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1、第5册Unit 1 Knock, Knock, Knock nOKvi. 敲;打;敲击vt. 敲;打;敲击;批评n. 敲;敲打;爆震声Knock, knock, knock. 咚咚咚, Who is that? 是谁啊? Its me, Johnny. 是我,Johnny.Please come in. 请进。Welcome welcome to my home. 欢迎到我家做客。 2Goodbye little fishLittle fish goodbye to you, 再见小鱼,Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. 再见,再见。May our lord b

2、less you! 让主保佑你!May our lord bless you! 让主保佑你!See you, see you, 再见, 再见,See you again, see you again. 再见, 再见。 3Who stole the lemons from the yellow car?Who stole the lemons from the yellow car? 谁从黄汽车里面偷走了柠檬?Teddy stole the lemons from the yellow car. Teddy从黄汽车里面偷走了柠檬。Who? Me? 谁?我?Yes, you. 是的,你。Not m

3、e. 不是我。Then who? 那是谁?Kitty stole the lemons from the yellow car. Kitty从黄汽车里面偷走了柠檬。Who? Me? 谁?我?Yes, you. 是的,你。Not me. 不是我。Then who? 那是谁?Puppy stole the lemons from the yellow car. Puppy从黄汽车里面偷走了柠檬。Who? Me? 谁?我?Yes, you. 是的,你。Not me. 不是我。Then who? 那是谁? 4Teddy BearTeddy bear, Teddy bear, 泰迪熊, 泰迪熊,Turn

4、 around. 转个圈。Teddy bear, Teddy bear, 泰迪熊, 泰迪熊,Touch the ground. 摸摸地。Teddy bear, Teddy bear, 泰迪熊, 泰迪熊,Show your shoes. 伸出你的鞋子。Teddy bear, Teddy bear, 泰迪熊, 泰迪熊,That will do. 就是这样吧。 5BingoThere was a farmer had a dog, 一个农夫有一只小狗,And Bingo was his name, 它的名字叫宾果。And Bingo was his name O! 它的名字叫宾果。B-I-N-G-O

5、 B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O! And Bingo was his name O! 它的名字叫宾果! 6I am shortI am short and youre tall. 我很矮,你很高。I am thin and youre fat. 我很瘦,你很胖。I am slow and youre quick. 我很慢,你很快。Do you want to be my friend? 你愿意做我的朋友吗? 7I can hear the bellI can hear, I can hear, I can hear the

6、 bell, 我可以听到钟声,Ding-a-dong, ding-a-dong, 叮咚, 叮咚,Ding-a-dong, ding dong. 叮咚,叮咚。I can hear, I can hear, I can hear the bell, 我可以听到钟声,Ding-a-dong, ding-a-dong, I can hear the bell. 叮咚,叮咚,我可以听到钟声。I can hear, I can hear, I can hear the rain, 我可以听到雨声,Pitter-patta, pitter-patta, 噼嗒啪嗒,噼嗒啪嗒,Pitter-patta the

7、rain. 噼嗒啪嗒的雨声。I can hear, I can hear, I can hear the rain, 我可以听到雨声,Pitter-patta, pitter-patta, I can hear the rain.噼嗒啪嗒,噼嗒啪嗒,我可以听到雨声。 8We wish you a Merry ChristmasWe wish you a Merry Christmas, 我们祝你圣诞快乐,We wish you a Merry Christmas, 我们祝你圣诞快乐,We wish you a Merry Christmas, 我们祝你圣诞快乐,And a Happy New

8、Year. 新年快乐。 9The more we get togetherThe more we get together, together, together, 我们在一起,在一起,在一起,The more we get together, 我们在一起,The happier well be. 我们真快乐。For your friends are my friends, 你的朋友就是我的朋友,And my friends are your friends, 我的朋友就是你的朋友,The more we get together, 我们在一起,The happier well be. 我们真快乐。


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