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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级七年级教学形式研修课教 师丁安成单 位枞阳县白梅初中课题名称Unit 9 What does he look like?Section B 3a-Self -Check学情分析通过小组的活动和游戏,让学生以主人的身份参与课堂,进行大量的语言活动。用学生身边熟悉的东西,创设真实的情境,教学目标1. 知识目标:1) 单词:复习整个单元。2) 句型:复习整个单元。2. 能力目标:1) 能熟练的用英语进行对人外表特点的描述,并根据描述画出人像。2) 能掌握本单元出现的表示人外观1. 语言知识目标:的词组及句型,并能结合实际生活进行灵活运用这些词组及句型描述别

2、人的外表, 提高写作水平。2. 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度目标:能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务, 尽情享受学习的乐趣。教学过程. Warming- up and revisionShow the picture of your new look and tell it to the class to find who does best. Presentation1. Who remembers best?(检测本单元单词)2. Write more words in each box. (Self Check 1). To find who writes most

3、 right words.3. Read and write these words about 3 minutes. . Fill the blanks with the words in the box. (3a)1. Look at the picture of 3a to say what Jack looks like.2. Fill in the blanks quickly. 3. Check the answers. 4. Read the passage and translate into Chinese.5. Language points1) first of all2

4、) be good at. Writing (3b)1. Read the questions in the form of 3b.2. 写作指导:(见课件)3. Write a passage about your best friend.4. Check the passages each other to correct them in the group.4. Read the best passage for the class. Self Check 21. What do you parents look like? Describe them like this: My dad

5、 is tall. He has He wears He likes My mum is She has She wears She likes 2. Check the passages each other to correct them in the group.3. Read the best passage for the class. Game任务:车站接人 目的:模拟交际,巩固用英语描述人物外形特征的词汇,强化“辨别人物”的语言功能。 材料:卡片数张 语言技能:Listening, reading, speaking and writing 语言知识: What does he/

6、she look like? He is tall and thin/medium height/medium build. His hair is straight/curly/black/brown/blonde/short/long. He has big eyes/a round face He is wearing 活动形式:Whole-class activity (1)教师布置任务:接人者在车站并根据卡片上的描述找到所要找的客人。提出具体要求,并对教室进行适当的布置,创设一个模拟车站的情景。 (2)教师发给每位同学一张卡片,让其在卡片的正面用英语描述自己的外貌特征,在反面做记号,

7、完成后,教师把卡片收回。 (3)教师选出十名学生去车站接人,每人从收集的卡片中抽取一张,并根据卡片的描述找到所要找的“客人”;(若时间允许可进行第二、三轮。)(4)学生评委和老师根据找出所接客人的时间和准确性,选出“火眼金睛”数名。 这些活动使学生置身于自然、真实的语言环境中,进行大胆、合理的想象,创造性地使用课文中学到的有关人物外貌特征的知识,这样,不仅巩固了所学内容,训练了语言组织能力,而且还联系与接触社会实际,拉进了学生与社会、与生活的距离,拓宽了学习内容。 板书设计Section B 3a-Self Check 3a: looks; thin, straight, glasses, s

8、hoes 3b: His name is Li Fan. She likes to wear jeans and white T-shirt. She has long hair big nose. Because she is funny and interesting. Self check 1: tall, short, of medium height; thin, heavy, of medium build; curly, short, long, black, blonde;作业或预习 Homework 1. To master the words and expressions of this unit.2. To master the sentences of Grammar Focus.自我评价既有一单元的复习,又有新的任务活动。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人):模拟交际做得好。 评议一单位:白梅初中 姓名:陈丽娟 日期:2013-12-8


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