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1、巧解短文改错,Whats the main trouble when correcting a composition?,1. 看不出句子有错。 2. 看出句子出错的地方, 但无法改正。 3. 知道改正句子错误的地方, 但答案不正确。,Steps of correcting a composition:,1. Go through the whole passage to get a general idea .(浏览全文,掌握大意),2. Read the passage sentence by sentence and find the mistakes.(分句阅读,逐行找错),3. Re

2、ad the passage for the third time, check the answers and correct the difficult ones. (检查核对,攻克难点),动词形,名词数 还要注意形和副 非谓语,细辨别 介词、短语要牢记,A Limerick,代词格,细领悟 句子成分多分析 冠词连词常光顾 逻辑错误须关注,一、动词形,1.动词的时态和语态错误。 2. 主、谓不一致的错误。,高考链接1: Not only the students but also the teacher like the film.,likes,Not only,but also,or,e

3、itheror,neithernor,not (only)but (also),there be句型,1. Anyone can borrow books if he or she wish. 2. One evening she told me that something happened when their parents was out. 3. The poet and writer have gone to Beijing . 4. Playing with fire are dangerous.,wishes,were,has,is,主谓一致,动词时态,语态错误,5. In Gr

4、and Eight I took physics. In one test I get only 36 percent of the answers correct. 6.Today, I got a letter that said I had been admitting to a college. 7.Books may be keep for four weeks. 8.These methods have been proved quite effective.,got,admitted,kept,been,写出下列单词的过去式和过去分词,understand-_ - _ hit-_

5、-_ break-_-_ become-_-_ begin-_-_ choose-_-_ build-_-_ blow-_ - _ burst-_-_ bite-_ - _ refer-_-_ prefer-_-_,understood,understood,hit,hit,broke,broken,became,become,began,begun,chose,chosen,built,built,blew,blown,burst,burst,bit,bitten,referred,referred,preferred,preferred,9.She went to Shanghai in

6、1978 and lived there ever since. 10all of us greatly improved our spoken English so far.,现在完成时态标志语 already, yet, ever, never, always ,(ever) since短语、介词for短语、so far, up till now, up to now, in the last /past few years /weeks /days.,has,have,11. By the end of last year,my collection has grown to 3,000

7、 words. 12.The train has left before we reached the station. 13.What your favourite sport? ( NMET97) 14. There will an important game next month.,had,had,is,be,15.He not only came to see me but also tell me the news. 16.I remembered her words and calm down.(NMET2000) 17. He said he is busy.,told,cal

8、med,was,并列/平行结构中前后时态要一致,情态动词后谓语误用,18.You should to follow our advice. 19. At weekends , we would play basketball, swimming in the pool or go for a picnic . 20. He lied down by the side of the path to rest.,to,swim,lay,说谎vi. lie-_-_-_ 躺,位于vi.在于lie-_-_-_ 放置,下(蛋) vt.放下,放弃 lay-_-_-_,lied,lied,lying,lay,

9、lain,lying,laid,laid,laying,动词及物与不及物,21.My dad explained for the rules. 22.He married with Xiao Wang last year. 23The room is comfortable to live. 24.They reached in London at night.,for,with,in,in,动词常见错误,1) 一般过去时与一般 现在时错用。 2) 第三人称单数形式错用。 3) And 前后动词时态不一致。 4) 主谓不一致。 5) 缺少谓语动词(尤其缺be动词)。 6) 及物和不及物动词错用

10、 7)主动与态与被动语态错用,二、名词数,高考链接2: 1.A group of sheeps are eating grass and leaves at the foot of the hill. 2.The book will give you all the informations you need.,sheep,information,主要是单复数错误看修饰语看主谓语的一致性可数名词前无单数修饰语一定要用复数。,fish(鱼),deer,means,Chinese,Japanese等,furniture, fun, homework, paper, news, progress,

11、trouble, equipment, knowledge, wealth, weather, advice等,3.My aunt used to keep goose in the country. 4.It is reported that two German will visit our school tomorrow. 5.KFC has many branchs in China.,geese,Germans,branches,名词复数变化,stomach-_ piano-_ photo-_ potato-_ watch-_ child-_ Chinese-_ tooth-_ wi

12、fe-_ mouse-_,stomachs,pianos,photos,potatoes,watches,children,Chinese,teeth,wives,mice,6.Ill get good marks in all my subject 7.They have all sorts of course. Im sure you will find one you like 8.One of their first model was the Silver Ghost. 9. All over the world ,men and woman , boys and girls enj

13、oy sports . 10. Suddenly, he burst into tear.,subjects,courses,models,women,tears,通常用名词复数的短语,句式,和握手_ 和交朋友_ 和吵架_ 为做准备_ 成为废墟_ 给老人让座是礼貌的。,shake hands with,make friends with,have words with,make preparations for,in ruins,It is good manners to give your seat to the old.,12. He made his first time visit t

14、o China when he was ten. 13.Theres a papers factory near our school. 14. The children spend a lot of times watching TV.,time,paper,time,waters, greens, sands, woods , papers , works 等,名词常见错误 (1) 可名词与不可数名词的混用. (2) 用于固定词组中的一些名词的用法 . (3) 同义词或反义词的混用 .,三、还要注意形和副,修饰名词,be动词,系动词要用形容词 修饰动词,形容词,整个句子用副词 比较级和最高

15、级的使用,高考链接: Unfortunate,there are too many people in my family.,Unfortunately,fortunately,luckily,obviously,naturally,comfortably, exactly, terribly,等,1、I would describe myself as shy and quietly.2004全国卷 2、You are very more beautiful than before. 3.We are trying to improve better our living condition

16、. 4.Would you please repeat again what you said just now. 5.Im sure well have a wonderfully time together. 6.Finding information on the Net is easily.,quiet,very,better,again,wonderful,easy,2007浙江卷:I got to the finishing line first. I won the race. I felt very proudly of myself. 2006福建卷:We can hear

17、birds singing happy all around.,proud,happily,形容词和副词常见错误 (1)形容词和副词的混用,是短文改错中常见的考点之一 . (2)比较级和最高级的混用或误用. (3)比较级和最高级修饰语的误用 以及近义词的误用 .,短篇练习,动词形,名词数 还要注意形和副 非谓语,细辨别 介词、短语要牢记,A Limerick,代词格,细领悟 句子成分多分析 冠词连词常光顾 逻辑错误须关注,At Christmas Eve, Jim went with his 1._ father to choose a Christmas tree. They choose

18、2._ a big one. It was almost as taller as the room! 3._ They put them in the corner of the sitting 4._,_,on,_,chose,_,tall,_,it,动词形,介词短语常常考,习惯用法要记住,还要注意形和副,代词格,细领悟,room. Kate was covered it with a lot of 5._ Christmas light. The sitting room looked 6. _ really beautifully at the moment. There was 7.

19、 _ a fire burning in the fire place, but the Christmas 8. _ tree lights were shinning bright. Jim and his 9. _ 还要注意形和副parents singing and dancing happily. 10._,_,lights,_,beautiful,_,and,brightly,were,动词形,还要注意形和副,动词形,名词数,冠词连词须关注,短文改错应注意的问题,四不改: 标点符号不改。 大小写不改。 词序错误不改。 在纲外生词不改。 文中出现带汉语注释的词,在句中不可能用错。,Dont forget!,【解题步骤】,1 浏览全文,掌握大意,2 分句阅读,逐行找错,3 检查核对,攻克难点,4 规范答题 不留空白,Thank You,


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