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1、课题Module 6 A trip to the zoo主备人Unit 1 Does it eat meat?课 型 listening&speaking 课时上课时间总课时数1.能听懂、会说trip, zoo, tiger, elephant,lion, giraffe, monkey, panda, bear, guide, animal, zebra,学 习bamboo, such as, come from, different, country, dangerous, plant, tall, leaf, cute, over there, call目 标 2.能听懂有关介绍动物的对

2、话,并能在听的过程中找出细节信息。3.培养热爱动物的情感,增强保护动物的意识。学习过程备注课前自学I. 根据音标写出单词和中1.be?() 2. el ?f?nt()3. d?r :f() 4. la ?n() 5. m ?k?()6.p?nd ?() 7. ta ?g?() 8.zebr ? () 9. zu: () 10. ga?d ()11. ?n ?ml() 12. s?t?()13. ?z () 14. k ?m() 15. d ?fr ?nt()16 17. ?e?() 18. de ?nd?r ?s() 19.?:ls?() 20. pl :nt()II. 根据中文完成句子1.

3、动物园里有许多种动物,比如熊,斑马,长颈鹿和熊猫。2.它们来自许多不同的国家并且它们吃不同的食物。3.它们吃肉吗?是的,它们吃,但是它们也吃植物。4.我们去看看它们好吗?5. 她是在那边的黑白相间的动物。第 - 31 -页课堂导学 . Warming-up.T:What s your favourite animal?Ss:.T:Does it eat meat?Ss:Yes,it does./No,it doesnt.T:What does it eat?Ss:. . Listening.Task1.Listen to A1 and check ( ) the words.Task2. Li

4、sten to A3 and choose.What is the name of the panda? ()LinglingB. TonyC.PandaTask3.Listen A3 and check ( )the animals.tigerszebraselephantsgiraffescamelspandasmonkeysbearslionskangaroosIII.Read A3 and complete the table.Then check together.AnimalsThings they eatDescription(描述)Lions1. _dangerousBears

5、2. _/Elephantsplants3. _pandas4. _5. _IV .Read the dialogue and finish A4,then read it aloud.V.Work in pairs ( PPT ) .课堂检测用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空1. How many _ (monkey) are there in the zoo? About twenty.2. _ (do) Bob like bears?3.This animal eats _ (leaf), but it doesn teat meat.4.The plant _( need) water a

6、nd light( 光 ).5. The polar bear _ ( like) to swim6. The lions _ ( live) in the jungle.课后延学writingMake a survey in groups of three or four (三人或四人一组作调查): the animals you and your partners like best and the things they eat.In our group ,My favourite animals is _,it comes from _and it eats_But it doesnt eat_.she/he likes _best_第 - 32 -页


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