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1、Lesson 1一、重点 1 relaxing adj. 放松的 松的主 物,令人放松1) relaxedadj. 指人看起来或感到 松2) relax v .relaxationn .1) I spend a _ afternoon in the garden.A relaxB relaxingC relaxedD relaxation2 supposevt . 猜想认为1) + that 从句2) 假定假 (相当于if )3) be supposed to (do) (做)4) supposing + that 从句“假定”Supposing you are wrong , what wi

2、ll you do then ?5) 当主 第一人称, suppose , think, believe , imagine 等 ,否定要前移, 成反意疑 句 ,主 要与从句的主 保持一致。(1)I don tsuppose anyone will volunteer , _ ?A do IB don t IC will theyD won tthey(2)The message is very important , so it is supposed_ as soon as possible .A to be sentB to sendC being sentD sending3、 com

3、plain vi .抱怨 埋怨投 to sb . about (of) sth . 向某人抱怨 /投 某事 of 诉说 that 从句( 1) They complained _the boss _the food , but he didn ttake notice it.AfortoB toaboutCaboutaboutDtofor(2) People often _that they lack enough medical welfare ( 福利 ).A complainB pretendC regretD compare4、 remote adj. 偏 的偏僻的关系 的 的1) f

4、rom 离 . The farmhouse is_ from any other building.AstressfulB peacefulC remoteD socialprep. + n ./ 短 “直到 . 止”5 untilconj.+ 句子“直到 . ”1) not.until . 用在 句中, until ,要 上not 一起。 It was _the next day _I learned the truth.AuntilwhenB not until, whenC not ,thatD not until, that二、重点短 1、 switch on ,switchoff,s

5、witch overswitchto(1) When he arrived home at 10 o clock,he turned on the light at once.( 同 句 )When he arrived home at 10 o clock,he _ the light at once(2) At first ,the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech , she suddenly_ to another subject.A f

6、avouredB switchedC agreedD came.2 make ones way through从 到尾做某事make ones way college勤工 学动词 + ones way短 find one s way (to) 找到(去 .的)路make ones way (to)去,前往go on ones way 与 同路fight on esway 力前 wind one s way蜿蜒前 feel ones way摸索着前 push ones way( through)挤过3、 go off开火爆炸( )走火,离去变质(灯)熄 停( )about到 走 开从事着手做in

7、 for追求 好goby遵照凭 .判断( )逝去goafter追求 法得到第 1页for 冲向进攻抨击责备喜欢against 反对违背不利于ahead走在面前进行用吧做吧( 1) If you don tkeep the meat in the refrigerator on such a hot day , it will _.A go outB go awayC go offD go down(2) It was very cold last night because the heater _.A wentoffB gave offC put offD gave in(3) I wond

8、er if I could possibly use your car for tonight ?- _ . I m not using it anyhow.A Sure, go ahead.B I don tknowC Yes , indeed.D I don tcare.4、 take up 占据(时间或空间)拿起开始从事继续接受某事物after (长相或举止)像on呈现承担apart拆开拆卸over接管接任接手takeback收回退(货)takeout拿出取出down记下拆开拆散to开始喜欢养成 .习惯in包含 包括收留领会理解欺骗partin参加off脱去(飞机)起飞sbs place

9、 = take the place of sb.取代某人(1) After he retired from office, Rogers _painting for a while , but soon lost interest .A took upB saved upC kept upD drewup(2) Not knowing much of the world yet. Simple-minded teenagers are easily _.Ataken upB taken inC takenonD taken off5、 be filled with = be full of充满

10、装满Tom looked at Jenny , tears _his eyes, and shouted out the words _in his heart for years.A filling, having hiddenB filled , hiddenC filling, hiddenD filled , hiding三 重点句型1、 I couldn tlive this lifestyle without a good wife.中 without a good wife含有含蓄的虚拟,与现在事实相反,Without + n.若表示虚拟主语+ would/could +动词原形

11、表示与现在或将来事实相反主语 + would/could +完成时态表示与过去事实相反Without your help , I couldn thave made such progress then那时没有你得帮助,我不可能取得如此大的进步。Without electricity, human life would be quite different today.(1) It _ impossible for us to meet again without the help of the policemen.A should beB would beC must have beenD

12、would have been2、 It takes sb . time to do sth . “某人花费多少时间做某事”3、 get done (例如 get changed 换衣服 )一表被动,二表偶然发生的事或意想不到的事注意: go 作系动词“变得”一般指向不好的方向变化,get 作系动词“渐渐 .起来”强调逐渐变化。( 1) - How are the team playing ?- They are playing well. but one of them _hurtAgotB getsC areD were(2) On hearing the news of the acci

13、dent in the coal mine ,she _pale.A gotB changedC wentD appeared3、 the first person to do sth.不定式作定语。当中心词被序数词、最高级、或no all any 等限定时,其后可跟不定式作定语,不可跟现在分词。( 1) Mary is always the first person _ at school and the last _.Ato arrive, to leave.B arriving,leavingC arrived , leftD arrives, leaves(2) The last on

14、e _pays the meal.Agreed!A arrivedB arrivesC to arriveD arriving.Lesson 2一、重点单词第 2页1、 stress n. 压力 紧张心里负担精神压力重要性强调重音v. 强调adj. stressfuladv . stressfully1) lay (put) stress on .把重点放在 .上2) under stress在压力下( 1) I _ great stress on a good education .A giveB sendC layD offer(2) He is _ great stress becaus

15、e of his new job.A inB underC onD with(3) I _the important of coming early, but you didntpay attention to it.A stressedB putC carriedD switched2、 suffer vi . 遭受经历受苦患病from(cancer/headache/cough.) 患 .for为 .而受苦a great loss遭受重大损失a lot/a great deal 受很多苦He _ a great deal during these years, but he never t

16、old about his _.A suffered, sufferB suffered, sufferings.C suffered from, sufferingDsuffered from, sufferings2、 pressure n. (不可数 ) 压力紧张心理压力blood 高血压1) put/bring on sb.给某人施压2) be / come under to do sth. 处在压力之下做某事3) under from (of) sb. 在某人的压力之下4) stand the 承受压力3、 reducevt. & vi.减少 缩小1) sth. to减少到2) st

17、h. by减少了4、 organise vt. 组织安排 筹划 筹办organisation n.组织 organised adj. 有组织的有条理的er n.组织者5、 diet n. 饮食go on a balanced diet“保持一种均衡的饮食”Manypeople have come to realize that they should go on _ balanced diet and make _ room in the their day forexercise .A a, /B the , aCthe ,theD /. asb. / sth忍受某人或某事6、 stand

18、vt.容忍 忍受doing sth. 忍受做某事off 远离避开back后退 靠后站against 靠着 .站立standfor 代表 象征支持standby 袖手傍观支持站在 .一边away不接近离开out 突出显眼7、 prefer v. 更喜欢宁愿preferencen. 偏爱 更喜欢的人或物preferable adj. 更合适的 更好的+ n./ pron.更喜欢to do更愿意做(具体的动作)doing更愿意做(普遍行为)prefersb. to do sth. 更愿意某人做某事to do A rather than do B宁愿做 A 也不愿意做 Bdoing Ato doing

19、 B宁愿做 A 也不愿意做 B二、重点短语1、 take place “ 发生举行” 指非偶然事件的发生有原因或视线安排的。而happen “碰巧发生”偶然事件或突发性的。breakout“爆发发生”常指战争、疾病、灾难等发生。三、重点句型1 、 find + 宾语 +宾语补足语1) + 宾语+ adj. / adv/ 介词短语Come and join in the game, You will find it interesting.第 3页2) + 宾语 + 现在分词They found the lost child hiding in the cave.3) + 宾语 + 过去分词We

20、 found the place much changed.4) + 宾语 + 名词I find her an easy woman to work with.另外: find it + adj. to do sth.it 为形式宾语I find it difficult to learn Chinese. Not until then did I find _ easier to do the job that way. A thisB itC thatD which2、 take turns to do sth .轮流做某事in turn轮流地依次地反过来byturns轮流地依次Lesso

21、n 3一、重点单词1、 volunteer n 志愿者v . 自愿做义务做1) to do sth. 自愿做某事2) for sth.自愿(做)某事3) sb . for sth.( 未经当事人同意 )举荐某人(做)某事2、 graduatev. 大学毕业 from从 .毕业n. (大学)毕业生研究生3、 challenge n. 挑战v. 对 .怀疑(质疑)向 .挑战1) sb. to do sth.激发某人做某事2) sb. to sth.向某人挑战某事3) accept/ respond to /take up a challenge接受挑战( 1) The new position _

22、 him to study still hard during his spare time.A hadB madeC challengedD let(2) Finding information in todays world is easy. The _ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.A abilityB competitionC challengeD knowledge4 supportvt. 支持拥护证明供养维持支撑n . 支持支助n. er支持者拥护者1) in support of s

23、b./sth.支持 .2) support sb. (in) doing sth支持某人(做)某事( 1) The old man entering the room _by his grandson.A supportingB was supportedC to supportD support5、 design v.设计构思n 设计图案布局by design“故意地有意地”be designedfor为 .而设计have designs on 企图占有二、重点句型1 、 How does she feel about her work in Inner Mongolia ? 中 How d

24、oes .feel about .? “觉得 .怎么样”用于征求对方对某事或某人的看法。1) What do you think of .?2) How do you like/ find .? 3) What is /are +主语 +like ?(某人的外表特征)Lesson 4一、重点单词1、 crowded adj . 拥挤的crowdn. 人群一伙人a crowd of 一大be with挤满的2、 otherwise adv. 用别的方法不同地conj. 否则 要不然( if not )(1) Shut the window , _ it ll get too cold here.

25、A butB soC howeverD otherwise(2) He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he _ a goal.(虚拟语气 )A had scoredB scoredC would scoreD would have scored3 distancen . 距离distant adj. 远处的远方的远亲的1) in the distance在远处2) at a distance (of)相隔 .在 .远的地方( 1) Place the rod (棒 ) at a _ of 40mm from

26、the light source.A distanceB paceC rateD price二、重点句型1、 so.that .如此 .以致于such.that. 如此 .以致于1) such 修饰名词a/an + adj.+ n.第 4页such +that 从句adj.+ 不可数名词 /可数名词复数2) so 修饰形容词或副词so +adj. /adv. +a + n.( 可数单数 ) +that 从句many/few + 复数名词3)当名词由many , much, few, 或 little修饰时不用such 而用 so,即: so +that 从句much/little + 不可数名

27、词He is such a clever boy that we all like him. = He is so clever a boy that we all like him.( 1) It was _ weather that everyone wanted to go outing.A so fineB such fineC so a fineD such a fine(2) _homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.A So muchB Too muchC Too littleD So littl

28、eCW一、重点短语1、 at the moment此刻 目前 现在for a moment 片刻 一会儿 (强调动作延续 )in a moment 过一会儿for the moment暂且 目前( 1)I m sorryI cantsee you immediately, but if you d like to take a seat ,Ill be with you _.A for a momentB in a momentC for the momentD at the moment注意 : the moment +句子引导时间状语从句相当于 as soon as “一 .就 .”2、

29、over the years中 over“在 .期间” 相当于 during3、 as a result结果 因此(独立作状语)1) as a result of .由于 .,因为 .的结果2) result from因.引起起因于 .3) result in 导致致使造成 .的结果4、 come up with产生 发现想出(办法、答案)across偶遇偶然发现keep up with跟上about出现 发生comeout显露出版 (花)开了宣布put up with容忍round/around 苏醒 改变主意into being形成 产生catch up with赶上5、 play an

30、important role / part in .在.中发挥重要作用( 1) I don tknow what role he _ in the activity.A putB made C playedD used6、 as well as 和 也 并as well 和 也( 1) Miss Han ,_Mrs Howe, speaks good English. They often talk in English.A as well asB as good asC so well asD so good as(2) Tom did it _, if not better than,Jo

31、hn.Aas good asB as well asC so well asD as well7、 when , as , while 引导时间状语从句1) when “在 .时刻或时期”兼指时间段与时间点,从句动词终止性和延续性都可以。另外,when 有“就在这时 /那时”之意2) as “一边 .一边”强调动作同时发生或伴随3) while指时间从句动作用延续性。另外, while也表示“而,却”体现前后的对比。while还可以引导让步状语从句 = although(1) _I really don tlike art, I find his work impressive.A AsB S

32、inceC IfD While(2) Nancy enjoyed herself so much _ she visited her friends in Sydney last year.AthatB whichC whenD where(3) I do every single bit of housework _my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.第 5页( 4) She has just finished her homework _ her mother asked her to practice playing the

33、piano yesterday.AwhenBwhileC afterD since(5) He was about to tell me the secret _ someone patted him on the shoulder.A asB untilC whileD when本单元语法总结1、一般 在 的定 、 构以及 原形 成三 形式的 2、 在 行 的定 、 构以及 原形 成 在分 的 注意:不用 在 行 的 :1)表示心理状 、情感的 :like , love, hate, remember, believe, mind, wish, agree 等2)表示存在状 的 或短 :ap

34、pear, remain, depend on 等3)非延 性 :allow, accept, permit, promise, 等4)感官 : see, hear, notice等5)系 : feel, smell, sound, taste 等。3、用一般 在 和 在 行 表示将来1)一般 在 表将来,指官方事件或 表 要 生的事情,不可更改。The plane takes off at 7:30 tonight.2) 在 行表将来,按 划安排好将要 生的 作或事情,常 的 有:come, go, start, leave, arrive, stay 等。4、一般将来 1) be goin

35、g to / will + 原形2)be about + do3) be to + do4)有些一般 在 表示将来注:固定句型1) This / That / It is the first( second/ third .)time + that 从句 ( 在完成 )2) This / That / It was the first time + that从句 ( 去完成 )3) It is/has been + 一段 + since 从句 (一般 去式)4) Hardly / scarcely had sb. done + when .(一般 去式)5) No sooner had sb.

36、 done than 从句 (一般 去式)6) It will be + 一段 + before 从句(一般 在 )7) It was + 一段 + before 从句 (一般 去 )8) It s time + that 从句(一般 去 或 should do )9) 主句 ( 在完成 ) + since 从句 (一般 去 )10)祈使句+ and / or + 述句(一般将来 )11) Sb. was doing sth. + when .( 一般 去 )常 的 if 型省略 构if + so: 如果 的 if + not:可 一个否定的条件状 从句的省略形式if + ever: 通常与

37、seldom 用,表示“极少, 得”if +代 :如 if any, if anyone , if anything等,“即便有的 ”if +形容 :如if necessary,if possible (如果可能的 )if + 去分 :if与分 之 省略了主 和beas .as 构的常 句型as + adj. + a (an) + 可数名 的 数+ asas + many + 可数复数+ asas + much + 不可数+ asI 重点 1 _adj. 平静的,和平的_和平;平静 _adv 和平地,平静地第 6页2. _adj 令人 松的,令人放松的_adj 松的,放松的_放松 ,松弛3 _

38、vi 抱怨,投 _n抱怨,抗 _n 牢 的人,抱怨的人4 _adj. 急迫的, 急的_adv 急迫地, 急地_n 急迫,急事_vt &vi催促 , 烈要求5 _adj. 私人的,个人的_adv就个人而言, 自_n 人格性格6 _adj 的,不感 趣的_adj.令人 的,乏味的_n. 无聊, 倦7._n 力_adj 感到 的,感到有 力的_adj. 的, 力重的8_n 力 _adj. 感受 力的; 迫的_ vt. 按; 9 _n. 人群 ; 一伙人 _ adj. 的10 _n. 距离; 方;不介入;与 .疏 _adj. 遥 的; 的_adv. 遥 地;疏 地I 用 的正确 填空1 He seld

39、om _(eat) meat.2. Contradictions_( exist) everywhere3.Pride_( go) before a fall4 It _(snow) outside now5.The students_ ( make) progress constantly6.He_( graduate) from Harvard University next year. 填空1( 2019大 全国卷I) Planning so far ahead _no sense - so many things will have changed by next yearA. madeC. makes


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