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《unit3-3 I‘m more.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit3-3 I‘m more.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、纳溪中学初2017级英语科导学案 Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister.Period 3(section B 2a-2e)一、 Learning aims (学习目标):目标明确,学习才能有效1.知识目标:重点单词:serious ,mirror ,necessary ,less, share, however, break, reach, maybe, touch, should, similar.重点短语:be similar to, be like a mirror, the most important, as long as, bring out

2、, get better grades, reach for, in fact, make friends, the other, touch ones heart,.,重点句型:1)sb.+ be + adj_er/(more /less)adj.+than +. 2)sb.+ does /do+adv-er/more adv.+than +. 3)it+is + adj.+for+sb.+ to do .2、水平目标:1) 谈论自己所喜欢朋友的特征;2)能从文字表达中获取相关人物特征的信息3、情感目标:通过对别人不同点的肯定和包容,让学生树立尊重他人尊重自己优良品质二、Difficulti

3、es and importance (学习重,难点)1)比较级的变化规则及谈论两人的差别。2)使用比较级描绘出两人的异同。三.课前热身(一) 写出下列形容词的比较级。popular_ funny _ quiet_easy_hard-working_serious_ friendly_outgoing _ smart_ shy _ cool_ little_(二) 翻译短语:1.像一面镜子_ 2.在课堂上_ 3. 只要;既然_ 4.与不同_ 5.表现出某人最好的一面_ 6.取得更好的成绩_ 7.和相同;与一致_ 8.伸手取_ 9感动某人_ 10. 事实上;实际上_ 11.谈论_ 12.分享每一件

4、事_ 13. 关心、介意_14.交朋友_ 15.其他小孩_ 16.与相像的/类似的_四、Learning guide (学习指导)1.Thats why I like reading books and I study harder in class.这便是我喜欢看书而且在班上学习更加努力的原因。2. you dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good.(朋友)不在多而贵在好。此句中long为副词,固定搭配as long as, 用来连接句子,表示“只要.”3.A true friend reaches for your hand and to

5、uches your heart.一个真正的朋友是在需要时给你帮助,使你感动。句中的hand和heart超出了字面意思“手”和“心”,已引申为“帮助;援助”, heart则为“情感;感受”reach for your hand 伸手帮你一把 touch your heart 打动你的心;令你感动4.I know she cares about me because shes always there to listen.我知道她关心我,因为她随时都能够听我倾诉。be there表示“在别人需要帮助时,时刻准备伸手相助”,也可译为“随叫随到;不离.左右”。此结构之后还可以接for somebod

6、y.5.My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. 我最好的朋友(能)帮我激发出自己的所能。bring out 是一个习语,意思是“使显现;使表现出”。bring out the best/worst in someone意为“把某人最好(或最坏)的一面表现或显露出来”。6.A good friend likes to do the same things as me.一个好朋友喜欢做与我一样的事。 “和一样 the sameas ”, 反义词组:“ 与.不同的”be different from 辨析the same as 与 asas

7、 两者都意为“和一样”,但用法有别: the sameas中same是形容词,后接名词.。 as+形容词或副词原级+as+ 名词/代词 (主格/宾格)/句子He is the same age as me.=He is as old as me. 他和我一样大。7. I think a good friend makes me laugh.我认为好朋友能使我开心。 使某人做某事的句型结构:make sb do sth Make 的另一用法 make+宾语+形容词8.be good at sports 擅长运动=get good at sports .善待某人, 对某人好be good to 对

8、某人有好处 be good for 9.They are both tall. both 两个都 all三者或三者以上个都用在be 动词后,行为动词前。Both of .+名词复数(复数谓语)/代词宾格他们两个学习都很努力。Both of _ _ hard.10.enjoy doing . 喜欢做某事。11.Its not necessary to be the same. Its + adj. + (for sb./of sb.)to do sth.12.as long as + 从句。只要./ 既然.13.However ad. 可是,仍然 (常用于句首,其后用逗号与主句隔开) 五、Tea

9、ching steps.(教学步骤) 1.小组合作,完成2a,且展示。2.小组合作,快速浏览2b的 短文,圈出生词,且拼读。3.小组合作,再仔细阅读短文,画出比较级词和短语,检查且点评。4.仔细听磁带,且结合书后注释理解其大意。5.小组合作,熟读短文。完成2c。6.小组合作,完成2d 六、Self -check in class (自主检测)(一)用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Everyone in our class enjoys_ (run) in the morning.2. Who is_ (funny), your father or your mother?3. She talks

10、_ (much) than her sister. 4. Liu Ying is_ (outgoing), and Im quieter.5. Why is your English book is_ (thin) than the others? 6 Sue is_(quiet) than Ann. 7. My brother is very_(tall). 8 Mike is_(shy) than Jack. 9. I have_(many) books than you. 10. This book is_(interesting) than that book. 11.Who is _

11、( heavy), Wang Lin or Lin Tao?12.Mr Green is _( serious) than Mr Brown. (二)单选( )1.Her chess is _ same as mine, but _ different from yours. A. /, the B. the, the C. /, / D. the, /( )2. This book is as _ as that one. A. interesting B. interest C. interested D. interests( )3. Holly is good _ sports. A.

12、 at B. to C. with D. for( )4. She looks _ than she really is. A. more young B. more younger C. much younger D. very younger( )5. My hair is longer than _. A. my sister B. her C. she D. Hers( )6.My friend studies as_ as I do. A. good B. better C.well D.best( )7.Its not necessary _ the same. A. be B.i

13、s C.to be D.being( )8._ you know ,he is more outgoing than me. A.For B.As C.Since D.Though( )9._ of the two new books are interesting . A.All B.Both C.Any D.Either ( )10.Jim is great ! He is good _ every subject. A. for B.at C.to D.with( )11.Jenny, do you enjoy _ movies when you are free? A.to see B.watching C.watch D.and see( )12.Hollys friend likes to do the same things _ she does. A.as B.like C.about D.with七、总结反刍本小节通过对话巩固了一般过去时态的运用,掌握复合代词的用法。今天你学会了什么? 有什么进步? 有什么感受? 还有什么不会的知识?


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