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1、Grade 4Unit 3 Whats for breakfast?听力部分( 20 分)一、听 音, 出你所听到的 。 (5 分)()1. A. pigB. bigC. bag()2. A. red B. breadC. rice()3. A. badB. eggC. at( )4. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner()5. A. noodles B. soup C. milk二、听 音, 出你所听到的句子。 (5 分)()1. A. Good morning .B. Good afternoon.()2.A. I have rice for lunch.B.

2、I have noodles for lunch.()3.A. I dont like milk.B. I like milk.()4.A. Whats for breakfast?B. Whats for lunch?()5.A. Bread and milk.B. Bread, eggs and milk.三、听 音, 下列 片排序。 (5 分)四、听 音, 全 。(5 分)A:Good morning.B: Good morning.A: Whats for_?B:Bread, _ and _.A: I dont like _.B: They are good _you.A: Umm i

3、ts good.笔 部分( 80 分)一、 下列 分 。(20 分)doctor dogcatnursebreakfastdriversheepdinnerpoliceman职 : 物:食物:noodles milkbread三餐:cowtearicelunchdumplings juice 料: _二、 并填空。(10 分)() 1.Dinner _ ready.A. isB. areC. am() 2.He _ rice and fish.A. likeB. likesC. have() 3._ you have dumplings?A. DoesB. doC. Do() 4.Does h

4、e have noodles _ home. A. atB. inC. on() 5.Let _ have some bread.A. isB. usC. we() 6._ for breakfast?A. WhatB. What isC. When() 7.We have noodles _ lunch.A. forB. toC. in() 8.There _ some noodles on _ desk.A. are; theB. are; /C. is; the() 9.We have rice, chicken _ soup.A. orB. butC. and() 10. Look!

5、We have meat and soup. -_!A. Very littleB. Very goodC. Thank you三、 填空。(5 分)goodhave1.I _ rice and soup for dinner.3. _morning, Mom and Dad!5. I like rice _ much.forandvery2. Whats _ lunch?4. We have chicken _ vegetables.四、 成句,注意大小写及 点符号。( 10 分)1.likesnoodlesShe (.)_2.dontWehavebread(.)_3.havechicken

6、Ilittlevery( .)_4.you home dumplingsat Dohave (?)_5.porridgeeggsLet usandhave instead( .)_第 1页五、句型转换。(15 分)1. We have dumplings .否定句: We _ _ dumplings.一般疑问句: _ _ _ dumplings ?2. My mother likes noodles. 否定句: My mother _ _ noodles.一般疑问句: _ _ _ _ noodles?连线。( 5 分)提问: _ _ mother _?六、1.Hi, Kitty.A. We h

7、ave bread and milk.2.Do you have fish at home?B. No, she doesnt.3.Mom, whats for breakfast?C. Oh. I like dumplings.4.Does she like vegetables?D. Hello. Aunt Li.5.We have dumplings.E. Yes, we do.七、阅读短文,判断正( T)误( F)。(10 分)This is a photo(照片) of my family . This is my grandpa. He is a good worker. This

8、 is my grandma. She is a farmer. The tall man is my father. He is a great doctor.And the woman is my mother. She is a kind nurse. The little girl is me !() 1.There are four people in the photo.()2. Her mother is a kind nurse.() 3.Her father is a farmer.()4. Her grandpa is a farmer , too .() 5.I am a little girl .八、给下列句子排排队,组成一段完整的对话。 ( 5 分)A. We have eggs and milk.B. Mom, whats for breakfast?C. But I dont like milk.D. Kitty, breakfast is ready. Come on !E. Thats OK ! We have soup ,too .第 2页


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