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1、六年级上册期中检测卷姓名:成绩:听力部分一听音选词(10 分)来源 :Zxxk()1. A . byB. busC. bike()2. A. westB. eastC. left()3. A. post officeB. pet shopC. post card()4. A. oftenB. sometimesC. always()5. A. shoe storeB. bookstoreC. bus stop()6. A. nestB. next toC. near()7. A. trainB. planeC. car()8. A. turn leftB. turn rightC. go st

2、raight()9. A. after lunchB. afternoonC. after school()10. A. todayB. tonightC. together二听音选句子(5 分)()1. A. Its to the east of the cinema.B.It sto the west of the bookstore.() 2. A. Its near the bus stop.B. It s next to the post office.()3. A. Is it far from here?B. Is there a cinema near here?()4. A.

3、 What are you going to do?B.When are you going?()5. A.Stop at a red light.B. Wait at a yellow light.三听音排序(12 分)()Look for me near the door.()Take the No.17 bus.()Walk east for three minutes.()Start from the bus stop in front of our school.()Get off at the post office.()Find the white building on the

4、 left.笔试部分四、写出下列所给字母左邻右舍的大小写。( 12 分)VvJjSsQqHhFf五、选出每组中不同类的单词。( 5 分)() 1.A.motherB.doctorC.fatherD.sister() 2. A.elephantB.catC.sunD.dog() 3.AB.zooC.parkD.present第 1页() 4.A.hundredB.millionC.thousandD.meal() 5.A.lisenB.bookC.look D.read六、单项选择:将代表正确答案的字母填入括号内(15 分)()1. Tellmoreabout Hainan .A . meB .

5、 ourC . we()2.tall isDabing ?A.WhatB.HowC.how()3.abig map of China !A.HowB.WhatC.When()4. ThereaChinatowninNewYork.A . isB . areC. isnt()5. Isome stamps from Canada.A. havegotB . hasgotC. /()6. Iwanta map of American.A. toB . buyingC. to buy()7. Daminglikes.A.swimB.swimmingC. swims()8. Hegot a good

6、pen friend now .A.hasB.haveC.had()9. Icanplaytheviolinplay basketball.A.andB.butC.is()10. Canyouwriteme?A.toB.write toC.writing()11.-_do you go to the zoo?-By subway.A. WhereB. WhoC. How()12. What are you going to do _the weekend?A. onB. inC. /()13. The science museum is next _the bank.A. noB. toC.

7、at()14. -Where is the cinema?-Its _the left.A. byB.onC.for()15. He is going to _his grandparents this weekend.A. visitB. lookC. Watch七、连 词成句( 6 分)1. Canada, to, How, go, you, do( ? )_2. bike, I, to, Sometimes, by, school, go ( . )_3. hospital, Its, to, the, next ( . )第 2页_4. am, to, going, I, buy, a

8、, comic book ( . )_5. going, you, Where, this, are, afternoon ( ? )_6. the Wall Great about more me tell ( . )_八、找朋友:将代表正确答案的字母填入括号内(5 分)III()1.These postcards are great !A:Youre welcome.()2.How long is it?B:Yes, I am.()3.Is there a book on the desk?C:Im playing football()4.Are you a policeman?D:No,

9、I havent.()5.What are you doing?F:Yes, of course.()6.Do you collect stamps?G:No, I dont.()7.Have you got an English book?H:Lantern Festival.()8.Thank you!I:Its about six kilometres()9.What s your favourite festival?J:Yes ,they are.()10.Can you be my Chinese pen friend?K:Yes,there is.九、选词填空(5 分) 来源:

10、学|科| 网Where How When What Why_are you going?I m going to the bookstore._are you going to do?I m going to climb mountains._ d o you like summer?Because I can swim._are you going to the cinema?This weekend. 来源 :_are you going there?I m going by ship.来源:Zxxk十、根据图意,选择相应的图片。( 5 分)A turn rightB.turn leftC

11、.by bikeD.go straightE. on foot十一、英汉互译(10 分)(1) the Huangshan Mountain(2) riding bicycles to work(3) Spring Festival(4)Dragon Boat Festival第 3页(5)Mid-autumn Festival(6) 明信片( 7)月饼( 8)加拿大( 9)长城( 10)西湖十二、阅读短文,对的打“”,错的打“”。( 10 分)Today is Saturday. Liu Yun is going to the park with Amy in the afternoon.T

12、he park is far from her home. First, she is going to Amys house on foot. Thenthey are going to take the No. 12 bus to the park. There is a bus stop near Amyshouse. They are going to fly kites in thepark and they are going to have a goodtime there.() 1. Liu Yun is going to the park on Sunday afternoo

13、n.() 2.Liu Yun is going to Amys house on foot.来源:() 3.Liu Yun and Amy are going to take the No. 21 bus to the park.() 4.There is a bus stop near Liu Yuns house.() 5.Liu Yun and Amy are going to fly kites in the park.六年级听力材料一听音选词(10 分)1 by2 left3 post card4 often5 bookstore6 next to7 train8 go straig

14、ht9 afternoon10 today二听音选句子(5 分)1. Itsto the east of the cinema.2. It s next to the post office.3. Is there a cinema near here?4. What are you going to do?5. Stop at a red light.三听音排序(12 分)1. Start from the bus stop in front of our school.2. Take the No.17 bus.3.Get off at thepost office.4.Walk east for three minutes.第 4页5. Find the white building on the left.6. Look for me near the door.第 5页


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