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1、初二下单词复习:单词拼写与课文填空(作业)Module71. It was so dark that I could h_ see anything in the room.2. If you are not feeling well, you should take some time o_.3. The _ (所有的) class are in the classroom, no one is away.4. My shoes were worn out(穿破), so I bought m_ a new pair.5. I p_ you yesterday, but there was

2、no answer.6. Dont _ (通过)the road when the lights are red.7. The t_ was heavy on the road this morning. My car could hardly move.8. My brother is a s_, he joined the army this year.9. They are going to build a hospital in this a_.10. From my window I can see a beautiful v_ of the park.11. At last we

3、climbed up the t_ of the mountain.12. There is a small p_ through the forest.13. Last weekend we went to a camp and put on a t_ near the river.14. Trees and vegetables are p_.15. The doctor p_ out one of my bad teeth.M7U2Sally is spending some time 1)o_ with Linglings uncle in Hunan Province, and th

4、ey are having a 2)w_ time. One morning they 3)t_ a cable car up Mount Tianzi-it was quite safe! From the top they hoped for a wonderful 4)v_ of the lakes and forests, but they could 5)h_ see anything. They could only see the mountain tops6)t_ the clouds. Then they walked down the 7)p_, past trees, w

5、aterfalls and plants back to their tent. Sally8)p_ a leaf off a plant, but Linglings uncle told her to wash her hands, and not to 9)t_ it, because it was dangerous. Sally did something wrong, and she 10) f_ sorry about that!初二下单词复习:单词拼写与课文填空(作业)Module81. When the holiday comes, all the people here w

6、ill c_ it.2. Do they have any plans for L_ Day?3. Spring is my favourite s_, we can have a picnic in the open air.4. We will go travelling during the summer v_.5. Mary was playing the piano _ (当。时候)Jim was writing a letter.6. Can you count from z_ to one hundred? Yes, 0,1,2.7. I want to know the _(结

7、局)of the story, its really interesting.8. Mr Smith _(承诺)to help her out when she was in trouble.9. Before you go shopping, you can make a l_ of things.10. The poor old man d_ on picking up some rubbish.11. On New Years Day, many people make r_ for the new year.M8U2People all over the world 1)c_ the

8、new year. The new year doesnt 2)b_ on the same date every year. It can 3)d_ on the seasons, the moon or the sun. 4)W_ they are waiting for the New Year, They sing 5)t_ songs and have fun. Just before 12 oclock, everyone 6)c_ down from 10: 10, 9, 8.As 7) s_ as its 12 oclock, everyone shouts very 8)l_. New Years Day is often a family day. Some families get together for a 9)s_ meal. On New Years Day, many people make 10)r_ for new year. When they have made their list, they read it to their families or friends and promise to follow it.


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