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1、外研社英语九年级(下)Module 1 学案Unit 2You re sitting in my seat.学习外研版九上 Module 1 Unit 2 You are sitting in my seat.内容学习1.New words and phrases:set off, nod, tear, towards, cigarette, though,目标 get off,2.Revise the grammar:A 名词的句子成分和数,复习个别介词的用法Eg. 1).He held Jin in his arms.2).With tears in his eyes,.3).I have

2、 a ticket with the number of the seat you re.in sitting4).A man wearing glassesspoke in a loud voice.5).This young man has the right ticketfor that seat.B.伴随状语:Eg . 1) This was his first long trip by train at the start of his new life leaving his village and his home for the last 10 years.2).With te

3、ars in his eyes, Jin pushed Lin away.3).I was here first, said the man, without moving his head.3.Main task: To write about something what happened during a trip.4.Learning ways:Predicting (预测 ) the passage with the help of the title.5.Moral task:Be brave to face your problems during a trip and flig

4、ht with crimes and the unfair.(不公正的事 )学前活动:I. 主动学习,提高能力:你的例句:(可以背书上原句)梦想着去首都 _他的第一次(乘火车)旅行_(在)他的新生活的开始_第 1页16 年来 _ 地抱住某人 _眼含 泪 _朝窗外看 _ 着 尬的微笑 _ 有 致地 望 _大声地 / 定地 / 柔地 _一个戴着眼 的男人 _正好那个座位的票 _消失在 尽 _II. 合作互议,解决问题语词类 : 1.off 短 多多 :get off/ take off/ seern off/ settu off/ show off/ fall off/ have one day

5、off2. be able/unable to 法 :伴随状 的几种情况:( 例)1.V-ing 短 :2.with/without短 :3.名 小 : 用 :Make some traveling suggestions about the season, the time of day, the number of seats,booking tickets ? III 应用所学,检测成败:翻 句子 :1.那个年 人正好有那个座位的票。_2. 是他第一次坐火 行,离开他16 年的村庄和家 开始他新的生活。_3.其他人 有 致地 望着。第 2页_4.最后一个戴着眼镜的人大声地说。_5.我将在你之前下车,然后你可以坐我的座位。_走进生活 :Write about something that happened during a trip you have made.When , where and(Some words)(Some sentences)how to goWhathappenedbefore you leftWhathappenedduring your travelHow to finish第 3页


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