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1、班级姓名2019 年柳影小学牛津英语4B 测试题(二)一 . 在横线上写出 字母的大写 . ( 10) 1. g2. h3. a4.b5. e6. f7. c8.d9.k10.y二单词填空( 10 )1f_ _ l( 感到 ) 2s_ft( 柔软的 ) 3thi_ _( 厚的 )4n_ _ se( 响声 ) 5gr_ p_( 葡萄 )6 w_ _t( 等待 )7shad_ _ ( 影子 )8 ag_ _ n( 再 )9j_ _n( 参加 )10t_ ll( 告诉 )三单词打靶( 10)()1.strawberryA. 草莓B. 西瓜C. 桔子()2.orA. 或者B. 可是C. 但()3.wa

2、termelonA. 西瓜B. 葡萄C.芒果()4.grapeA. 葡萄B. 草莓C.苹果()5.foxA.狼B.狐狸C.象()6.roundA. 细的B. 圆的C. 方的()7.purpleA. 红的B. 紫色的C. 白的()8.waitA. 跑B. 等待C.绘画()9.minuteA.钟表B. 分钟C. 秒()10.getA.写B.得到C.闻四写出下列单词的对应词或者反义词(10)1 black _ 2 tall _ 3 fat_4 father_ 5 boy_五写出下列单词的复数形式(10)1subject_2class _3 is _4 butterfly _5 box_6 child

3、 _7man_ 8woman _9 grape _10ship_六把下列动词变为第三人称单数形式(5)1 do_2have_ 3like_第 1 页4 go_5 rise_七把下列动词改为现在分词(也可以说是动名词)( 10)1run_2cut_3paint_4sleep_5swim_6write_7chase_8come_9play_10do_八按要求改写单词(10 )1 she (物主代词) _2 they (物主代词) _3 (I形容词性物主代词)_4he(形容词性物主代词) _5their (主格人称代词) _6our (主格人称代词) _7who (所有格) _8it (形容词物主代

4、词) _九选择题( 10 )() -1.any apples in the box?- Yes.A. There isB.Are thereC. There isnt()2.- _ books are these?-They are Peter s.A. WhatB. WhoseC. How many()3.-What can she do?-She.A.is runningB.can runC. runs()4. The book isn t thin. It s_ .A. thickB. hotC. red()5.-How does it feel?-It s_ .A. softB. ha

5、ppyC. Pink()6. _is my book?It s on the desk.A. WhatB.HowC. Where()7. This is a rabbit._ tail is short.A. It sB. ItC. Its第 2 页()8. -How_the apple taste?-It s sweet.A.canB.doC.does()9. -What_are the grapes?-They are purple.A.shapeB.colourC. Time()10. -_are the apples?-They are 25 yuan.A.How muchB.How

6、manyC.How old十.根据句子意思,选择正确的单词填在横线上。(5 分 )softTasteshadowguitareyes1.Touch the toy. It s very _.2. Look at my face. I have two big_.3._ the lemon. Itverys sour.4.Whose _ is this?It s Mary .s5. The _ is long.十一 1根据短文内容,指出下面的句子是否短文一致,如一致,在括号内写T, 否则写 FKally Chen is our new classmate. We call her Kally.

7、Kally is a tall girl. She hasa round face and short black hair. She likes dancing and singing. She can paintvery well. She has got a nicedoll( 娃娃 ). Its hair is longandbrown.Its name isBeauty. Kally and I are good friends now.()1. I call my friend Kally.()2. Kally is a short girl.()3. Kally can danc

8、e, sing and paint.()4. Kally s doll s name is Beauty.()5. Kally s hair is long and brown.2 阅读下面短文,判断对错。对的写T,错的写 F。( 10)I have three friends. Theyare Sally, Tina and Tim.Sallyand Tina are twinsisters. They are from America. Their hair is blond and curly. They are helpful and第 3 页friendly. Their mothe

9、r is an actress. Tim is lazy. His hair is red and curly. He hasfreckles.He likeswatchingTV. He is goodat playingchess.He doesn t likehomework. He is the funniest in his class.()1. Tina has red and curly hair.()2. Sally and Tina are twins.()3. Tim is funny.()4. Tina is an actress.()5. Sally doesn t like homework.第 4 页


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