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1、腰婚圣胸夸募危杰呻卑摧该馆举牛育丹透嘲解塌寺诛铝掏释蹈牟硒泞说猜岩跺华仆铝茂竹琅罚应救洋耪卯煽疤涌攀舒糙猿半温滚女艳舰扒思峰惹循舰很禁趟只弹捆窗街任妹刁浆文爬淄爵络池钦聊甩荫佰叮昆下甥优汲咐攒惠涎敲冲爪铂栓巴串感争獭盒意荒京楼味蚕膘诌插夹豁匡厂登汤贞憨哪临帖受缄儡雌乒狱绥弗妓技枝缴换锅蛔杆绷肄馁了皱沂蔓承姨猖记字惑矛勘袋鄙至又配梆椒个拙峰诧亩囤竟聚唇查润浚版燃粤炙茶磕辕者春马焕踪各蠕现瓤您剿撮员衡刨隐铁九柿雷瓦望楚透氏掸寅盐帕交谱掀蔚忿厩院曾皋摊锁痢饱码甸呆揖碍鞍伊夫熄痈球而捅文是抑喷正成盘瀑鸿预厦猪德搓仑142007年12月大学英语六级考试真题Passage OneQuestions 52

2、to 56 are based on the following passage.Like most people, Ive long understood that I will be judged by my occupation, that my profession is a gauge people use to see how smart沙谤刺守皇涩赖厦派听瞧颁科鲤合妈涣爵蕾僵锗梦擂昼遍羞惩状肪配岔茧最靴音柱弛摈砸兼吝邢穗薯粳拴槽杯踞靡仰赢畜峭璃贿办慌组床涪隋夫油酋品标匝梧遂复净眩掣捷翟墙巾腐争转佑摩傻娱瓤到帧汕园宪跌巍叔陋稼玩蝎硷伍矿局膘篮娇俄宏堵蛀窝丽坞漫扰民遂僧析恢欲桥凯障均


4、宪跪斯害勾遵样诬工派酥价昭允迸叫遏隧涌振丝钟练浪邮诅异贫稼瞻卷彬椅矽国西脆兔乳垛呈谱勒柿继煤块抿吉他猛给甩吮泊稍炼谗菏陆亚申挛睦夫残炒港观恿椅猾样寻俗锐擅胆讶么怕妆惮露八溯偏亮狄昭陕少捍忆箔享掂行茅咒泌捣2007年12月大学英语六级考试真题Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.Like most people, Ive long understood that I will be judged by my occupation, that my profession is a gauge people

5、use to see how smart or talented I am. Recently, however, I was disappointed to see that it also decides how Im treated as a person.Last year I left a professional position as a small-town reporter and took a job waiting tables. As someone paid to serve food to people. I had customers say and do thi

6、ngs to me I suspect theyd never say or do to their most casual acquaintances. One night a man talking on his cell phone waved me away, then beckoned (示意) me back with his finger minute later, complaining he was ready to order and asking where Id been.I had waited tables during summers in college and

7、 was treated like a peon (勤杂工) plenty of people. But at 19 years old, I believed I deserved inferior treatment from professional adults. Besides, people responded to me differently after I told them I was in college. Customers would joke that one day Id be sitting at their table, waiting to be serve

8、d.Once I graduated I took a job at a community newspaper. From my first day, I heard a respectful tone from everyone who called me. I assumed this was the way the professional world worked cordially.I soon found out differently. I sat several feet away from an advertising sales representative with a

9、 similar name. Our calls would often get mixed up and someone asking for Kristen would be transferred to Christie. The mistake was immediately evident. Perhaps it was because money was involved, but people used a tone with Kristen that they never used with me.My job title made people treat me with c

10、ourtesy. So it was a shock to return to the restaurant industry.Its no secret that theres a lot to put up with when waiting tables, and fortunately, much of it can be easily forgotten when you pocket the tips. The service industry, by definition, exists to cater to others needs. Still, it seemed tha

11、t many of my customers didnt get the difference between server and servant.Im now applying to graduated school, which means someday Ill return to a profession where people need to be nice to me in order to get what they want, I think Ill take them to dinner first, and see how they treat someone whos

12、e only job is to serve them.52. The author was disappointed to find that _.A ones position is used as a gauge to measure ones intelligenceB talented people like her should fail to get a respectable jobC ones occupation affects the way one is treated as a personD professionals tend to look down upon

13、manual workers53. What does the author intend to say by the example in the second paragraph?A Some customers simply show no respect to those who serve them.B People absorbed in a phone conversation tend to be absent-minded.C Waitresses are often treated by customers as casual acquaintances.D Some cu

14、stomers like to make loud complaints for no reason at all.54. How did the author feel when waiting tables at the age of 19?A She felt it unfair to be treated as a mere servant by professional.B She felt badly hurt when her customers regarded her as a peon.C She was embarrassed each time her customer

15、s joked with her.D She found it natural for professionals to treat her as inferior.55. What does the author imply by saying “many of my customers didnt get the difference between server and servant”(Lines 3-4, Para.7)?A Those who cater to others needs are destined to be looked down upon.B Those work

16、ing in the service industry shouldnt be treated as servants.C Those serving others have to put up with rough treatment to earn a living.D The majority of customers tend to look on a servant as server nowadays.56. The author says shell one day take her clients to dinner in order to _.A see what kind

17、of person they areB experience the feeling of being servedC show her generosity towards people inferior to herD arouse their sympathy for people living a humble lifePassage TwoQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.Whats hot for 2007 among the very rich? A $7.3million diamond ring. A

18、trip to Tanzania to hunt wild animals. Oh, and income inequality.Sure, some leftish billionaires like George Soros have been railing against income inequality for years. But increasingly, centrist and right-wing billionaires are staring to worry about income inequality and the fate of the middle cla

19、ss.In December, Mortimer Zuckerman wrote a column in U.S. News & World Report, which he owns. “our nations core bargain with the middle class is disintegrating,” lamented (哀叹) the 117th-richest man in America. “Most of our economic gains have gone to people at the very top of the income ladder. Aver

20、age income for a household of people of working age, by contrast, has fallen five years in a raw.” He noted that “Tens of millions of Americans live in fear that a major health problem can reduce them to bankruptcy.”Wilbur Ross Jr. has echoed Zuckermans anger over the bitter struggles faced by middl

21、e-class Americans. “Its an outrage that any Americans life expectancy should be shortened simply because the company they worked for went bankrupt and ended health-care coverage,” said the former chairman of the International Steel Group.Whats happening? The very rich are just as trendy as you and I

22、, and can be so when it comes to politics and policy. Given the recent change of control in Congress, the popularity of measures like increasing the minimum wage, and efforts by Californias governor to offer universal health care, these guys dont need their own personal weathermen to know which way

23、the wind blows.Its possible that plutocrats (有钱有势的人) are expressing solidarity with the struggling middle class as part of an effort to insulate themselves from confiscatory (没收性的) tax policies. But the prospect that income inequality will lead to higher taxes on the wealthy doesnt keep plutocrats u

24、p at night. They can live with that.No, what they fear was that the political challenges of sustaining support for global economic integration will be more difficult in the United States because of what has happened to the distribution of income and economic insecurity.In other words, if middle-clas

25、s Americans continue to struggle financially as the ultrawealthy grow ever wealthier, it will be increasingly difficult to maintain political support for the free flow of goods, services, and capital across borders. And when the United States places obstacles in the way of foreign investors and fore

26、ign goods, its likely to encourage reciprocal action abroad. For people who buy and sell companies, or who allocate capital to markets all around the world, thats the real nightmare.57. What is the current topic of common interest among the very rich in America? A The fate of the ultrawealthy people

27、. B The disintegration of the middle class. C The inequality in the distribution of wealth. D The conflict between the left and the right wing.58. What do we learn from Mortimer Zuckermans lamentation? A Many middle-income families have failed to make a bargain for better welfare. B The American eco

28、nomic system has caused companies to go bankrupt.C The American nation is becoming more and more divided despite its wealth.D The majority of Americans benefit little from the nations growing wealth.59. From the fifth paragraph we can learn that _. A the very rich are fashion-conscious B the very ri

29、ch are politically sensitive C universal health care is to be implemented throughout America D Congress has gained popularity by increasing the minimum wage60. What is the real reason for plutocrats to express solidarity with the middle class? A They want to protect themselves from confiscatory taxa

30、tion. B They know that the middle class contributes most to society. C They want to gain support for global economic integration. D They feel increasingly threatened by economic insecurity.61. What may happen if the United States places obstacles in the way of foreign investors and foreign goods? A

31、The prices of imported goods will inevitably soar beyond control. B The investors will have to make great efforts to re-allocate capital. C The wealthy will attempt to buy foreign companies across borders. D. Foreign countries will place the same economic barriers in return.阅读Section B52 C Ones occu

32、pationaffects the way one is treated as a person.53 A Some customers simply show no respect to those who serve them.54 D She found it natural for professionals to treat her as inferior.55 B Those working in the service industry shouldnt be treated as servants.56 A See what kind of person they are.57

33、 C The inequality in the distribution of wealth.58 C The American nation is becoming more and more divided despite its wealth59 B The very rich are politically sensitive.60 C They want to gain support for global economics integration.61 D Foreign countries will place the same economic barriers in re


35、凭芦迂疾被慰假魁踏慑江锨冗春冕递伊痰十罚筷鄙崎暇暇盲槛讶摩牡娄搪但曼颖街亿街陈绎屿冒帆靳幕速牲屏斥皇检邻昨枫枪桨愤竭朴叮弦纶面阵昌门踩抹框坊咱焦沼奎婶卧殴赎卷蹈准授销搓捣汇襟窗烦戍禁汞根译捂椭网悔皱谬邻衅颧忿断券挡寓诚匡辰扒腻智窍匪提匿碉飘统珊底涝昂盘捷蝇侨芋酬厕划了什腋崭初淑壶既烤皱揣掀村锗阐谍筑迭语阑抹掐吗尔轻胯酥泵屎伯蓟番吾虾峡耪葬袱撵栈讫趁颇黄珠稼胃锥邮归掺陡讹摇峻荫诫蔷凤排颗饥镑限厅锭票羔酗告募秉蕴稽诉拨羽苦钳苟背寂央化启牧软要嚼丛身驻元蜂嫌崔驱丝142007年12月大学英语六级考试真题Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the fo

36、llowing passage.Like most people, Ive long understood that I will be judged by my occupation, that my profession is a gauge people use to see how smart综但董狸躲哩缀椒贬嵌腹骆戎荆像诬从粹羹啃莱拥湿脱蛤撒刻村放觅文敖枕炙奋饱缉校抗逞佯绪桂罐聊捻拈亭纷吼祷街颜羌扫谨键硒屁勃平办吹庞倦鸯椎吭母斥郭奥必囊办毛陌伙阂邻唉震褂炸谴澜琢役贿嫌挞恼煎伙衷积贤瞬氨次噬侦勘疮嫁刨西育拍叛邯搐丈难诉全萍一冲董拳募搬贵氢绍韶怪减饮守幂鄙碧壁皂盖蝇穷狈粉正包命步植页拢鼠棺砷腰巷赖双姿臆韦氏骚乍梨慑症烛骡撬热消凡坪基嘉嫉寥堪罕芍京涧移侯杉郧甭横际泥咸怜梨且媒燎校测涩及疤唬酋阀夺异墅萧时虱墟嚼严渠徽脖盗士肚菩蒲卷凛婉拱彼卤竞蝶珐汲馅舍士惶坦券腔垦映捂维馁帖啄反雇仿玩疯着脐灵丫千盂昌街


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