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1、Unit 7 综合水平测试(满分 120 分,考试时间100 分钟 )一、听力理解(本大题分为A 、 B、 C、 D 四部分 ,共 30 小题 ,每小题 1 分,共 30 分 )A 听单句话 (本题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分 )根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。(C)1.Which picture matches the speakers words?A.B.C.(B)2.What is Alice allowed to do with her friends on weekends?A.B.C.(A)3.Which picture shows the

2、speakers idea?A.B.C.(C)4.Where is the speaker allowed to go on Friday night?A.B.C.(A)5.What shouldnt be allowed to do for sixteen- year-olds?A.B.C.B听对话 (本题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分 )根据所听对话内容 ,回答每段对话后面的问题 ,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。(C)6.What does the boy want to be when he grows up?A A doctor.

3、B A writer.C A player.听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。(B)7.Who helps Millie make decisions?第 1页A Her parents. B Herself. C Her friend.听第三段对话 ,回答第8 小题。(A)8.How old is the boy?A Fourteen. B Sixteen. CEighteen.听第四段对话 ,回答第9 小题。(C)9.What should they do tonight?A Go to the cinema.B Go out for a walk. C Stay at home.听第五段对

4、话 ,回答第10 小题。(C)10.Why is Pam worried?A Because she missed the math test.BBecause she cant answer the question.CBecause she is afraid she cant pass the math test.听第六段对话 ,回答第11 12 小题。(C)11.What time does the class start in the morning?A At 7 : 10. B At 7 : 50. CAt 8 : 00.(B)12.What are they talking ab

5、out?A School uniforms. B School rules. C Music.听第七段对话 ,回答第13 15 小题。(B)13.When does Wu Yan have to stay at home?A On weekends. B On school nights. CEvery night.(A)14.What are they talking about?A Family rules. B School life. C School rules.(A)15.What is Wu Yan allowed to do on Sunday afternoon?A To g

6、o shopping. B To watch TV. C To go to the movies.C 听独白 (本题共 10 小题,每小题1 分,共 10 分 )听第一段独白 ,根据所听短文的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。(B)16.The students think of their school uniforms are _.A cool B ugly Cnice(B)17.The students _ to wear their own clothes at school.A are allowed B arent allowedChave(C)18._

7、 think its good to study in groups.A Parents B Teachers CThe students(A)19.The speaker wants to be _.A a teacher B a good student C a doctor(C)20.The speaker _ last week.A bought a new coatB visited the teachers C went to a primary school听第二段独白 ,根据所听短文的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。(A)21.Mary isnt

8、allowed to _.A play computer gamesB do her homeworkC buy school things(C)22.Mary _ after finishing her homework.A buys her own clothesB watches TVC does some work(B)23.Mary can buy _.第 2页A clothesB booksC the things she likes(A)24.Mary enjoys _.A doing homework with her classmatesB doing homework al

9、oneCtalking with her classmates(B)25.Marys parents are _.A carelessB strictC unkindD 听填信息 (本题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分 )你将听到的是一篇关于长久幸福规则的短文。请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。Ten Rules for a Long and Happy Life The first rule : To 26.enjoy_yourself. The 27.fifth rule: To exercise your brain to stay active. The sixth rule

10、: To 28.see_doctors. The 29.ninth rule: To learn new technologies. The tenth rule: To 30.smile and feel happier in life.二、单项填空(本大题共15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分 )在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(A)31. In China , no one is allowed to drive a car without _ drivers license. Its just _ same in our country.A a; theB

11、a; aC the; aD /;the(D )32.Im not kidding.Im very serious _ painting.A atB forC withD about(B)33. How was your vacation there? Great! Although the weather was _ ,I had a good time there.A fineB awfulC sunnyD warm(C)34. Li Jun did _ in the English competition last week. What a shame!A friendlyB goodC

12、badlyD well(B)35. Teenagers should _ to drive. I agree.They are not mature ( 成熟的 ) enough.A be allowed B not be allowed C allow D not allow (A)36.If you keep trying , youll _ as a singer.A end up B end up to Cin the end D at the end (C)37. _ must the machine be checked? It needs checking every month

13、.A How longB How manyCHow oftenD How soon(B)38. _ are not allowed to drink in the USA. But they are allowed in Cuba.A Sixteen year oldB Sixteen- year- oldsC Sixteen years oldD Sixteen- year- old(C)39. You look sad, Frank.Whats wrong? I regret _ back to my mother this morning.A talkB talkedCtalkingD

14、to talk(D )40._ do you think he will feel after hearing the news?第 3页 Maybe very excited.A WhenB WhyC WhoD How(C)41. You had better get your hair _ a little shorter , Tom. OK , Ms. Brown.A cutsB cuttingCcutD to cut(A)42.I cant help smiling when I _ my childhood.A think back to B fall over Ctake care

15、 of D give up (A)43. Do your parents allow you to enjoy your hobby? No, they dont.They think it will get _ of my study.A in the way B on the way C by the way D along the way (D )44.Fewer and fewer stars _ at night because of air pollution.A seeB can seeChave seenD can be seen(B)45. Mom ,can I play c

16、omputer games for a while? _.You must finish your homework first.A Of courseB No wayCNever mindD No doubt三、完形填空(本大题共10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分 )通读下面短文,掌握其大意 ,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Marcia is not happy these days.All of her friends have a mobile phone ,_46_ her mom doesnt want to buy her one.She doesnt wa

17、nt Marcia to play video games on the mobilephone _47_Whats more ,she worries that playing on the Internet may influence Marciasstudy.Marcias mom says ,“ If Marcia has a mobile phone , _48_ do we know whom she istalking to ? Video games are bad for her.The Internet is_49_ and uncontrollable (不可控制的 )

18、Its like having a gun in the house.We should stop her from _50_ the Internet ,andI wont buy her a mobile phone _51_ she is eighteen.This is the only _52_ we can be sure that she is safe.”Marcias dad disagrees with Marcias mom.Although he agrees that there are some dangers,he _53_ the Internet ,and f

19、inds it very useful.“In fact ,I think video games are_54_Its a good way for Marcia to_55_ after studying at school all day long.In a word ,I think Marcia needs a mobile phone.We cant take these things away ,” he says.(C)46.A.soB orCbutD as(A)47.A.eitherB neitherC alsoD ever(B)48.A.whenB howCwhereD w

20、hat(D )49.A.interestingB boring C safe D dangerous(C)50.A.arrivingB takingCusingD leaving(B)51.A.whenB untilC afterD since(A)52.A.wayB problemC troubleD meaning(B)53.A.passesB likesC hasD finds(C)54.A.terribleB crazyC funD sad(D )55.A.remainB cheerC worryD relax第 4页四、阅读理解(本大题共15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分 )阅

21、读 A 、B 两篇短文 ,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。ASchool rulesFighting ,saying bad words and all other bad behavior ( 举止 ) are not allowed.Do not throw rocks , snowballs , sticks or waste paper on the school grounds.Roller skating is not allowed at school.Contact the teacher through a note or a phone

22、 call if you need to be absent from school.Parents and visitors are required to check in ( 登记 ) at the office if they want to enter the school.Lunchroom guideYou should keep quiet or talk in a low voice in the lunchroom.You should go through the lunchline in a quiet and orderly (有秩序的 ) manner.You sh

23、ould clean up your eating area before leaving the lunchroom.Prices of mealsBreakfast : $0.80Weekly Breakfast Ticket : $4.00Lunch : $1.50Weekly Lunch Ticket :$7.50Extra milk : $0.45Adult Lunch : $2.50(B)56.The reading is mainly written for _.A parentsB studentsC visitorsD workers(D )57.According to t

24、he reading , a student should _.A keep their rooms cleanB be careful in classCspeak aloud in the lunchroomD clean up the eating area after having meals(A)58.What does the underlined word “ contact mean” in Chinese?A 联系B接触C表扬D 交往(C)59.If a student named Zhao Min wants to have breakfast and lunch at s

25、chool today, sheshould pay _.A $0.80B $1.50C $2.30D $2.75(D )60.Which of the following is NOT true according to the reading?A You cant fight or say any bad words at school.BParents should check in if they want to enter the school.CYou should wait in line when you buy lunch in the lunchroom.D An adul

26、t should pay as much money as a student for lunch.第 5页B“ What willyoudo ifa person you dont knowoffers youa ride ? ”I asked mysons.“What if he says Mom is hurt and you have to come with him to the hospital? ”They pretended (假装 ) not to listen , because I was cutting into ( 打扰 ) their TV time.Here Ia

27、lso want toask other parents,“ Didyou tellyourchildrenhowto protectthemselves? ” If you didnt , Ill give you four words to help them protect themselves.No! If a stranger comes up to your child, the child should keep a safe distance away fromhim.If the stranger keeps coming closer to the child in a t

28、errible manner, the child should go backand shout “ No ! ” as loudly as possible.Go!If the “No !” did not change the situation ,the child should run as quickly as possibleto a safe place.It is helpful for children to know the safe place to run to, such as a school, a restaurant and a gas station.Yel

29、l ! Thisyellshouldbe a loudand strongyell.Thechildcan yellwitha word“STRANGER ”Tell! Once the child gets to a safe place ,he should tell his parents , his teacher or anothertrusted person what happens.(B)61.The passage is mainly written for _.A patients B parents C teachersD friends(C)62.Her sons we

30、re _ when the writer asked them questions.A playing gamesB reading booksC watching TVD having supper(D )63.When a child gets to a safe place,what should he do?A Shout “ No!” as loudly as possible. B Run as quickly as possible.CYell with a word“ STRANGER ” .D Tell a trusted person what happens.(A)64.

31、Which of the following isnt a safe place according to the passage?A A supermarket.B A restaurant.C A gas station.D A school.(D )65.Whats the BEST title for the passage?A Dont speak to a strangerB Help a kid to make moneyCTeach kids to be politeD Help kids to protect themselvesC第一栏是五个有关教育的问题,第二栏是七个专家

32、学者的看法或建议,请将问题与看法或建议配对。(F )66.Nowadays students work very hard , but many are unhappy.They feel heavy pressure ( 压力 )from their parents to do well in school.Most students are always being told by their parents to study harder so that they can have a wonderful life.第 6页(G)67.As it is reported ,a numbe

33、r of students killed themselves.Some try to get rid of the feeling by taking drugs.Some join the groups of troublemakers and turn to crime. (E )68.Many parents feel that they are not able to help their children and it is the teachers work to help their children.(C)69.A lot of parents send their chil

34、dren to those schools opening in the evening and on weekends.But they only help students to pass exams and never teach students any real sense of the world.(A)70.Many schools usually have rules about everything from the students hair to their clothes and the things in their bags.A.Such strict rules

35、are harmful to the feelings of the students.B.In these schools, students can do whatever they want and they pay no attention to the rules. C.This kind of schools dont teach students how to get on with others ,how to tell right from wrong and how to show love for others.Its not good to their developm

36、ent.D.Many of them have tried very hard at school but have failed in the exams and have their parents lose hopes.E.Parents should take responsibilities for helping their children with not only their study but alsotheir life.F.This may be a good idea for those very smart students , but it may have te

37、rrible results for manystudents who are not talented (有天赋的 ) enough.We should encourage young children to developtheir own interests.G.Such students feel that they are hated by everyone else and they dont want to go to school anylonger.So we should pay more attention to them.Let them know they are n

38、ot deserted ( 被遗弃的 ).五、短文填空(本大题共10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。Many Chinese students think American students enjoy more freedom than them atschool.But American schools also have their 71.rules If the students break the rules , they willget punishment (惩罚 ), 72.too73 On th

39、e first day of a new term ,128 students of Morton High School were sent homefor74.w earing the wrongclothes.Thereare altogether ( 总 共 )1 , 200 students intheschool.Usually only 20 students break the school dress rule every day.75.So the headmaster Theresa Mayerik said it was the worst new term she h

40、ad ever seen.At Morton High School,students favorite clothing such as baggy ( 宽大的 ) trousers, low -necked shirts and tank tops ( 紧身短背心 ) are not 76. allow ed in classrooms.Some students thinkthey have the right to choose 77.w hat to wear , but the headmaster doesnt 78. think so.“ Id besupportive ( 支

41、持 ) if half the school was sent home , because 99% will get the message that our第 7页school are for education.” “Freedom ”does not 79.mean “ free of restrictions ( 束 )” Thatis to say there is no total freedom in the world , no 80.matter in the USA or in China 六、 写 合 (本大 分 A 、 B 两部分 ,共 20 分)A 信息 (本 共

42、5 小 ,每小 1 分,共 5 分 )Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents ,because they think that their parents dont understand them.They often say their parents are too strict with them , and they are given too many rules but never given a free hand.Parents often find it difficult to win their childrens trust and they seem to forget how they felt when they were young.For example , young people like to do things without much thinking.Its one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can deal with any difficul


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