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1、Unit 3 Where did you go?Part B Lets talk( Page26)教案教学目标1语言技能:( 1)能够听懂、会说、认读词组或单词:buy gifts, beach, took lots of pictures, wentswimming, sometime.( 2)完成听力任务,正确选择Wu Yifan 与 Amy 正在讨论的事物,以及Sarah 所买礼物是要送给谁。( 3)能够运用“一般过去时”句型“Where did you go? / How did you go? / What did youdo?”来询问过去到过的地方、去某地的交通方式以及在某地做了什

2、么事。( 4)能够熟练相应的句式回答以上问题。2语言知识:( 1)能在具体的语境中进一步理解“一般过去时”的表意功能。( 2)学会有关“一般过去时”的句型, 并能在现实生活中运用。3情感态度、学习策略与文化意识:( 1)能够积极参与课堂各项英语学习活动。( 2)能够主动对新学的知识进行总结与归纳。( 3)能够初步了解海南三亚的气候特点。教学重点1句型 :Where did you go over the winter holiday? My family and I went to Sanya. How did you go there? We went there by plane. Wha

3、t did you do there? I took lots of pictures, and I alsowent swimming.2词汇 : buy gifts, beach, took lots of pictures, went swimming, sometime.3“一般过去时”句型在现实生活中运用。教学难点1新词汇与句型较多。2一般过去时在日常生活中的具体应用。第 1页教学用具1教师准备与本课时相关的课件。教学过程Step 1: warm-up1 Greeting. 师生用英语互相问候。2 Sing a chant.唱一首英文歌谣,复习巩固之前学过的词汇与句型。I rode

4、a horse. What did you do?I went camping. What did you do?I went fishing. What did you do?I rode a bike. What did you do?Oh, no! I hurt my foot.3 Lets try.( 1) Read and describe the tips. (阅读与讨论课文中的听力提示与两道题目,了解大致信息,解决重点词汇 gifts. )Wu Yifan and Amy meet Sarah at school.What are they talking about?( A S

5、chool.B Holidays.)Who did Sarah buy gifts for?( A Amy and John.B Wu Yifan and Amy. )( 2) Listen to the tape and choose the right answer. (听录音,选择正确答案。)( 3)Check the answer.(师生再听一次录音,并核对答案,教师适当讲解听力方法,引导学生累积经验。)Step 2: Presentation1 Lead-in( 1) Look and describe the picture. (分析课本中的图片,引出“海南三亚”美景,引导学生欣赏

6、美景,并学习词汇Sanya, beach.在认识了三亚之后,教师引导学生总结三亚的特点,再引出课文内容。)2Listen to the tape and answer the questions. (听音频,看课文,找出下列问题的答案。)Q1: Where did Amy go over the winter holiday?( Sanya.)Q2: Did Amy like it? Why? (Yes, she did. It was so warm.)Q3: How did Amy go there? (By plane.)第 2页Q4: How was the beach?(It was

7、 beautiful.)Q5: What did Amy do there?(She took lots of pictures and went swimming.)3 Watch the video and repeat. (看视频 ,模仿视频中人物的语音语调跟读课文内容。)4 Ask and answer.(教师直面学生,教师就课文内容进行提问,学生回答问题,锻炼学生的口语表达能力和整合课文内容的能力。)Step 3: Practice1 Talk about your winter holiday.( 1) How was your winter holiday?( 2) Where did you go?( 3) How did you go?( 4) What did you do there?2 Make a summary.T: What did we learn this class?教师和学生一起总结本课时的教学重点,先由学生谈谈自己学了什么,教师再进行总结。Step4: Homework1听录音,熟读P26 Letstalk 内容,并读给组长听。2以书面形式,写一写寒假你去过的地方、发生的事情等等,不少于5 句话。3完成配套的练习题。第 3页


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