Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake教案.doc

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《Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake教案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake教案.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake?Period One (SectionA1a2c)1. Teaching aims:(1)Knowledge objects:Key vocabulary Target language(2)Ability objects:Listening skill, reading skill, speaking skill and writing skill(3) Moral objects:Let students know that there is a lot of fun in cooking, and enc

2、ourage them to do some cooking at home by themselves.2. Teaching key points:(1)Words and phrases: shake, milk shake, peel, cut up, turn on, putinto,pourinto, watermelon, yogurt, teaspoon, blender, ingredient, instruction, amount(2) Key sentencesHow do you make a banana milk shake?How many bananas do

3、 we need?How much milk do we need?3. Teaching difficulty:The usage of countable nouns and uncountable nouns.4. Teaching methods:Listening method, writing method, counting method, comparing and pairwork5.Teaching aids: CAI pictures, tape recording.6. Teaching procedures:Step I Warming up1. Show stude

4、nts a picture of a cup of milkshake to teach them the word “milkshake” and ask them to read the word.2. Show students some pictures of milkshake and ask them “What kind of the milk shake do you like ?”Step II Presentation1. Ask students “What do we need to make a banana milk shake?” to teach them th

5、e new words and phrases:Ingredients,some bananas,a cup of milk,an ice-cream Tools: a blender,a cup,2. Show the process of making a banana milk shake .Then let students repeat. At last ask students one another to repeat by looking at the screen . (1)Peel the banana(2)Cut up the bananas.(3)Put the ban

6、anas and ice cream into the blender.(4)Pour the milk in the blender.(5)Turn on the blender (6)Drink the banana milk shake.Step Writing1. Ask students to write these words in the blanks in the pictures above.2. Ask a student to answer and check the answers.Step Listening1. Ask students to read the in

7、structions.2. Play the recording for the first time, students just listen. 3. Play the recording a second time, and ask students to number the instructions from 1 to 6.4. Ask students to complete the activity 1b on their own. Then check the answers.5. Get the students to read the instructions in the

8、 correct order.Step Pairwork1. Show students an example conversation of making a banana milkshake2. Ask the students to make a conversation of making a banana milkshake in pair and practice it with their partners.3. Ask some pairs to perform their own conversations in front of the class.Step Listeni

9、ng1. Ask students to listen to the tape. Write the names of the ingredients under How much or How many in the chart below.2. Ask a student to answer and check the answers with the whole class.3. Ask students to listen and write the name of the ingredient in the chart below.4. Ask a student to answer

10、 and check the answers with the whole class.Step Pairwork1. Ask students to ask and answer questions about how to make fruit salad and give them an example:A: Lets make fruit salad.B: Ok, good idea. How much yogurt do we need?A: One cup.B: And how many apples do we need?A: Let me think We need two a

11、pples.B: OK, how much2. Ask student to work in pairs to practice.Then ask some pairs to performStep Sum up1. Review the new words of ingredients and tools.2. Review the process of making a banana milkshakeStep ExerciseAsk students to do the exercise below to check how well they learn this class1._ d

12、o you _ fruit salad?A. What, do B. How, make C. What, make D. How, do2.How _ honey do we need?A. much B. many C. about D. do3.How _ teaspoons of honey do we need?A. much B. many C. about D. doKeys:B,A,BStep Homework1.Copy the new words .2.Tell your parents how to make a banana/apple/strawberrymilk shake .


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