterday was a traditional festival

2、in China. In English we call it Mid-autumn Day. So first of all, I want to sing a song to wish you ,my dear students and also all the teachers here, a happy Mid-autumn Day and also a happy new term. (Sing a song: Happy Mid-autumn, happy Mid-autumn, happy Mid-autumn to you. Then ask the students to s

3、ing together)S: Sing together with the teacher. 使学生迅速热身;强化交际能力的培养;师生共唱一首歌,这使陌生的师生之间多了一些了解,加了些亲和力,拉近了师生之间的情感距离,营造出轻松的学习环境。Step III: RevisionT:Lets play the game by using the ball. When I throw the ball to you, tell me please your name and your partners name, and then throw the ball back to me. 设计一个游戏

4、,复习his和her的用法;设计游戏来激发学生的学习的热情 通过介绍名字来复习his 和 her 为新课做铺垫。Step IV Leading inT: (Show a picture of a little girl) This is a picture of my daughter.She is 7 years old. Shes going to Primary School. So what should I buy for her if she goes to school. Can you help me?创设情境,导入新课教学,要求自然过渡;而且该情境要贴近学生生活,引起学生共鸣

5、。Step V Present the new words.T: (Present backpack) My daughter wants to go to school, what does she need first? (S1: pen S2: pencil S3: backpack). Yeah, you are very clever. First of all, she needs a backpack. (Show a picture of a backpack by using the computer. Then draw a backpack on the blackboa

6、rd while the students read it.) (Point to the backpack drawn by the teacher ) Look. Whats this? Yeah, its a backpack. And its the backpack I want to buy for my daughter.)T: What should I need to buy for her to put into my daughters backpack? (Get the students to guess the school things that I can pu

7、t into the backpack.)S1: A pencil case.T: excellent. (Show a picture on the screen) Whats this? What color is it?S: A pencil case. Green.T: Now what should I need to buy to put into my daughters pencil case.S:A pen.T: Very good. (Show a picture of a pen) Whats this?S: Its a pen.T: Maybe students lik

8、e you need pens to write with. But young children like my daughter need S: Pencils.T: Good. Pencil. Do you have a pencil? Show me your pencil please.S: Yes. (Show their pencils to the teacher)T: My daughter is very careless. Her pencil falls off the desk and she cant use it . What does my daughter n

9、eed? Can you guess?S1: A pencil sharpener.T: Yeah. We can use a pencil sharpener to make pencils sharp. Look! This is a pencil sharpener. What color is it?T:OK. Now my daughter makes a mistake. She wants to write one, but she writes two. So what does my daughter need?S1: An eraser.T: Yeah, you are v

10、ery clever. She needs an eraser to correct it. (Get the students to read it.)T: Now my daughter is in an art lesson. She wants to draw a line. What does my daughter need.S: A ruler.T: Well done. You know I put a pen, a pencil, a ruler, a pencil sharpener and an eraser into my daughters pencil case.

11、So what else should I buy for her to put into her backpack?S1: A book.T: excellent. We can learn a lot from books. Do you like books?S: Yes.T: Good. (Show a dictionary)Look, whats this? Is this a book?S: No.T: Is this a ruler? Is this a pencil case?S: No.T: Whats this?S1: Its a dictionary.T: Yeah. I

12、ts a dictionary. We can look up some new words by using it. Now lets read the new words again.(Put the words of the school things in the backpack the teacher drawn on the blackboard while presenting each word.)展示单词时注意词与词之间的内在联系,前后呼应,循序渐进.尽量使前一个词为后面的单词做铺垫。Step VI Practice the new words by playing gam

13、esT: Now lets play a guessing game. Lets have a competition between Part One and Two. Ill show some pictures. If you can guess at the beginning, you will win 10 points for your part. If you can guess when you see half of the picture,. you will win 5 points. And if you can guess when you see the whol

14、e picture, you will get zero point. Are you ready?S :yeah. (Students stand up and guess the word quickly.)T: The second game is called Word-jumping. Ill ask 8 students to stand in a row in front of the class and do it like this. (Pencil jump, pencil jump, pencil jump then dictionary jump)S: 8 studen

15、ts play this game.设计游戏来巩固单词一方面可以调动学生的学习热情,培养学生的竞争意识与合作精神;另一方面使学生在模仿中对学习任务有进一步的体验,使学生获得了学习的乐趣,为下一环节的“实践”做好铺垫。Step VII Present the patternT: (Show a real dictionary) Whats this?S: Its a dictionary.T: Is this your dictionary? (ask a student)S1: No, it isnt. Its your dictionaryT: (ask and answer between

16、 the teacher and the students) Now please practice in pairs. While the students are discussing, collect some school things from each part in order to prepare for another task. Then get the students to practice pair by pair.T: Whats that?(Point at a book on the desk a little far away) Whats that?S: I

17、ts a book.T: Is that your book?S: No, it isnt. Its her book.T: Practice in groups of four.通过实物展示句型;进行面-线-点的操练;给每个一个展示自己的机会,并加以鼓励。进行小组讨论之后,以pairs或groups的形式进行对话。最大限度地调动学生积极参与的热情和学习的兴趣。通过反复强化,帮助学生搞好从书本到“实际运用”的过渡。以学生的生活经历为情境,敢于张口从而达到学习的目的。Step VIII. ConsolidationT: Now please mix your school things toge

18、ther and try to find the owner of them. (Let the students discuss in groups by using the patterns learnt before.) Then get them to show their dialogues group by group.T: Next lets do some listening exercise. (Play the tape for the students to listen and write down the numbers.)T: Now lets do some ex

19、ercises. (Show some exercises by using the computer)通过练习巩固所学知识,培养学生用英语思维的能力及解题能力。T:The second exercise is a part of a video for the students to watch and comprehend. And let the students watch with two questions. Then ask some individuals to answer the questions. (Its a video about Lost and Found Of

20、fice which the students will learn in Section B this unit.)看一段英文短片,让学生感受英语语言氛围;所选片段为本单元Section B的学习做好铺垫。T: Then let us have discussion of your favorite school things. Please tell us its name, its color and if you like it or not.通过讨论,初步培养学生的口头表达能力和英语思维能力。IX: Sum upT: Today we learnt some words about

21、school things. Please look Whats this? (Draw a key around the pattern and backpack with all the new words in it.)S: Its a key.T: Yeah. Very good. Its a key. Its a key to success. So if you are friendly and helpful to each other, if you study hard. you will get the key to success. So try hard ,my boy

22、s and girls, and make your dream come true in the future. Finally. Lets thank all the teachers listening and also thank you for very much for your cooperation my dear friends. 归纳本课所学知识,联系实际进行德育教育。五、自我评析 (一)注重三个环节的设计: 1、教学环节的设计: 教学环节的设计是环环相扣,层层递近,由浅入深的;要前后呼应,注意新旧知识的结合。 2、导入的设计是需要精心准备的。导入 要巧妙自然;创设一个情境

23、,使其即贴近教学内容又和学生生活联系紧密,并以此为切入点导入新课。这样可以使新旧知识衔接紧密、过渡自然;同时也为接下来的新课展示做好铺垫。 3、注重符合任务型语言教学的特点: 强调通过交流来学会交际。 将真实的语言材料引入学习的环境。 关注语言的本身,也关注学习的过程。 把学习者个人的经历作为课堂学习的重要因素。 (二)教学特色:在教学过程中的“八个字”注意 鼓励:在教学中多用各种鼓励性语言,帮助学生树立学习英语的信心;使学生勇于开口,不怕犯错。 呼应:在课堂教学中,任何一个环节都不是孤立的,而是前后呼应的。 铺垫:前一环节要为后面的教学打下伏笔,做好铺垫。 升华:寓思想于英语教学中,提高学生的思想觉悟,使学生在获得知识的同时,健康成长。 (三)不足:在调动学生方面还有需要加强;另外在课堂教学中的应变能力还有待提高。


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