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《GRAMMAR GUIDE.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《GRAMMAR GUIDE.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、GRAMMAR GUIDE宾语从句和表语从句 引导词的异同寻规找矩请观察下列句子,注意所用引导词的区别。1. I think (that) you will like the pictures.2. My aunt said (that) she would come and that she would also bring her daughter. 3. I asked the teacher whether / if we were going to the zoo tomorrow.4. They are worrying about whether they can get the

2、re in time.5. He has become what he wanted to be ten years ago.6. I dont know why Jane was late for school this morning.7. The trouble is that I have lost his address.8. The question is whether the enemy is marching towards us.9. It is because you eat too much.10. It looks as if it is going to rain.

3、11. That is what he meant.12. The problem is when he will finish the project. 小结归纳(一) 宾语从句that在引导宾语从句时无词义,也不充当任何成分,且通常能够省略,如句1; 如果含有两个相并列的宾语从句时,那么通常只有第一个连词that能够省略,第二个从句的that一般不能省略,如句2。whether和if的意思为“是否”,在一般情况下,二者都能够引导宾语从句,如句3;但是在介词之后的宾语从句通常只能用whether, 如句4;能够引导宾语从句的连接代词主要有:who, whom, whose, what, wh

4、ich, whatever, whoever等,如句5;能够引导宾语从句的连接副词主要有:where, when, how, why等,如句6。(二) 表语从句 that在引导表语从句时无词义,也不充当任何成分,但是通常不省略,如句7; 在引导表语从句时通常只能使用whether,意为“是否”,不能使用if,如句8。 引导表语从句的连词还可用because, 如句9;也可用as if,如句10。 可以引导表语从句的连接代词主要有:who, whom, whose, what, which, whatever, whoever等,如句11; 可以引导表语从句的连接副词主要有:where, whe

5、n, how, why等,如句12。即学即用I. 请用适当的词填空。1. Catherine said _ she had never been to Guangzhou.2. This is _ we should do.3. I dont know _ they have passed the exam.4. His first question was _ Mr. Smith had arrived yet. 5. What the police want to know is _ you entered the room.6. Linda said _ she met her old

6、friend yesterday by accident.7. I can make more money, you know. Thats _ I want you to work there.8. I hardly understand _ he has told me.9. Do you remember _ he came? Yes, I do, he came by car. 10. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see _ it is. 11. Little Tommy was unwilling to tell the schoo

7、lmaster _ he had done the day before. 12. What the doctors really doubt is _ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. II.用宾语从句或表语从句翻译下面的句子。1他说晚上有一个会议。2班长总是乐于帮助任何需要他帮助的人。3问题是她是否能按时到达旅馆。4他认为那台洗衣机出问题了。5困难是我们缺钱。 6大卫问她昨天晚上是否睡得好。7牛奶闻起来似乎坏了。8我不知道今天早晨珍妮为什么迟到。9你头疼得厉害,那是因为你太累了。10约翰说他星期三要到伦敦去。Key:

8、I. 1. that / 不填 2. what 3. if / whether 4. whether 5. when / how 6. that / 不填7. why 8. what 9. how 10. who11. what 12. whetherII. 1. He said (that) there was going to be a meeting that evening.2. The monitor is always ready to help whoever is in need of his help.3. The question is whether she can ar

9、rive at the hotel on time.4. He thought (that) there was something wrong with the washing machine.5. The trouble is that we are short of money.6. David asked her if / whether she slept well last night.7. The milk smells as if it has gone bad.8. I dont know why Jane was late for school this morning.9. Youve got a bad headache. It is because you are too tired.10. John said (that) he was leaving for London on Wednesday.


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