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1、1,Dictation,2,课前REPORT,3,Review,1. 我想我把背摔坏了。(I think that.) 2. 恐怕我站不起来了。(Im afraid that.) 3. 我想最好请医生来给你看一下。(I think that.) 4. 医生说他马上就来。(The doctor says that.) 5. 我看你需要做一次X光透视。(Im sure that.),宾语从句,1.宾语从句在句中作宾语 2.一般用that引导,口语中可省略。 3.可用在say,think,believe,hope,know,understand,suppose等动词之后 4.也可用在某些描写感情的形

2、容词之后,如afraid,sure,sorry,glad等之后。,5,练习册P144 B,2. wrong 3. stand up 4. buy 5. cold,6,练习册P145 A,2. She thinks that she has got a cold. 3. I know that I need an X-ray. 4. We know that he can swim well. 5. They believe that she is ill. 6. Im sure that he will sell his house. 7. Im sure that she is at hom

3、e today. 8. Im sorry that she is ill. 9. Im afraid that you are wrong. 10. I understand that you need money.,7,练习册P145 B,1. myself 2. yourself 3. himself 4. herself 5. ourselves 6. yourselves 7. themselves 8. himself,A card from Jimmy,宾馆,酒店,青年招待所,Youth Hostel,Youth Hostel Association,Y.H.A,Hostel,Fi

4、nd out the Object Clause(宾语从句) in lesson 101,1. He says hes just arrived in Scotland. 2. He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel. 3. You know hes a member of the Y.H.A. 4. Im afraid I cant hear you. 5. He says hell write a letter soon. 6. He hopes we are all well.,that 为连接词,做宾语可以被省略,card,card,card,car

5、d n. 明信片;扑克牌;纸牌,post,play,credit,Christmas,card,s,as soon as 立即;一就 sooner or later 迟早 how soon 多久,soon adv. 不久,be going to do will do,soon 一般与将来时连用,多久,Please call me as soon as you arrive in Wu Han.,Dont worry, Ill call you sooner or later.,as soon as 立即;一就 sooner or later 迟早,write v. 写,down,write,w

6、rite,write,下,写,to,给,写,off,标注,关,销,注销,宾语从句(二)之直接引语和间接引语,Pennysays: “ He cant write very much on a card, Mum.” Pennysays to her mother (that) Jimmy cant write very much on a card.,直接引语,间接引语,人称的转变和标点的使用。 He says: Im staying at a Youth Hostel. He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel.,当主句一般疑问句时,宾从的连接词要用if,

7、whether. Can you help me? She asked. She asked (me) if / whether I could help her. 当从句中有or not, 只能用whether。,语序。这里要注意:虽然上面这个句 子是个问句,但是变成宾语从句谓语 仍然要用陈述句语序。 Do you know? Where does he live? Do you know where he lives.,28,1. She is shutting the door. 2. He is putting on his coat. 3. He is reading this magazine. 4. They are speaking to the boss. 5. The sun is rising.,Exercise,小结宾语从句,1. 连接词: that (陈述句) if/whether(一般疑问句), what, when, where等(特殊疑问句) 2. 语序。(宾语从句要做对,句子成份连主谓) 3. 时态。(主句和从句的时态必须保持一致) 注意:从句的人称和主句保持一致。,


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