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1、Name: Rao MingyanClass: Class 7/8Date of Lesson: DecemberModule:Module11Unit: Unit3 Language in useType of Lesson: Revision andapplicationLesson aim(s)To summarize and consolidate the use of attributive clauses withwho/which.Describe a place in attributive clauses withwho/which .Teaching focus:(New

2、words & phrases, sentence structures, grammar, etc)Anticipated difficulties and their solutions:Problem 1: How to understand and use attributive clauses withwho/that properly.Solution: T prepares more passage including the attributive clauses withthat and Ss practice more.Additional teaching materia

3、ls and aids (optional):Stage /AimLesson ProcedureAfter-Class ReflectionTime(Why you are(How you are doing itincluding target language,(effective teaching(Whatdoing it.)instructions, concept questions, answers to tasks etc.,methods/points, areas foryou arewhere appropriate).improvement, etc.)doing.)1

4、.Free talkIt is necessary to review theseStep1To warm upShow pictures and introduce development of camera.important and difficult wordsLead-inand ReviseBox camera, studio camera, instamatic camera, digitaland expressions.camera and phone camera第 1页Some students still cant understand the subject and

5、object.Giving more examples may be a good way to help them understand these.Step2Develop1. Listen and complete the sentences.listeninlistening skillsgand get1 The first successful photo was produced in _.information2Because it took a long time to take a photo, people inabout theearly photos did not

6、_.short dialogue3The first photographers needed to know how to_ and _ them.4 Kodak introduced a camera that could be used byeveryone in _.5Kodak s cameras was _ and _ than any ofthe earlier cameras.6Cameras with computer technology were introduced in_.Step 3DevelopPairspeakingworkskills and tryto de

7、scribephotosPerceive the Step4 usage of Gramm sentences andarconclude thegrammar bythemselves1. Talk about the two photos and the people in theCreate a situation to talk aboutphotos.these structures.I like the photo whichI don t like the photo whichThe photo which is 2. Describe someone or something

8、 in your class and ask your classmates to guess.1. A group of photos which show Beijing and CambridgeHelp the less advanced studentsinto understand attributive clauses.先行 引 England has won the prize.which 引 的定 从句修 的一般是物,在从句中可以作主 ,也可以作 ,作 可以省略。2. Hes theboy who won the photo competition last year!先行

9、引 who 引 的定 从句修 的是人,在从句中作主 。第 2页Consolidate1. Finish Activity 1 on page 92.Step5theComplete the poster for the photo competition. Usethat,practiceknowledgewhich or who. There may be more than one answer.2. Finish Activity 2 on page 92.Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.3.Finish Acti

10、vity 5 on page 94.Complete the conversation with the expressions in the box.Step6DevelopRead the passage and complete the tableReadinreading skillsWhat happened at the time?gAsk theStep 7students toconclude theStudents conclude the usage of Superlative adjectives andSummarizeusage of theadverbs .AdverbialClause.第 3页


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