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1、序号课题学习目标重点难点其他项目教师教法学而时习之九年级英语导学稿6日期执笔审核九年级英语组Section A( 1a 2d )课型新授重点 、 1.backpack n. 背包,旅行包;2. oversleep v. 睡 3. take a shower 洗浴 4. leave my backpack at home把背包忘在家里5. get back to school 返回学校 6. startteaching 开始教学教师教法重点句子、 By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.Past perf

2、ect tense. Review of key structures.Past perfect tense. Review of key structures.学生学法:自主 -集中学 -句型 -听力 -口 表达课前预习导学学生学法活 一:自主学 一、 和 1. 背包,旅行包;2. 睡 3.洗浴4.把背包忘在家里5.返回学校6 开始教学7. 响 8.冲出房 9. 捎某人一程二、句子1、当我起床 ,我哥哥已 了浴室了_ _2、当我出来 ,公汽已 走了3 当我到达 学校 ,我才意 到我把背包忘在家里了。不亦悦乎温故而知新可以为师矣敏而好学不耻下问自主合作探究互助相长共享班组号学生姓名:来源:ZX

3、XK 来源:ZXXK4、当我走 教室 ,老 已 开始 了。来源:来源 学 科 网 Z.X.X.K_课上交流助学学生学法Step 1 2a 情景导入(参考案例)Teacher: For one or more times in our school times ,we are late for school. Have you ever been late for school? Can you tell me why? And what happened to you that day?Students: _ _ Yes, I have been late for school one tim

4、es. Because I was nearly late for class one dayand 明:通 前的一个 生 答互 引入新 的 题Step 2 完成教材1a-1c 的任 【操作案例】1. 要求学生翻开 本 P89, 迅速 1a 部分的内容。并按要求完成 本上相 的任 : Look at the pictures what happened to the girl. ( 1 分 )2. 答案,先要求全班一起 出答案并 。然后要求2-3 名同学就 What do you usually do in the morning ? 出自己的答案,并把收集的答案列 在黑板上。 (3 分 )参

5、考案例Teacher:What do you usually do in the morning ?Students:I _. put on my clothes and get upcook breakfast ride to school3.要求学生听第一遍 音,并完成 本上1b 的听力任 : Listen to Marytalking about her morning. Complete the sentences: 出序号 - 出所填 - 出完整的句子( 2 分 )4.要求学生听第二遍 音,并逐句 行跟 。( 2分 )5.完成教材 1c 的任 ,要求学生模仿 1a 内容, 行 。并邀

6、 2-3 同学当堂 行演示。学而不厌诲人不倦学而不思则罔思而不学则殆业精于勤行成于思年级导学稿班组号学生姓名:第 1 页备课资料包by the time到 候by the time 作 引 状 从句,当从句用一般 去 ,主句用 去完成 ;当从句用一般 在 ,主句用一般将来 或将来完成 。By the time he was ten, Tom built a chemistry lab himself. 等到了十 的 候, 姆自己建了一个化学 室。.By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. 当我出来的 候,公共汽 已 走了。本句是

7、by the time 引 的 状 从句, 从 句是 I got up ,是一般 去 。主句 the bus had already left 是 去完成 。 去完成 表示在 去某个 之前已 生的 作或一直延 的 作或状 。它表示的 作所 生的 是“ 去的 去” ,常用“助 had+ 去分 ”构成。常与 去完成 用的 状 有: by(the end of)+ 去的 , for+ 段 ,since+点 , when 引 的 状 从句 (从句中 用 去 )等。当堂达标促学一、根据汉语提示完成单词。1. I got to school late because I o_ this morning.2

8、. When I got home, I realized I had l_ my English book at school.3. Its cold o_, youd better wear more clothes.4. When I got to school, I r_ I forgot to bring my homework.5. Youd better put your homework in your b_二、用所 的适当形式填空。1 The house had been _ (burn) when we gotthere.2 The passenger asked me w

9、hether the plane _ (take)offalready.3 Please _ _ (turn) English into Chinese.4 _ (lucky), the girl passed the physics.5 Yesterday he _ (unexpected)won the firstprizein the speech.三、 1、 By the time I was five, I _English. Really?A. had started learningB. have started learningC. started to learnD. sta

10、rted learning2. Why didn t you go to the movie yesterday? Because I _it before.A. had watchedB. have seenC. have watchedD. had seen3.By the end of last year, we _ about 2019 English words.A. were learningB. have learntC. learntD. had learnt4.Since 2019, Nanchang has become a new city. Everything _.A. is changedB. was changedC. has changedD. had changed5、Boys and girls! Please _ your compositions after class. Oh, my God! I _ it at home.A. hand in, forgotB. hand in, leftC. hand out, forgotD. hand out, left学小组教师生评价评价自评学而时习之不亦悦乎温故而知新可以为师矣敏而好学不耻下问自主合作探究互助相长共享学而不厌诲人不倦学而不思则罔思而不学则殆业精于勤行成于思第 2 页


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