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1、含山中学高二年级英语词汇综合运用能力竞赛试题总分:100分 时间:100分钟 姓名: 分数: 一、根据句意选出最佳选项(每题1分,共20分)1. You know the price of the house is well beyond our_. .A. field B. range C. limit D. boundary2. When I was ready for my get-together, my 2-year-old daughter_me not to leave her at home.A. demandB. required C. begged D. advised3.

2、 She is always _to others about her mother-in-laws faults.A. confirming B. explaining C. claiming D. complaining4. Feeling _ with city life, Tom decides to move to the tranquil (peaceful) countryside.A. fed up B. tired of C. sick of D. bored of 5.Many people complain of the rapid _ of modern life.A.

3、 rate B. pace C. speed D. growth6.The scenery of Mount Lu _Li Bai to write his great poetry.A. suggested B. encouraged C. perspired D. inspired7.-Lily, must I come tomorrow morning?-Theres no for you to come if you dont want to.A. need B. point C. doubt D. matter8.He bought a bicycle last week, and

4、it makes it easier for him to .A. get through B. get together C. get around D. get up9.You should put your cellphone where it will be .A. acceptable B. reasonable C. accessible D. seperable10.Helen didnt want to get out of bed so early, waking her child.A. in case of B. instead of C. for fear of D.

5、in search of 11. Carrie did not call a plumber when the pipes in her basement froze, she was she could fix the problem herself.A. intense B. confident C. personal 12. Although penguins are birds, it is for them to fly. Their bodies are too large and their wings are too little.A. ideal B. gradual C.

6、impossible13. You can buy frozen strawberries anytime, but fresh ones are for only a few months in the summer.A. avaibable B. hollow C. necessary14. I my brothers singing voice.He sings like a bird while I sound like a frog.A. resolve B. suppose C. envy15.When my spirits get low, I like to escaping

7、to a warm, sunny island in the middle of the ocean.A. imagine B. occupy C. unite16.The thick fog caused a a fifteencar accident on the bridge.A. disaster B. detail C. progress17.Although Tania is great in the kitchen, she is very about her cooking, she always says, “It wasnt hard to make, you could

8、do it, too.”A. familiar B. scarce C. modest18.The first time Wanda to ice skate, she fell down and broke her wrist. A. mentioned B. attempted C. requested19.You need to other peoples feelings, or you may say something that hurts someone badly.A. interrupt B. attempt C. consider20.It wasnt until the

9、party was almost over that Carlos that he was moving to another state.A. attempted B. mentioned C. examined二、根据语境判定指定词之含义。(每题1分,共10分)Example: After fighting for hours, the little girls made an agreement to share their toys.Hints: What would it mean if two children said they would share their toys?Re

10、quirement:On the answer sheet, write the letter of the answer you think is right. C Agreement means A.fight B.question C. promise21. I had planned to see doctor today, but I feel so much better than I think. I will cancel my visit there. Cancel means A. remember B. not do as planned C. get ready for

11、22.Karen is so flexible that she can sit down and lift her ankle over her head. Flexible means A. able to bend B. real C. heavy23.As I painted the room, the odor of the paint began to give me a headache. Odor means A. smell B. cost C.warming feeling24.When I feel tension, I relax by going for a long

12、, quiet walk. Tension means A. rest B. happiness C. worry25.Jack aways brags about himself, but Kathy is humble even when she has reason to be proud. Humble means A. loud B. afraid C. not bragging26.Teenage boys often feel embarrassed when their voices sound deep one minute and squeaky the next. Emb

13、arrassed means A. proud B. easy to like C. silly and ashamed27.The ads claims that the new diet pills melt away fat while you sleep. Claim means A.say that it is true B. hide C. forget to say28.Kevin and Ted were rivals-they each wanted to go on a date with Monica. Rival means A. partner B. students

14、 C. enemy29.I dont go to my favorite clothing store often because it tempts me to spend too much money. Tempt means A. invite sb. To do sth bad B. warn sb. against doing sth bad. C. stop sb. from doing sth bad.30. A teachers job is to get students motivated so they want to learn. motivated means A.

15、interested and excited B. be well-known C. good-looking三Choose the right word in order to complete the word in right form in each sentence according to the meaning of the sentence and the initial(根据句意及首字母补全单词): (每题1分,共10分)31 Sorry to have d_ answering your letter because of pressure of time A. decid

16、ed B. delayed C. discussed D. disliked32. Do it now, o_, it will be too late. A. orally B. outwards C. otherwise D. obviously33. The c_ were drawn. We couldnt observe him from the window. A. cases B. companies C. curtains D. cottages34. The wounded soldier walked with great d_. A. disaster B. discou

17、rage C. distance D. difficulty35. The patient is gathering his s_ with every passing day. A. strength B. seeds C. scream D. secretary36. Hell be back soon. He has ridden a m_ to the station to meet a friend. A. minibus B. motor C. missile D. machine37. He was the y_ of the three noblemen. A. youth B

18、. youngest C. yellow D. yours38. Science and t_ have made our motherland rich and powerful A. test B. tax C. technology D. teaching39. In r_ years, advances in medical science have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past. A. red B. real C. right D. recent40. Four score and seven

19、years ago our fathers brought forth on this c_ a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equally. A. country B. content C. continent D. county四Compare the phrases and choose the best answer to each sentence(短语辨义): (每题1分,共10分)41. More advanced techniq

20、ue information was _ from abroad. A. brought out B. brought in C. brought on D. brought up42. I dont understand what he said _ at the meeting yesterday. A. in all B. after all C. at all D. all above43. Girls _ one third of the total student population in Jianli General School, Xiangyu Group, which _

21、5140 students. A. make of; is made up B. make up; is made up of C. make from; make up D. made into; make up of44. Its really difficult to _ a conversation with someone who only says Yes or No. A. keep out B. keep off C. keep on D. keep up45. On Christmas Day in western countries, people walk about i

22、n the street _their best. A. and wear B. and put on C. dressed in D. to wear46. He didnt go into detail on the subject. He spoke _. A. in general B. in particular C. in common D. in short47. I hate _ large impersonal companies. A. referring to B. bringing about C. looking for D. dealing with48. The

23、news was a terrible blow to her, but she will _ the shock soon. A. get out B. get through C. get off D. get over49. The congress opened with a three-minute silence _ those who died in the terrible earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichaun Province. A. in need of B. in search of C. with the help of D. in memor

24、y of50. How did they discover the entrance to the underground palace? Totally _. A. take the chance B. no accident C. by chance D. on purpose五,(一) 根据情景,完成下面的单词,并使句子的意思完整。 (1x20=20)1.He is such a d_ man that he refuses to give up no matter what problems he faces.2.These days most people are c_ with e

25、ach other using the Internet.3.Michael was so good a student that he was a_ to Oxford University.4.Having been injured in the a , he could not attend the meeting in the flesh.5They put an a_ in a newspaper looking for a qualified mechanic.6.G_ from college, he got his teaching qualification.7.She b_

26、 with the seller and managed to get them for half price.8.Outdoor sports are b_ to our health.9. South Korea has become a popular destination with t_ from all over the world.10. Zhang Haidi, though disabled, is o_ about her life, which touches people all over the country.11. He told me that he p_ li

27、ving in the countryside to living in the city. 12. To my delight, Ive s_ in persuading my father to give up smoking. 13. All the a_ for the job must fill in a form before the interview. 14. The boy is so t_ that I really dont know how to deal with him. 15. She quickly a_ to the new surroundings and

28、made a new life there. 16. Tangshan earthquake d_ the whole city, which turned into ruins all of a sudden. 17. The most c_ task for the director was that the ceremonies had to be held outside the stadium. 18. Do you know the history of the scenic spot without the guides e_? 19. The girl stuck the st

29、amp to the e_ and put the letter into the mailbox. 20. All the c_ performed well in the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games.六用所给词的正确形式完成句子。(1x15=15%)1. He said _ (pride) that he was admitted to Peking University.2. She was even less _ (enthuse) about going to visit that small village.3. All that she did was

30、to win her fathers _ (approve).4. When he went to university, his uncle bought him a new _ (electric) dictionary as a present.5. I questioned the _ (wise) of giving a child so much money.6. You are no more a kid. Dont behave so _ (child).7. He was popular because he treated others with _ (generous)

31、and thoughtfulness.8. Most teachers are trained to speak fluently and without unnecessary _ (hesitate).9. Hilary Clinton is one of the most _ (influence) figures in politics.10. As an expert, he is very _ (knowledge) about different kinds of plants.11. We listened to the news with a _(mix)of surpris

32、e and horror.12. After the interview, she waited for the result _ (nerve).13. After he was retired, he moved to a small village since he enjoyed the _ (simple) of country life.14. The shop _ (special) in hand-made chocolates and they sell well both home and aboard.15. He eyes were wild with _ (terrible) when she got a telephone telling that her son had been kidnapped.七翻译题(每题3分,共15分)一. 翻译:1. 黄昏时,我碰巧在回家的路上遇到她。2. 她专心听着,把他说的话一字不漏的记下来。3. 他充分利用他在那儿的时间学习英语。4. 这个城镇变化太大了,你会认不出来它的。5. 结婚前他们相爱了十年。


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