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1、八年级英语导学案 主备:李素红 审核:八年级英语组Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister.第1课时Section A(1a-2c) 【学习目标】:1能够熟记本课的9个单词 2能够理解并应用形容词变比较级的规则,3运用比较级,谈论人物的个性特征。 【学习重点】 比较级的变化规则及谈论两人的差距。【学习重难点】:形容词比较级的规则及简单运用【学习过程】: Step1:语法学习: A: 形容词比较级的构成: 1在词尾直接加 er。 如:taller 2以字母e结尾的单词,加r: 如:nicer3以一个元音+ 一个辅音字母结尾的重读音节,双写辅音字母,加er: b

2、igger 4辅音字母+y结尾的单词,变y为i加er: 如:easier 5多音节词和部分双音节词,more+ 原级构成比较级。 如 more beautiful6. 不规则变化词:much more many moregoodbetter well better illworse badworse badlyworsefarfarther little less练一练:写出下列形容词词的比较级。 fine_well_hot_big_many_tall_short_ thin_heavy_long_ calm _wild_ funny_ outgoing_ serious _quiet_ at

3、hletic_smart_B比较级的用法:1. 大多数形容词和副词有三个等级,即:原级 比较级 最高级2. 对两个人或者事物进行比较,用比较级。句型:主语 + be + 比较级 + than + 比较对象。3. Yao Ming is taller than I / me .练一练:1. Paul is _(funny) than his cousin.2. English is _(popular) than Japanese. 3. Tony is 15. Bob is 16. (合并为一句话)4.用下面描述长相和性格的形容词把自己和同学进行比较,来造句吧 tall, short, thi

4、n, heavy, calm, wild, quiet, outgoing, funny, serious, athleticStep2.口语听力练习并展示: 1完成1a2听录音1b 完成练习。3背会1c对话4. Pairwork: 仿照下列对话,用括号中的形容词练习对话( tall, short, thin, heavy, long hair, short hair calm, wild, quiet, outgoing, funny, serious, athletic )例如:A: Is that Yao Ming?B: No, it isnt. It is Pan Changjiang

5、. Yao Ming is taller than Pan Changjiang. 5听2a,2b录音,填词。A: Tina,do you think you are different from Tara ?B: Oh,sure. Were very different. Im _ than Tara. And Im more outgoing.Lets see, what else? Oh,Im more _,too.A: So,Tara,are you more _ than Tina?B: I guess so. But Im _ than Tina.And Im _.6根据表格内容,

6、练习对话。SamTomtallathleticfunny例:A: Is Sam taller than Tom ? B: Yes, he is. Sam is taller than Tom . (或 No , he isnt . Tom is taller than Sam.) 7. 写出自己和同桌的区别用上这些形容词tall,short, thin, heavy, long hair, short hair calm, wild, quiet, outgoing, funny, serious, athleticStep3:反馈检测:120分( ) 1. Your bag is small

7、er than_. A. his B. hes C. him D. their ( ) 2The boys hair is _ the girls hair. Ashorter than Bshort than Cshorter Dthan( ) 3. Who is _ ,Lily or Lucy ? A. more tall B. more quiet C. more serious D. more good ( ) 4. Lucy is _ of the two. A. quiet B. quietest C. quieter D. the quieter ( ) 5.She is a(n

8、) _ girl. She likes telling jokes to others. A friendly B outgoing C serious D smart( ) 6. Hes too thin, so he wants to be _. A. heavier B. larger C. taller D. bigger( ) 7. He has _ books _ Lucy. A. a lot, than B. many; than C. more, as D. more, than( ) 8. Tina is _ than _ is . A. thin ,she B. thine

9、r ,her C. thinner ,she D. thinner ,her ( ) 9.Jack is _ funnier than his brother . A. very B. much C. little D more 10. She is _ (outgoing) than his sister. 11. Jim is _ (short) than Tom.12. Kate is _(athletic)than Mary. 13. This story is _(funny)than that one.14 She is_(good)than me at swimming. 15. Tina is taller than Tara.(变同义句) Tara _ Tina. 16.more, Tom , than, is , athletic, Sam.(连词成句)_ 17She is more outgoing t his sister.18. Kate is (athletic)than Mary.19. Sam 的头发比Tom 的短点儿。 20. Tom 比Sam 更聪明吗?


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