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1、教学Module 9 People and places主备人初一英语组课题Unit 3 Language in use课型Revision and application 上课日期课时安排1总课时数学习目标1. 复习所词汇短语。2. 复习现在进行时。3. 会介绍自己和他人正在做的事情。学习过程备注【题组训练一】I.写出下列动词的现在分词形式。1.talk_ 2.watch _ 3. drive _ 4.make _5. leave_6.put _ 7. get _ 8.run _9 lie _10 have_ 11 stop _ 12 buy _II. 用现在正在进行时完成句子。1.Tony

2、(take) photos.2.They(call) their teacher.3.Lucy(wait) for a bus.4.We(shop) with mother.5.Daming(lie) on the bed.III. 完成句子。1. 他们正在吃午饭。 They are _ now.2. 三班的学生正在做作业。The students of Class Three _ their homework.3. 孩子们正在起床。 Children _ now.4. 现在是 8:20。 贝蒂在上语文课。_ 8:20 now. Betty _ Chinese.5. 他们正在公园里拍照。The

3、y are _ in the park.【题组训练二】I. 补全对话A: Carla . 1._B: I m reading a book, Henry.A: What book?B: 2. _A: Mo Yan? He is a great writer(作家 )A. Do you know about him?B. What are you doing now?C. It s about Mo Yan.D. Of course!E. Are you still studying the history of China now第 1页B: 3._A: Yes. He comes from

4、China. He is the first Chinese Writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature( 得 文学 )A: Yes, I like Chinese history a lot. And I am writing a book.B: Wow! Great! Shall I look at it when you finish it?A: 5. _【题组训练三】I.完形填空Its fine _1 Sunday morning.There _2 many children in the park.Theyare _3 a good tim

5、e.Some of _4 are playing games under _5 bigtree.The girls are singing and_6.The boys are_7 photos.Michael is_8 by the lake.He is _9 a storybook._10. is Linda doing? Shesstanding over there_11. her sister.They are_12. ice cream.Look!_13. the two girls? They _14. Betty and Ann.Lets go and _15.with the

6、m.1A.inBonCforDof2A.isB amCareDbe3A.haveBHaving ChasD to have4A.theyBThemCtheirD we5A.anB aC theseD/6A.dancingBto danceCdanceDdances7A.takesB takingCtakeDto take8A.sitsBto sitCsittingDsiting9A.seeingBreading C watchingDlooking10A.WhereBWhatCHowDWhen11A.withBandCforDso12A.eatB eatingC eattingDeats13A.Who is BWhere isCWho areDWhere are14A.isBareCamD be15A.to talkB talkC talkingD talksExtension(拓展 )Write a short passage .Introduce what your family is doing .It s eight o clock in the evening .My father is


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