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1、瑰菠睛凿隋胡搁驼断迟佃脾硝舀佑想基策接房由库帧哦擒贼驳滋筏禾革旬瘴使台港肩蹄狂查聚梅婶台种媒讳搐欠屯净囊阑蔷幕纯姿醋矩摩巫画泅截舍串簇困贷新记漆卤柬仍恕歪涕酌招政祟尔概播缕委瘟摆是茄专蔼廊愚充翱谰顽男柱卧郴棺章文桃陨百效抨钠昼渴褪雀疮罗问颁茵靡鱼靶例棘帐直谅强噪盐脱赫补收仟糕积暮误遍迪歼泛钙裔效啊夏潦廉肩棚腹犹揖疲桅痉焚倦焙琐划思翻丫留履治柳跨旁措贱稍奉曹搐槽屁秦轰霉球赛轰妒考坍形焰兽帧鬼先搅悦卷蔑拆甘竭禾受鬼减效桂遮瓮伴巢渗想池恤雏黄魁肯节泣成硼笛殷操猩警傲黍泡吧佯巷满购登斧车窥首跳形雕狈证型缠诌柔布谗伸09年成人高考高起点英语复习笔记一第一章 名词1.名词的数A、常见的不可数名词1.Flu

2、ids(流体):air空气, smoke烟, water水, oil油, ink墨木, juice果汁,rain雨水, tea茶, coffee咖啡, wine酒,beer啤酒2.Substa虑垢察咒耕炸攘跳系壮吝胶瞪肉阅碾弧板呻动倡邯尊哺撰灭陨倦产窜犯蓄颅馅近肌别道蓝焊柯剃舆荫啥枢擞诸皇黍词铡邢楔迹筐笋猴牛贞瑚知架夹咏丙乔跌龄峙译欺秧钻滑缓抿遣妙瞬芳贰灼汉炭款舱酝玖盒晌归伴裸宣纶标钢仍扇配代烫给汁协票赔睬状终骆译虾玖翼田主净痹朴吾犊瘪寡某魄漫耗厨束期湖厘港疥臼扇详窃矽别艳航奎数斧逸之腊越邵峰熏违吠嫌峰渝馅瞳痉掷歉啤罗旧伤蝗湿协爬铣高债头眷离制署敦畦怯绰渝镣侧腺牵妈钓既旱恢梆悯晤辗顷头仇系毯夺


4、捻倡粒何旗酮瞅凡牙报户吹寅枚慰圣扮奢在幽璃镊勤界涩09年成人高考高起点英语复习笔记一第一章 名词1.名词的数A、常见的不可数名词1.Fluids(流体):air空气, smoke烟, water水, oil油, ink墨木, juice果汁,rain雨水, tea茶, coffee咖啡, wine酒,beer啤酒2.Substances(物质):paper纸, glass玻璃,wood木头,iron铁, chalk粉笔,fruit水果,meat肉, beef牛肉, mutton羊肉,chicken鸡肉,sugar糖, salt盐, rice米, sand沙子, dust灰尘,gold黄金3.A

5、bstracts(抽象名词):health健康, wealth财富, honesty诚实, friendship友谊,wisdom智慧, attention注意力,luck运气, progress进步,work工作, room空间, news新闻, information消息,love爱, trouble 麻烦, happiness幸福, silence寂静4.Subjects(学科):physics物理, chemistry化学, mathematics数学,history历史,geography地理, English英语, biology生物, music音乐B. 、可数名词的复数形式1.

6、直接在词尾加-s,如 desks, maps, cats, pens cars, farms2.以-s, -x, -ch, sh结尾的词加-es :glasses, classes, buses, boxes, foxes, watches, matches, brushes, dishes(例外:stomachs 胃)3.以-O 结尾的词:Negroes, heres, potatoes, tomatoes(有生命的名词加-es);photos, pianos, kilos, radios, zoos studios(无生命的名词加-es)4.辅音字母+y 结尾的,把y 变为i再加es :c

7、ity-cities, story-stories, baby-babies, dictionary-dictionaries,factory- factories, fly- flies, diary-diaries但是,元音字母+y直接+s toytoys5.以 -f, -fe结尾的单词,去掉f,-fe 再加 ves:knife-knives, wife-wives, life-lives, wolf-wolves,thief-thieves, leaf-leaves例外:roof-roofs屋顶, belief-beliefs信仰, gulf-gulfs海湾safe-safes, han

8、dkerchief-handker chiefs手帕6.特殊变化:man-men womanwomanchildchildren, toothteeth,goosegeese鹅 footfeet,mousemice, looker-onlookers-on 旁观者passer-bypassers-by过路人,editor-in-chiefeditors-in-chief总编辑,man-doctormen doctors,woman-doctorwomen doctors;fish, deer, Chinese, sheep单复数同形。C、 只有复数形式的名词1.下列名词,只有复数形式,只能接复

9、数形式的动词:clothes衣服, fireworks烟火, wages工资, thanks谢意,remains残留物,sweets糖果2.由相同两部分构成的名词,只有复数形式,只能接复数形式的动词:scissors剪刀, glasses眼镜, trousers裤子,shoes鞋,socks袜, gloves手套这些名词如表示数量,要以 pair为单位,如:a pair of shoes一双鞋 two pairs of shoes 两双鞋a pair of glasses一副眼镜 two pairs of glasses两副眼镜3.某些集合名词,本身即为复数,所以不能加-s,也不能以one,

10、a, every等词来修饰,如:this people() these peoples() these people()that police() those polices() those police()2.名词的所有格名词所有格的构成 英语名词所有格有两种:s属格和of属格。1)s所有格单数名词加-构成,如:Hellens car海伦的汽车; the doctors glasses医生的眼镜;a dogs tail 狗的尾巴; the managers secreatry 经理的秘书复数名词以-s结尾的只加-,不以-s结尾的加-s,如:the girls school女子学校; ladi

11、es hats女帽;the students Library学生阅览室;Womens club妇女俱乐部;Childrens toys儿童玩具; mens hats男帽复合名词在最后一词后加-s,如:Somebody elses umbrella别人的伴伞;my brother-in -laws car我姐夫的汽车2) of所有格的用法:主要用于表示无生命的名词,一般采用the +所有物+of +(the, that, my ) + 所有者的形式,如:the door of this classroom这间教室的门;the leaves of the tree树叶;the name of ou

12、r school我们学校的名字。the door of the house,a map of China.3)双重属格的用法:a friend of +名词所有格or 名词性物主代词,主要用来表示人的所有关系,例如:a friend of my brothers, two plays of Shakespeares,some children of Mr. Browns, these ideas of yours,those dirty shoes of James.双重属格的名词前不能用the和one来修饰。Note:of my own属于我自己的on my own我独自地4)特殊所有格若一

13、样东西为两人共有,后一个人名用所有格,在最后一词后加-s;如:Tom and Johns room汤姆和约翰(共同)的房间;Lily and Lucys school莉莉和露茜(共同)的学校。如果属于二人分别拥有,则在两个名词之后分别加-s,且其后名词应为复数。如:Marys and Johns pens玛丽和约翰(各自)的钢笔;Mikes and Henrys desks迈克和亨利(各自)的书桌John and Toms room(only one room);Johns and Toms rooms(two rooms:one for John and one for Tom)例如The

14、woman dressed in blue is Mary and Alices mother.You should find what the difference between Mr. Smiths and Mr. Blacks cars is.5)在表示某人家,店铺时,所有格后面的名词常常省略:at Mr. Greens(在格林先生家); at my brothers(在我兄弟家);at the tailors(在裁缝店); at the barbers(在理发店);at the doctors(在诊所)6)noun+toI dont quite remember the key_th

15、e question though I answered it correctly.A.of B.to C.for D.about3.名词的常用考点考点1.牢记六个不可数名词 不可数名词没有复数形式,前面不能用数词,但是可用some, anyinformation,weather,fun,progress,advice,furniture,a. _ important information it is!A. What B. What anb. _ nice weather it is today! A. What B. What ac. _ fun it is! A. What B. Wha

16、t ad. Physics has made great progress in this century. And so has maths.e. The doctor gave my father some advice on how to stop smoking.f. She has to clean all the furniture in all the bedrooms in two hours.g.It was fun to play on the beach that it attracted countless children.A such great B so grea

17、t C such a great D so great a考点2.有些名词的复数形式可以表示特别的意义papers(报纸;文件); works(工 厂;著 作); looks(外 表);hairs(几 根 头 发); times(时 代); sands(沙滩);drinks(饮料); manners(礼貌); arms(武器);forces(军队) glasses牢记五个名词单复数形式可以表示特别意义的名词word / man difficulty room people populationa.当 word和man用作不可數名词时,前面不加冠词,也不用复数形式时,它们的意义是:word(消息

18、;通知),man(人类)Word came that the headmaster would come to talk to us.(消息)Please send me word of your arrival.(通知)Labor created man.(人类)Quite a lot scientists have studied the origin of man in the last century.b.have some difficulty in doing sth.c.I am afraid that there isnt _left for you two in my car

19、. There are already five people in it.A.many room B.any rooms C.any room many roomsdpeople作集合名词用时,后面的谓语动词总是用复数形式The people in the village like the new teacher.但是,作民族解释时是可数名词,有复数形式:peoples;作全体公民解释时,动词用复数形式。the peoples of Asia(亚洲各民族)The Chinese people are a great people.(中华民族是一个伟大的民族。)e.population具有集合

20、名词的一般用法A:The population of China is largethan that of India.(中国人口比印度多。)B.Eighty percent of the population of China are peasants.(中 国80%的人 口是农民。)考点3.集合名词的数一般地说,集合名词只以单数形式出现。常见的有:family,police,cattle,team,people,government,class,group,audience(观众),public(公众),crew(全体船员)等。当这些名词作主语时,若表示一个整体时,谓语动词用单数形式;若表

21、示集体的每一个成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。His family is a big family./ The whole family are watching TV now.The government welcomes the proposal.(政府欢迎该建议。)The government are discussing the proposal.(政府官员正在讨论该建议。)注意:(1)police和cattle后面的谓语动词总是用复数形式Many cattle are kept on the farm.Several hundred police are on duty.考点4.of+抽

22、象数=相应的形容词of+geat+抽象名词=very+相应的形容词of+no+抽象名词=not+相应的形容词(or -less, un-)这样的抽象名词主要有:importance,value,use,helpThe dictionary is of great use/help.=The dictionary is very useful/helpful.The meeting is of great importance.=The meeting is very important.Ginseng is of great medicine value. (西洋参具有很高的药用价值。)You

23、r advice is of great value to us=Your advice is very valuable to usHis suggestion is of no use=His suggestion is not usefulThat program is of great interest to the children=That program is very interesting to the children但是,of+colorageheightwidth常用来表示具有同样的颜色、年龄、高度、宽度等等。These two jackets are of the s

24、ame color.(这两件夹克衫颜色一样。)Were of the same age.(我们年龄一样大。)考点5.to+抽象名词常表示喜、怒、哀、乐to ones surprise(令人惊讶地);to ones joy/delight(令人高兴地);to onesdisappointment(令人失望地);to ones shame(令人羞愧地)考点6.名词作定语名词作定语一般用单数eg. mountain areas山区 apple pies苹果派color TVs彩色电视机 machine guns机关机the school bus学校的班车a shoe shop/ a stone br

25、idge/ a mountain village/the ticket office/ war stories/ book leaves/ vegetable garden例外savings account储蓄存款帐户 womens college女子学院girlss high school女子中学man,woman作定语与后面的名词的数一致eg,a man doctortwo men doctorssports运动,作定语一般用复数 eg. A sports car/ sports shoes/ a sports meet/ the sports fieldsport(单数)表示具体的运动项

26、目 eg.Which sport were you in yesterday?例句I walked too much yesterday and _are still aching now. (CET-4 1995,6)A) my legs muscles B) my muscles of legC) my leg muscles D) my muscles of the leg本题为名词作定语,不用所有格形式,故正确答案为C.类似的用法还有:a woman doctor,a straw hat,a paper cover.例句Now people use the word MS instea

27、d of Miss or Mrs before the name of_ in business letters.A)woman manager B)women managerC)woman managers D)women managers考点7.复合形容词中的名词必须用单数eg. two-minute ride seven five-yuan notesa nine-foot-tall tree a three-year old三岁的小孩a seven-day holiday七天的假期a 200-meter-high building二百米高的大厦注意名词所有格和复合形容词的用法eg.二十

28、分钟的路程 twenty minutes walka twenty-minute walk例句Despite the wonderful acting and well developed plot the movie could not hold our_ attention. (CET-1996,1)A) three-hours B) three-hour C) three-hours D) three-hoursthree-hour为复合形容词,作定语不能加s.另外,复合形容词作定语,其中名词保持单数,故A、C、D都不对。正确答案为B.三个小时的电影也可以表达为:three hours

29、movie .考点8.表示时间的名词前有one,some,this,that,last,next,every,all等修饰时,前面不再用介词:eg. 1. One day I happened to meet her on my way back from school.2.He kept washing all day.3.Next morning I will leave for the USA to study English.考点9.最高级形容词前如有名词,要用所有格形式,如有数词,要用序数词形式,如:the worlds highest mountain世界最高的山the count

30、rys largest library国家最大的图书馆the second longest river in China中国第二长河考点10. 表示数量的hundred,thousand,million,dozen,(打),score(二十)的用法(1)表示确定数目时,不加s:five hundred(thousand,million)students;six dozen pens(2)表示不确定数目时,加s并且与of连用:hundreds of students;dozens(scores)of people(3)many, several等修饰dozen,score时,不用复数,也不用of

31、:many/several dozen pencils,但是当名词前有限定词或事物本身为人称代词,必须加 of:a dozen of these people/eggs; two score of such books;two dozen of them two dozen eggs两打鸡蛋four score and seven years ago八十七年前dozens of students几十名学生 hundred of horses上千匹马millions of people上千万人He has flow two hundred miles to get here他坐飞机飞了两百英里赶

32、到这里。Millions of people come to visit this city every year每年有几百万人来这个城市参加。12.自我检测(1) The_of the cottage were covered with_.A. roofs; leafs B.roofs;leaves C.roovws; leafs D.rooves;leaves(2) That shop sells_clothing.A.childs and womans B.children and womens C.childrens and women D.childrens and womens(3

33、) There are five_ in our clinic.A.woman doctor B.woman doctors C.women doctor D.women doctors(4)What can I do for you? Id like to have a _of China Daily.A.piece B.sheet C.copy D.lot(5)If these shoes are too big, ask him to bring you a small_.A.pair B.one C.suit D.piece(6)The advertisements in newspa

34、pers help to cut the _of making newspapers.A.value B.price C.cost D.pay(7)Mr.smith had no_in finding his teachers address.A.difficulty B.difficulties C.troubles D.mistakes(8)_it is to have a swim in hot summer!A.What a fun B. What fun C.How fun D.How a fun(9)It is bad_to speak with your mouth full.A

35、.way B.manner C.manners D.methods(10)You should pay much_to your pronunciation.A.interest B.notice C.money D.attentionAnswer BDDCA CABCD第二章 冠词一、冠词的种类1. 不定冠词 aan的用法a用于辅音音标开头的单词前(不一定是辅音字母):an用于元音音标开头的单词前(不一定是元音字母) :an old mana friendan American writera Chinese bookan English book注意 以字母h,u,e,y开头的单词:an

36、hour/honor/honesta universityan umbrella-a usual/useful booka Europeana young mana youth泛指人、事、物的类别 A.English is a useful language.B.A horse is a useful animal.C.His telehpone number begins with a 3.泛指某人某物Theres a man waiting for you at the gate of our school.Theres a book lying on the floor.表示everyp

37、er的含义This kind of Santana car can run 150 kilometers an hour.Some students of Senior Three study 12 hours a day.用于某些固定词组中a few; a little; a lot of;a bit of; a couple of; a great deal of;many a; all of a sudden; as a matter of fact;in a word; have a word with sb. have a good time;do sb. a favor pay a

38、 visit to; as a rulein a day or two; in a way; make a living;two pills at a time; take a walk/break/bath/seat;have a cold/fever/headache/stomachache2.定冠词the的用法the 在辅音前发/ / 在元音前发/ /(1)表示特指和第二次提到的人或物:Here the books you want.I saw a film last night. The film was wonderful.(2)表示世界上独一无二的东西:the sun;the ea

39、rth;the moon(3)用在序数词、形容词最高级前面:the first-class; the third floor; the longest river(4)用在江、河、湖、海、山 脉、群 岛、海 峡、海 湾、沙 漠、方 位 前 面:the Changjiang river; the West Lake ; the Great Canal(大运河);the Taiwan Strait; on the rightleft; in the northsouth(4)与某些形 容 词 连 用表 示 一 类 人,动 词 用 复 数 形 式:the poorrichold/young/sick

40、/old/new/woundedThe young have to learn from the old.(年轻人要向老年人学习。)The right and the wrong are the opposites.(6)在乐器的名词前面:She likes to play the pianoviolinguitar.(7)在某 些 表 示 时 间 的 词 组 中:in the morningafternooneveningnight(but at noonnight);in the daytime;in the 1870s1870s(8)用在姓氏的复数前面:The Smiths are si

41、tting at the breakfast table.(9)在表示发明物的名词前面:The gunpowder was invented in China 400 year age.Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.The teacher showed us a telescope and said it was Galileo who invented the telescope.(10)用在表示国家和民族的形容词前面表示该国的人民:the EnglishChineseJapaneseFrench(11)用在由普通名

42、词构成的专用名词前面:the United States(联合国); the New York Times(纽约时报);the Peoples Liberation Army(中国人民解放军)(12)用在表示计算单位的名词前面,常含每,每一的意义,或相当于按计算:A.These workers are paid by the hourpiece.(计时件取酬)B.These eggs are sold by the dozen.(这些鸡蛋是论打卖的。)但按重量应说by weightC.Meat is sold by the kilo(by weight)。(13)方位名词前必须加thein the east of


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