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1、Unit 1 Where did you go ?Teaching aims:1. Words and phrases: weekend, place, British, museum, how, best, took, take2. Sentences: Where did you go? What did you do at the weekend? We went to How did you go to these places? We went by .3. Talk about the activities in the past.Key points and difficulti

2、es:sentencesTeaching procedures:Step 1. Warm up1. greeting2. listen to the chant in activity 1 Step 2. Lead inThe teacher shows a series of pictures from this unit for the students to talk about.What can you see in the picture? Who are they?What are they doing? .Step 3. PresentationPlay the record f

3、or the first time and the students try answering the questions in English.T: When you are listening, you can not catch every word in the sentence; just grasp the key words that are useful to answer the questions. That is OK!Play it a second time so that the students can understand how to catch key w

4、ords.Then open your books and turn to page 14 and 15. T: Lets look at the pictures.Listen to the tape a third time so that they can repeat it sentence by sentence.Step 4. PracticeWhere did you go last weekend?第 1页What did you do?What did you see?How did you go there?T: Work in pairs or in groups to

5、make a survey about your partner sactivity.Invite some pairs to come to the front of the class to act out it.Step 5.HomeworkMake a survey about your friends activities and complete the following chart.NameWhereWhatHowBlackboard layoutModule 3Unit 1. Where did you go?weekendWhere did you go?placeWhat

6、 did you do?BritishHow did you go to these places?howTeaching reflection:There are lots of new words in the unit. It may be difficulty for the students. In the presentation I prepared a lot of pictures to attract their interest. About the homework, I believe that it can develop the students listening, reading and speaking skills.第 2页


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