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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级七年级教学形式教 师张登华单 位肥东六中课题名称Module 5 My hometown and countryUnit 2 London is bigger than Cambridge学情分析本模块围绕“Places” 这一话题和单音节形容词比较级这一语法为两条主线,展开了听说读写方面的活动。通过本模块的学习,帮助学生更多地了解中国的上海和香港的两座城市的地理和历史文化特点以及英格兰地区的人文地理特点,引导学生更多地了解国内外主要城市的特点,为将来跨文化交流做好准备。本课进行的第二单元是词汇和阅读课型。以课文为载体,阅读含有形容词比较级的语篇材料


3、n the east/north/south/ west of, be famous for , on, a region of, kilometers long/ high, never or, 等词汇.语音:掌握形容词比较级形式及读音。语法功能:熟练理解和掌握London is bigger and busier than Cambridge. 等结构,并运用此结构谈论Cambridge 和 London两大城市的区别。2、语言技能目标:1)、能理解含形容词比较级的语篇。2)、培养学生提取主旨大意、理解文章细节等阅读策略。3)培养学生运用综合运用语言的能力3、情感态度目标:通过一系列听读练

4、习,加深对英格兰地区的了解,培养学生的跨文化意识。4、学习策略:通过课前预习、对子活动和小组合作学习的方式,使不同层次的学生更好地完成对本文的理解和词汇的掌握五、教学重点:1、掌握重点词汇:in the east/north/south/ west of, be famous for , on, a region of, kilometers long/ high, never or, 等词汇.2、理解课文。3、运用本课词汇来描写家乡。六、教学难点1、英格兰地区各名胜的读音2、运用本课词汇来描写家乡。教学过程Step 1 PresentationPresent the new words an

5、d check words reading.【设计意图】单词的音形义是下一步的听说读写练习的基础,因此,必须在全面进行新课前扫除此障碍。单词的音形义的掌握是课前的预习作业此环节旨在检查学生的单词认读水平。Step 2 Warming up and lead in1. Present a picture of directions and a map of China, drilling the phrases :in the north/east/west/ south of.2.Present a picture of England and talk about the positions

6、 of the cities.【设计意图】首先呈现东、西、南、北四个方向的词,然后呈现中国地图,学生在地图的帮助下,通过对子活动,顺利说出中国各省市的地理位置,为下一步描述英格兰地区各城市的地理位置奠定了词汇的基础。继而呈现的英格兰地区的地图,以旧引新,层层深入,自然过渡到本课的新授内容My hometown and my countryStep 3 Presentation and listening1. Present some pictures and ask the students to say out the names of the famous places in Englan

7、d.2. Listen and tell True or False.【设计意图】上述五个地名对学生们来说多少有所了解,但对其发音却是很生疏,因此,掌握其读音对后面即将进行的听和读至关重要。听对话判断正误,让学生带着任务有目的地听,有利于学生听力的培养,同时引导学生整体感知课文。Step4 Reading1. Read and answer the questions given.2. Read , fill and retell.City Cambridge LondonLocation(位置) in the east of England in the south of EnglandRi

8、ver the River Cam the River ThamesPopulation 100,000 7,000,000Famous for Cambridge University Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge.【设计意图】朗读回答问题,引导学生对文章梗概的把握和对部分细节的理解。通过表格信息的填写,引导学生对文章最重要的两段的细节的进一步掌握和理解。复述的形式又更好地引导学生把其中内容和重要的语言表达方式的有机结合并加以强化训练。Step 5 PresentationPresent and drill the key words

9、 and expressions1. onCity Shanghai Nanjing London ParisRiver Huangpu River Changjiang River the River Thames the River Seine2, be famous for Cambridge is famous for Cambridge University.n London is famous for Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge.n Dalian is famous for _.n China is famous for

10、_.n _ is famous for _.n3. with4. million/ millions of六百万人口三百万台卫星电视数百万本书数百万棵树5. long/ wide/ high/ tall. 我爸爸身高1.80米。n 大连有100多年的历史。n 上海的外滩(the Bund)长1.5千米。n 香港的太平山 (the Victoria Peak)有554米高。n 长安街宽120米。n6. a region of England is a region of Britain.n Taiwan is a region of China.n _ is a region of China.

11、n _ is a region of _.n7. never or Britain is never very hot in summer or very cold in winter.n Dalian is never _ or _.n 昆明冬天不冷夏天不热。(翻译)n8. high , tall【设计意图】对“on ”, “with”的训练方式,主要采用图表式真实的信息情境进行替换和仿写,实现语言的实用性;对 be famous for , a region of , never or三个词的训练方式主要采用可控制性的开放式替换造句,也体现语言交际的实用性,也为后期写作提供有价值的功能句。

12、对million / millions of, long/ wide/ high/ tall.的训练,主要采用翻译法,帮助学生注意英汉表达的差异性。对high/ tall 的训练,采用先观察后归纳其区别用法,最后再填空,突出强调对这两个词使用上的准确性。Step 6 Consolidation:选词填空be famous for, a region of, in the east of, neveror, the capital of, busier, with, on the coast, on,Cambridge is a small city _ England. Its _ the R

13、iver Cam, and it has about 100,000 people. It _ Cambridge University. London is _ the UK, _ seven million people, so its bigger and _ than Cambridge. In the west of England, there are lots of small villages _. England is _ Britain. Its _ very hot in summer, _ very cold in winter.【设计意图】采用短文填空的方式帮助学生在

14、语篇中理解本课重点词组,运用本课重点词组。Step 7 Writing: Write about a passage about our hometown Dalian.n Here are some questions about it. Ask and answer in pairs, and then writen it down.Where is it?Whats its population?What is it famous for?Is it the capital of China?How old is it?Whats the weather like? 提示:npopula

15、tion of Dalian : 6 million,History: over 100 years old.【设计意图】创设语境,通过写作,进一步强化所学内容,培养学生写作能力,把语言知识转化成语用能力,达到培养学生综合运用语言的能力的目的。写作通常是学生的难点,但本次写作是在对子问答交流后进行的,因此,对其中的难点部分应该说已经在写前基本解决,相信本次写作对学生们来说是一件水到渠成的事。板书设计Module 5Unit 2 London is bigger than Cambridge作业或预习Homework1. Learn the key phrases by heart.2. Retell the text.3. Writing: My hometown合肥自我评价教学效果好,较成功组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 评议一单位: 姓名: 日期:


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