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1、第 1 课时( Day1-Day2)【教学目标 】1听说读写有关水果、动物、蔬菜以及衣物等话题的单词,并能归类记忆。2听说读写描述外貌特征的词语以及思维导图中所列出的相关词语并能运用思维导图梳理归纳已学的语言知识。【教学重点、难点 】冠词搭配,描述人物特征的形容词【教学方法 】RevisionPair work【教学准备 】 本课时课件,录音。【教学过程 】一、导入1. 热身 (Warm-up)(1)教师放第四单元的歌曲录音,学生跟唱。(2)单词大比拼: 全班分成若干小组,在规定的时间内,小组成员合作写出他们知道的所有在农场里可能出现的词语。2日常会话。二、教学过程学习流程学生活动 来源 :学

2、 ,科,网 Z,X,X,K教师导学预习 recycle.本单元为整体语境, 教学中不Task 1:Read the recycle unit quickly,易分割成几个部分, 而要看在整体and choose the right answer.语境进入各部分的教学。(1) What s the recycle about?A. Mike s life in the school.课前预习B. Mike s trip to the farm.自主学习C. Mike s trip to the city.D. Mike s life on the farm.(2) How many days d

3、id Mike spendon the farm?A. Four days.B. Five days.第 1页C. Seven days.D. Eight days.1Warm-up创设情境Let s chant.学生跟课件说唱。来源 :学2.导入新课科 网 与生问好、对话导入新课。导入新课出示教学目标,让学生了解本节课需要掌握的 内容。预习检测完成进教材中的的填空任务,释疑点拨教师适当释疑点拨。( 1) Can you think one more wordgroup? Can you add more小组交流words to the group?( 2) 教师提供以下主题让学生绘合作互助制

4、思维导图: Sports, hobby,zoo, school, farm, season, myfamily, my friend一、展现训练展示1、小组推荐优秀组员展示读,并领合作共赢读,全班同学跟读。展示时,声音要洪亮,并注意语句来源 :学2、小组选代表进行思维导图展示。的准确性!科 网 3、小组进行评价。 来源 :学_科_网 Z_X_X_K1. Listen and fill in the blanks达标检测Mr White is the owner of the检查讲解预习案farm. Now, he is introducing his farm来源 :to Mike and t

5、he guests.“ Welcome to our farm. We came第 2页here ten years ago. At that time, weonly had a horse and two pigs. Therewere little trees here. Now, there aresheep, cows, hens and ducks on ourfarm. You can see apples, oranges,peaches and watermelons.”2. Read and correctLook, this is Bill. He have big eye andshort hair. He is wearing a shirt andoveralls( 工装裤 ). The woman is Bill smother. She was tall and beautiful.学习反思第 3页


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