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1、What colour is this balloon?一、教学目标: (一) 知识目标: 1、能听、说、认读五个颜色单词pink,blue,red,green,yellow.并能在实际情景中进行运用。 2、能掌握句型:What colour is this _? Its_.并且能灵活地运用。 (二)技能目标:让学生在游戏活动中熟悉运用所学颜色单词,并能对身边的事物进行简单的描述。让学生学会用What colour is this ?和 Its来提问和回答周围的事物的颜色。培养学生在课堂上进行自主评价的能力。 (三)情感目标:关注学生的内在需要,在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识,培养学生热

2、爱生活的积极情感态度。 二、教学重点: 1、Learn to the five words: pink,blue,red,green,yellow.2、Practice the sentence pattern: What colour is this _? Its_.三、教学难点: 1、能在游戏活动中熟悉运用所学颜色单词,并能对身边的事物进行简单的描述。 2、能掌握句型:What colour is this _? Its_,并且能灵活地运用。 四、教学准备: 1、教师准备:CAI、各种颜色的彩色笔、各种颜色的图片和相应颜色的单词卡片、一个颜色转盘、各种颜色的气球等。 2、学生准备:各种颜色

3、的彩色笔。 3、课前准备:各种颜色鲜明的图片(事先布置在教室中) (目的:让学生首先感受一个色彩丰富的教室,为接下来的教学活动作一个铺垫。) 五、教学过程: Step 1. Warming-up a. Greetings.(Sing an English song :Hello师生边唱边做动作。【设计意图:对于年级的学生来说,他们活泼好动,结合学生所喜爱的English song,配上优美的舞蹈动作,让学生边唱边跳,使学生在玩中快乐地进入学习英语的良好状态,既达到一个课前热身的效果,又能将学生的注意力集中到课堂教学中来。】 b.Revision :Look and read. T: Whats

4、 this? Ss: Flower /bag/tree/banana/pencil. 【设计意图:将今天要学习的颜色的事物进行复习,为后面让学生说出教室内外的事物的颜色做铺垫。】 Step 2.Presentation Lead in. T: Today I take a nice present for you. Do you want to see? Ss: Yes. CAI shows a balloon.T: Is it beautiful? Ss:Yes . T: This is a magic flower, do you want to know how many colours

5、 can change? S: Yes. T: Now lets go to see the colours. 板书课题。【设计意图:通过采用多媒体显示魔术气球和老师夸张的表情、语气,给学生造成一种悬念和神秘感,将学习内容巧妙引出,对学生进行视觉刺激,能激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲。】 b. Study the words. (1)CAI shows the flower, teacher clicks it, it will become a blue . T: What colour is it? S: Lan Se. CAI shows the word: blue. Let studen

6、ts look at the screen and listen to the recording, then imitate to the words pronunciation. At last teacher puts right. Let students read after teacher: blue, blue, its blue. Students read the word all kinds of methods: someone to be a little teacher、students read together、read in groups、read one by

7、 one etc. (2)Teacher clicks the balloon again, itll become a red balloon .T: What colour is it? S: Hong Se. CAI shows the word: red. Let students look at the screen and listen to the recording, then imitate to the words pronunciation. Students read the word all kinds of methods : someone to be a lit

8、tle teacher, students read after the little teacher: red, red, its red, Students read together 、read one by one etc . (3)Present other three words in the same way. 【设计意图:通过创设悬念,变魔术教色彩,几个精彩的环节激发了学生的学习兴趣,教学目标达成度和课堂教学效果都颇为理想。学生愿学,乐学,在兴奋中学会了新词。学生的视觉、听觉等多种感官刺激,做到眼到、口到、心到,各部分协调活动达到了一个听、说、认读的完整统一的教学效果。】 c.

9、 Show the five words, and drill. Step3:Practice.(1) Play a gameWho is lucky?。T: Now lets play a game, Ok? Ss: OK. 教师出示五色转盘快速转动转盘,让学生猜颜色。(具体操作:教师在每次转动转盘之前引导学生先猜转盘停下来时指针所指的会是什么颜色,转盘转动的同时教师引导学生边说他们所猜的颜色)。 (2) 炮仗游戏(主要检查学生对颜色的分辨能力) 游戏规则:把全班分成五个小组,每组代表一种颜色。比如请Red Group一位同学站起来说Red bomb blue.那么Blue组的同学必须立刻举

10、起手来,缤纷马上说出Blue的拼写。Blue组的同学谁表现得最好,便又可站起来说:“Blue bomb XX.”以此类推. 【设计意图:对于游戏,孩子们也是乐此不疲的,利用游戏教学,能够真正地实现“在玩中学,在学中玩”。小学生好胜心力强,教学中安排一些竞赛可以使学生体会到成功的快乐,培养学生良好的心理品质和参与、合作精神。充分调动学生的学习兴趣,加强其听、说、认读单词的操练,帮助他们纠正语音语调。同时,对学生的课堂活动进行评价,以引导学生反思自己的学习行为,使孩子们真正体会到英语学习的成功和快乐。】 Study the sentence pattern. CAI shows a picture

11、 of the sentence pattern, A: What colour is this balloon? B: Its red. Students listen to the recording and imitate the sentences pronunciations. Then teacher shows a red ballon and asks: what colour is it? Students answer: Red .T: Yes. Teacher shows a blue balloon and asks: what colour is it? Studen

12、ts answer: Blue. T: Very good! Let students take out their coulor pencils and work in pairs. S1: What colour is this? S2: Its. At last students ask and answer the goods colours in the classroom or outside. 【设计意图:在多媒体环境下创设相对宽松的学习环境,使学生“乐中求学,学中得乐”。 增强主动意识,积极主动地学习。人机交互,人人参与,提高学习质量。在自主学习过程中强调学习过程,形成良好学习

13、习惯。通过情境问答,营造师生和谐的教学氛围,让每一个学生都有参与和锻炼的机会。】 Step 4. Consolidation 1.Guessing gameWhat colour is this?。老师将画了bag .pencil. hat.flower等复习了的图片背对学生让他们猜What colour is this?猜中,图片奖给他,并向学生发问What colour is this?其他学生做答。2.观看视屏,学Chant:What colour is it?3.创造性表演:每个学生用所学的知识及Chant向同伴介绍教室内外的至少5件物品。 【设计意图:通过游戏、奖励,表演等方式,运用

14、任务型教学法,活跃气氛,在游戏中自觉练习,帮助学生巩固所学知识,并给他们一个机会将所学知识运用在真实的生活情境中】。 Step 5. Summary T: What did you learn today? Ss: 我们学会了五种颜色的单词:pink,blue,red,green,yellow.还有我们学会了怎样询问事物的颜色及回答:What colour is this _? Its_.Step 6. Homework 学生把学到的颜色及句型告诉身边的亲朋好友。 【设计意图:使学生把所学知识真正运用到生活当中,把英语学习融入日常生活,并把学习英语的快乐带给身边的人,既是英语的学习者,又成为小小传播者,在体验成功的过程中不断进步!】 Writing on the blackboard pink red Whats colour is_? Its green yellow blue


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