3L预备册Lesson 9.docx

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1、Teaching plan for Pre-starter Lesson 9 by RainbowDate: I Discourse analysis.0 general ideas: Pre-starter Lesson9描述了Miss Williams 课堂上和孩子们问候,并询问了天气情况,然后因为天气很冷,所以让Sandy把窗关上。1 Teaching objectives. Key points: Sentence patterns: How are you today? Fine, thanks. Is it cold today? Yes, its very cold. Sandy

2、, go and shut the window, please. Yes, Miss Williams.Word phrases: today, fine, thanks, cold, shut, window Difficult points: Fine, thanks. Yes, its very cold.的发音。2 Teaching suggestions. 本课文对话简短,重点放在理解人物:Fine, thanks. Yes, its very cold.的语音语调的模仿上。在教学中应该注意以下几点: 在情景中整体呈现课文对话。 注重go and shut the window,

3、please. 的理解。可从go and shut the door入手。II Teaching procedures. 1. Show time1) T: Lets read Lesson 1 , lesson3 and Lesson5 and Lesson 7 together.Ss: Lesson 1(学生齐声朗读课文)T:Good!(表扬读的好的地方,指出读得不到位的地方)2) T: Who can recite Lesson1/ Lesson3/ Lesson5/Lesson 7 Let Ss try to recite lessons they have learned. 3)Le

4、t Ss act the passages out. ( Every team can choose one which they like.)(学生举手上台表演,可以挑选学过的其中一课,也可以自编对话,请23组)2. Presentation.1) Enjoy a song: Hello, how are you?2) Free talkT: Betty, the door is open. Please go and shut the door, please. S: Ok. T: Thanks, Betty! How are you today, Betty? S: Im3) PPT.

5、shows the picture (出示课文图片P10)T: Please look at the picture and try to answer.Q1: How is the weather? Ss: Its hot.Q2: How is the weather? Ss: Its cold. 4) PPT. shows the picture 1 (出示课文图片)T: Please look at the picture and try to answer.Q1: What can you see in the picture? Ss: I can see Q2: Where are

6、they? Ss: They are 5) T: Now lets listen and answer my questions.Q1: How are the Ss today? Q2: How is the weather today? Is it hot or is it cold?Q3: What does Miss Williams ask Sandy to do?3. Practice1) Imitate the text sentence by sentence. T: Now, open your book, lets imitate the text sentence by

7、sentence. (要求学生手指 指着课本模仿录音)2)T: Now lets imitate the text group by group. (以小组的形式来模仿录音,让学生整体模仿。)(以游戏的方式,让一位学生来当Miss Williams,给学生上课打招呼。然后让这位学生把手中的玩偶抛给另一个同学,让他接着到讲台上去当老师。游戏目的在于让学生个别操练句子,同时活跃气氛。)4. Production1) Imitate the text sentence by sentence again. (分角色模仿)2) Check some of the difficult pronunciation3) Let Ss act the dialogue out. (学生四人一组准备好课文中的对话,一组一组上台表演。)


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