2019中考英语二轮复习 语法突破四 介词考点剖析(讲义五四制).doc

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1、五四语法四 介词语法考点剖析考点一 时间介词)1in, at, onin后接时间段,即在较长的一段时间内;at后接时间点,即钟点、(做某事的)时刻等;on后接特定的日子、具体的日期、星期几、节日。巧记时间介词in, on, at用法年月周前要用in,具体日子要用on。at用在时刻前,亦与正午、午夜连。黎明终止和开端,at与之紧相伴。 今明昨天前后天,上下这那每之前,at, in, on都不填,此乃习惯记心间。2during, induring和in都表示一段时间。 但during更加强调时间的延续性,可以表示在一段时间内自始至终的状态。I went to the post office dur

2、ing the meal.吃饭时我去了邮局。3for, sincefor和since表示的时间状语都有延续之意,“for时间段”表示“延续多久”,作时间状语时,句子可用过去时、完成时或将来时;since后接表示时间点的短语,意为“自从(过去某时)以来”,说明自过去某时延续至今的一段时间,常与完成时连用。She has studied English for ten years.她学英语已经有10年了。The factory has been here since the 1970s.这家工厂从20世纪70年代起就在这里了。4in, afterin和after后都可以接时间段,表示“(时间)之后

3、”,in用于将来时,after用于过去时。Ill come in an hour.我一小时后回来。He got back after 10 years.十年后他回来了。5by, beforeby表示“截止至;到为止”,包括其后的时间;before则表示“在某时之前”,不包括其后的时间。You should get your homework by Friday.你应该最迟于星期五把作业准备好。(包含星期五)Can you come and meet me before Friday?你能在星期五之前来见我吗?(不包含星期五)单项选择1(xx山东临沂中考)Did you read your fa

4、vorite books April 23? It was World Book Day.Afor BatCon Din2(xx江苏宿迁中考)The Dragon Boat Festival falls May or June every year.Ain BonCat Dbetween3(xx浙江温州中考)Ive ordered some flowers for grandma and they will arrive two hours.Ain BafterCover Dfor4(xx四川凉山中考)Our classes are over noon and then we go to ha

5、ve a rest 1:00 in the afternoon.Aat; at Bin; inCin; at Dat; in考点二 方位介词1in, at, on表地点2in, on, to表方位说明: B is in the east of A.C is on the east of A.D is to the east of A.3across, through, past4表示“上”的介词5表示“下”的介词6表示“前”的介词7.between/among单项选择1(xx甘肃白银中考)The earth goes the sun.Aaround BthroughCbetween Dacro

6、ss2(xx天津中考)In the picture, he sits me, looking very happy.Abeside BamongCup Dthrough考点三 表示交通方式、手段或工具的介词1by, in, on表示交通方式by bikeon a/the/ones bike2.单项选择1(xx山东潍坊中考)Students here often do physics experiments small groups.Aby Bin Cfor Dat2(xx山东青岛中考)More and more people in Qingdao go to work subway now.A

7、with Bon Cin Dby考点四 其他常考介词1without“没有”,后面接名词或动名词。She just left without saying a word.她一句话没说就走了。2including“包含;包括”。The price is $100, including your meals.价钱是100美元,包括你的饭钱。3with“和;具有,带有;用;以;由于”,常表示伴随。She came back with a letter in her hand.她手里拿着一封信回来了。4against“反对;靠着,倚着”,反义词for“赞成;支持”。There is a ladder

8、against the wall.有架梯子靠在墙上。5except, except for, but与besides。except表示“除之外(不再有)”,强调不被包括在内。The office is open every day except Sundays.办事处除了星期天以外天天开门。except for“除之外”,指排除不同类的事物。I had nothing on except for my trousers.除了裤子我什么都没穿。but与except同义,表示“除了”,常用于no one, nobody, all等代词后。Theres no one but me.这里除了我没有别人

9、。besides表示“除之外还有”。What languages do you know besides Chinese and English?除了汉语和英语以外你还懂什么语言?单项选择1(xx山东莱芜中考)Would you like something to drink, Mom?Yes, Id like a cup of coffee nothing in it.Awith BwithoutCfor Dto 2(xx江苏盐城中考)President Xi said that people in the world should build a community a shared fu

10、ture.Ato Bat Cwith Dfrom3(xx吉林中考改编)Do you agree my plan? Yes, it is wonderful.Ain Bwith Cof Dagainst4(xx江苏无锡中考) Lets put the piano over there, the wall.Aabove BagainstCacross Daround考点五 常用固定搭配What/How about .? 怎么样?with the help of .在的帮助下from . to . 从到get to到达on duty值日;值班(一)单项选择(xx湖北武汉中考)What are you

11、 doing?Im looking the kids. They should be back for lunch now.Aafter Bat Cfor Dup(二)用适当介词填空(xx山东泰安中考改编)In todays world, sleep experts often say that for a better nights rest, Americans should turn their smart phones or iPads before sleeping.参考答案考点一14 CAAA考点二12 AA考点三13 BD考点四14 ACBB考点五(一)C(二)off6 / 6文档可自由编辑打印


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