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1、九年级深圳(S) 第9期,琢瑚单环帜元腥刻裕颂蓖堪成目阻刑筒绎炯嚷侈搪沸灵休殃酶昭蜘秀劈函17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,第二版,重点短语及句型汇总 (Units 1-4,9A),1. 一系列 _ 2. 加起来;总计 _ 3. 起初 _ 4. 同时 _ 5. 对生气 _ 6. 充满活力 _ 7. (对某人或事物)满意的 _,重点短语汇总,a series of,add up,at first,at the same time,(be) annoyed with ,(be) full of energy,(be) happy with,酵如喜近缩爸耶

2、哀零结汐足茶哈棉杀器枝蔽雹笨痞牺裳阴八笺挤抿耍绽茫17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,8. 倒霉;处于困境 _ 9. 节食 _ 10. 出差 _ 11. 对厌倦的 _ 12. 偶然地;意外地 _ 13. 单凭记忆;能背诵 _ 14. 关心 _ 15. 交换座位 _ 16. 不同意 _ 17. 让某人受不了 _,(be) in trouble,(be) on a diet,(be) on business,be tired of,by accident,by heart,care about,change places,disagree with,dri

3、ve sb. mad,猴谤氟苞示侍坯吱翠底刹荫卿票小测言嚣走谨姚稀豺讨淤远各卡桩咎筐缔17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,18. 对感到惭愧 _ 19. 与打架 _ 20. 用把装满 _ 21. 查明真相 _ 22. 帮某人 _ 23. 出去吃饭 _ 24. 有的习惯 _ 25. 丝毫不知道 _ 26. 对没有兴趣 _ 27. 收到某人的信件(或电子邮件、电话 等)_,feel ashamed of,fight with ,fill with ,find out the truth,give sb. a hand,go out for dinner,h

4、ave a habit of ,have no idea,have no interest in,hear from,果升丹城看套筐绣褒淮仇闽朵诸爵牛袁惟逛榴难选疙谁聚疗迄魄娩亚补蚕17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,28. 帮着做 _ 29. 除此之外 _ 30. 作为回报 _ 31. 参加;加入 _ 32. 嘲笑;讥笑 _ 33. 别管我 _ 34. 使失望 _ 35. 减肥 _ 36. 搞得一塌糊涂 _ 37. 拿开玩笑 _ 38. 有道理;有意义 _,help with,in addition,in return,join in,laugh a

5、t,leave me alone,let down,lose weight,make a mess,make jokes about,make sense,肃屎炽眉湃俗姿塘憋洛镰曼屏刃婴瞎铝家登陛串噎糊俐拔慷暇苍糕替楚佬17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,39. 确保;设法保证 _ 40. 下定决心 _ 41. 与某人无关 _ 42. 相同的重量 _ 43. 过时的 _ 44. 格格不入 _ 45. 注意;留心 _ 46. 跟某人开玩笑;捉弄某人 _ 47. 回某人的电话 _ 48. 溢出 _ 49. 把关进监狱 _,make sure,make up

6、 ones mind,none of ones business,of the same weight,out of date,out of place,pay attention to,play a joke on sb.,return ones call,run over,send to prison,缮摧侗粉蓄燃毫讨遮闷收庐婚妓碳骗土妙诣佯昏聋惕或篆型蘑咬蛀九溢孕17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,50. 幽默感 _ 51. 制定规矩 _ 52. 一起;并肩 _ 53. 送去医院 _ 54. 坐下 _ 55. 参加 _ 56. 说实话 _ 57.

7、 考虑 _ 58. 想出办法 _ 59. 整理某人的卧室 _ 60. 转折点 _ 61. 洗碗 _ 62. 轻而易举 _,sense of humour,set rules,side by side,take to the hospital,take a seat,take part in,tell the truth,think about,think of a way,tidy ones bedroom,turning point,wash the dishes,without difficulty,铺怕寇枢秸铭沼装祁杨碍寸气试筏徘铱箔泰侨姓腐棉筛射汝起墒诫贤撰募17-18-九年级学英语报

8、纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,重点句型汇总, Its a nice crown, isnt it? Later, however, he began to doubt that it was a real golden crown. This problem seems difficult to solve. Im certain that its not completely made of gold. Many people consider Albert Einstein a genius. Einstein often received invitations t

9、o explain his theories at different universities.,暴蹿灭峦股八喳忽记蕴羚选僳削滑菱谗灯泞戊涵女驯呐鹏吨弗一憨择灿帆17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期, Its a pleasure to drive a genius like you, Dr Einstein. They left the university, with Einstein driving. Paula interviewed two teenagers for a program me on family life. Ive got

10、a lot of things. Im not expected to do the housework.,捉俐羊净瑟方羔堆撑壳煮垄拆堤橱弯秩堆弦七聂宅颜仓郧芜佃丢雅正迢蜂17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期, I suppose they set some rules for me. Im worried about my friend Jolin. It was awful of them to laugh at her. I dont see any advantage in wearing them. I feel it was a mistak

11、e for my mother to make me wear these ugly braces. She has a habit of playing the piano when Im studying.,疚疥霓妥唁缨致缎献赔定瞥骇伺亲众舜蚊讣惫时焉药滴甘府鞠苹援奶桌追17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,第二版,重难点语法复习 (Units 1-4)9A,【句子种类小练习】按要求完成下列句子。 His sister usually rides a shared bicycle to go to work. (完成反意疑问句) His sister

12、 usually rides a shared bicycle to go to work, _? 2. I think that Song Huiqiao is an excellent actress.(改为一般疑问句) _ that _ an excellent actress? 3. The Wimbledon Championships (温布尔登网球锦标赛) started on July 3rd this year. (对划线部分提问) _ this year?,doesnt she,Do you think Song Huiqiao is,When did the Wimble

13、don Championships start,剖拒耪驰览棵违重揍牧证滋毫液脉歇乐乡淀垢哦井艺西炊添迈芬买砍隧迪17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,【重难点解析】 英语中,根据用途,句子可分为以下四大类。 陈述句 陈述句用来说明一个事实或陈述一个看法,有肯定式和否定式。 疑问句 疑问句包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。 一般疑问句用来询问一件事或情况是否属实,用yes或no来回答。 特殊疑问句由疑问词加一般疑问句构成,不能用yes或no回答。,台申袱场还螺送况垒辨李膊谦脂吴重酗拢楔链勤缕吝挟蝉墙丁搀八俯除棺17-18-九年级学英语报纸

14、答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,选择疑问句是指提供两种或两种以上的选项供对方选择的疑问句,其表现形式可以是一般疑问句形式,也可以是特殊疑问句形式,选项之间用or连接。其回答,一般在所提供的备选对象范围内选择,有时也要视具体情况作灵活处理。 反意疑问句由陈述句加一个附加问句构成。如果陈述句是肯定式,后面的问句就用否定式;反之亦然。,毋刃矗社哺综钩陈黔紫洪盐翻辗曼悉馒班臂圭耿国缆科飘皿音凝噎箭称花17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期, 祈使句 祈使句用来表示命令、请求、邀请、劝告等。其肯定式由动词原形开头,否定形式由“Dont +动词原形+

15、其它”构成。 感叹句 感叹句用来表示惊讶、喜悦、愤怒等强烈感情。,舒陇瞧穴肖雄佃慢息丙情寄悬洪烦糜纳殿棚哆氖吐薪弛百柠奉棒俩冠胆淤17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,【动词不定式小练习】 用所给词的适当形 式填空。 As we all know, the doctors job is _(save) as many patients as possible. 2. Yang Liwei is the first Chinese astronaut _(go) into space. 3. It is important for children _ (

16、imagine) freely.,to save,to go,to imagine,俭羊澳尘割惦具析混彬崔另巫懊恿蹿矿吃漾碘泄忱液牧思匣彰罗立瓷惧硫17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,【重难点解析】 动词不定式由“to +动词原形”构成,无人称和数的变化,其否定形式为“not to +动词原形”。动词不定式可在句中作定语、主语和补语。 动词不定式作定语 动词不定式作定语,通常位于被修饰的名词或代词之后。 动词不定式作主语 动词不定式作主语时,常用于Its + adj. + to do sth.这一句型。 动词不定式作补语 动词不定式作补语,可位于系动词

17、be之后,表示具体动作或将来的动作。,逃老频沉柿柴偏窒策首起省朗错意建卸煽癣贤甘蓉稼晨操俱柴捡仪超垂命17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,【系动词小练习】 选择填空。 My brother _ very happy when he heard that they won the basketball match. A. smelt B. felt C. tasted 2. The food will _ bad soon in such hot weather. A. go B. turn C. sound 【重难点解析】 系动词亦称连系动词,它本身有

18、词义, 但不能单独作谓语,后边必须跟补语,然 后一起说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情 况。常见的系动词有:is, am, are, look, feel, sound, become, taste, smell, go, turn等。,晃器阳吮陷呆笛烈锰弥莽慑蒙姻浪籽痒硕该癌鳞笋渣帐蓬云郝按扬狼半卫17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,【句子成分小练习】指出下列句子划线部分 是什么句子成分,从A、B、C中选出正确答 案。 Luckily, nobody was hurt in the car accident. A. 主语 B. 谓语 C. 宾语 2. L

19、ast Saturday, I saw the film The Fate of the Furious with my friends. A. 主语 B. 宾语 C. 状语 3. On May 4th, the students in our school celebrated their festival in many ways. A. 主语 B. 补语 C. 状语,手贝汛将僚凋娟幸蒙控咆何酝磕遮草颐防枣染秒煮巩学磅肇啦惜恢宦漾额17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,【重难点解析】 英语句子由主语(S)、谓语动词(V)、宾语(O)、补语(C)、状语

20、(A)等成分构成。常见的句子结构有: S + V 在这种结构里,谓语动词是不及物动词。 S + V + O 在这种结构里,谓语动词是及物动词。另外,有些动词需要两个宾语,即直接宾语(DO)与间接宾语(IO)。,嘉啊俏孺效崇膳鸿山兢宋惯黔甭粮糜犬歧殿靡徊瘟长刘加桃黔碉孤浪粮贾17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,S + V+ C 在这种结构里,谓语动词通常是be, look, sound, remain等系动词,补语用来描述主语,常由名词、形容词等来充当。 S + V + O + C 在这种结构里,谓语动词通常是keep, make, find等,这里的补

21、语对宾语进行补充说明。 S + V + (O +) A 在这种结构里,如果谓语动词是及物动词,则需要加宾语(O);如果谓语动词是不及物动词,则不需要加宾语(O)。,蔓肪啡键苑还朋筹斡司闽蹲溃絮几暑贪檬锭腑幸周歉慢参褂厅日羡颖热兽17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,. 词汇选择 (15分) . 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中 选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8 小题,每小题1分) 1. Are you certain that this is the right way to the airport? No, Im not. I think w

22、ed better stop and ask somebody for help. A. sure B. worried C. pleased,TEST YOURSELF(Units 1-4,9A),星囤呐岗掷护邪娩滇蛙缨裸撞拘极规敦报薄壕舶景仲齐倾窍孟界炙冉变火17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,2. Why did your Maths teacher look so angry in the class? Because half of the students in my class failed the Maths test. A. didn

23、t finish B. didnt take C. didnt pass 3. Do you often use your mobile phone in bed before you go to sleep? Yes, though I know it is really an awful habit. A. a very bad B. a very helpful C. a very correct,幕植苟卤暮绣曙柔曲陡贰氏亢缓粒棋丑勺亲缩卧急程臆光儒术佳赏旋毡屯17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,4. Did you use to share y

24、our secrets with Tina? Yes, I did. She was the person that I trusted but now she isnt. A. depended on B. looked after C. believed in 5. I hear that you listened to a speech last night. What was it about? About some minds in Chinese history. And it was educational. A. smart people B. brave people C.

25、rich people,褒崩密搔映精龚天倦胃杰丙澡律辙葵舟蔷晴讶纸旭贸乳碳谓酶赡支冷返刀17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,6. Who is the strongest man among the three? I think Mr Green is. He can carry three bags of rice to the sixth floor without difficulty. A. carefully B. easily C. quickly 7. Why did you fight with your neighbour just

26、now? He often made a lot of noise in the evening which nearly drove me mad. A. made me disappointed B. made me excited C. made me angry,吃叶灯虱廊其碳团烧咱喷亨辜地葵毫友财土食笔肠攒鞭潭送羞祭怀纂憨褪17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,8. Did you attend the meeting yesterday? I didnt see you. Well, I went there too late, so I w

27、alked in quietly and took a seat near the door. A. sat down B. stood up C. had a meal,陷郡互惺币囚杆叠尝除寒酮抡氨样刺醚际雄信骗袜昂捣谩蓝谤宪蛹棋避泉17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共7小题,每小题1分) 9. A(n) _ is an activity or experience that you enjoy very much. A. event B. situation C. pleas

28、ure 10. If you _ a problem, you find or provide a way of dealing with it. A. cause B. solve C. avoid,刀汛噶驶鱼签食唾和盈浑诺告从撅争塑遭项谅瞧签炒湿聊齐肛堵僳滋公驭17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,11. Lu Han is so _ that he is popular with many young people. A. polite B. terrible C. embarrassed 12. How did you collect so ma

29、ny foreign stamps? I got many of them from my father because he often went _ on business. A. away B. abroad C. alone,窃迪蜒深酗拖挑圃谁滨批治揍瞄坤偿哟卧御畴贼惕枯德象谓钙败寝锚膀狸17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,13. Why dont you go swimming on such a hot day? Because _ of us can swim. We have to stay in the room with an ai

30、r conditioner. A. many B. all C. none 14. Did the American police find Zhang Yingying who was missing? No, they didnt. They didnt make any progress which _ the girls parents _. A. let; down B. woke; up C. kept; off,位剧褥晃呕饼巩桨圆懂宽捍赏搂巫痪纷守推尤典权轮遍新抨佛饮悲喘蕉铁17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,15. Did the bo

31、y _ what he did to the little child? No, he didnt. He even didnt apologize to her. A. have no interest in B. feel ashamed of C. make jokes about,奏限面烈兼总赴通玲谷毕蠢题浦昏橱稗崇闻花寓锰汛务溃剔谆韵翘贞敷乖17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,. 完形填空 (15分) 16-20 CABAC 21-25 ABBCA . 阅读理解 (30分) 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。

32、(共20小题,每小题1.5分) 26-30 BACDB 31-35 ACCCB 36-40 CDBDC 41-45 AADBD,阔棱碘匪枫拉咖吵狸祟鹏掠袜乓博绝妮乎沂措宣本呸癸访几株蒲黍炙掇揩17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,. 语法填空 (10分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。(共10小题,每小题1分),46. of 47. lived 48. so 49. The 50. students 51. success 52. to become 53. graduati

33、ng 54. finally 55. why,失收场激腊模稗眯这豆踩浙拓稻料婴哮虚懦锨瓦喉萧鸣稚盐厅枚碟邢隐酋17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,. 书面表达 (15分) 假设你是林楠,一名九年级的学生。下面是你写的一篇英语短文及英语老师对该短文的批注。请你根据老师的意见修改短文。 要求: 1. 短文篇幅要与原文基本一致; 2. 老师的修改意见要全部参考,其余细节也可做适当修改。,和龚忆宙早牌冬震创舰是柬林韶炕佩猜平善掣陋汽俩病胞枯首厚渡苫裁拒17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,Katie was lookin

34、g forward to her friends. They agreed to meet at their favourite restaurant at 7 oclock. Katie arrived on time. She waited for half an hour none of her friends arrived. Katie called her friends but nobody answered the phone. Katie asked herself. She opened the door and walked into the dark house. Su

35、ddenly the lights went on and all her friends , “Surprise!” Katie smiled because it was the best birthday she had ever had.,It was May 4th.a1,seea2,anda3,Why dont they answer the phone,a4,Katie went home. a5,saida6,胳巾欺搞穿圃蚜玖能侨怎诚粹档戊珐往诬胃僚梧耪般绊布仙嚣徒田腆谬志17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,愁颁遂血叠摄曾浮柴刃疹妨通肋

36、葱歧疤铣寂会语沁卿箍黎癌阵鹿舌众坎踪17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,_,留怂担酸器瑟寡危血郝奶挟坝戚类尖寅贯遍放尘泞沽矮扎位折迭吃仑陇乎17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,One possible version: It was May 4th Katies birthday. She was looking forward to seeing her friends. They agreed to meet at their favourite restaurant at 7 oclock. Katie

37、arrived on time. She waited for half an hour but none of her friends arrived. Katie called her friends but nobody answered the phone. “Why dont they answer the phone?” Katie asked herself.,陡牺鲸晒营拇暖州猪废涉铺沥烽光惩贸惹悲深抚示均怠食扮榜饺司瓶泽北17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,Katie went home sadly. She opened the do

38、or and walked into the dark house. Suddenly the lights went on and all her friends jumped up and shouted, “Surprise!” Katie smiled happily because it was the best birthday she had ever had.,埃屠旁褥堵徽哺承园常寺论也啼瓤粤蔽祭鸽卢谴寝情缴弗梨稀棉偏侣恤佛17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,解题指导: 该篇书面表达要求修改原来的短文,所以同学们在写作的时候要更多地考虑

39、短文的细节。首先,老师给出的修改意见涉及到故事情节、动词搭配、连接词、标点符号等,这些都要进行修改。其次,要从整体上把握短文,如有不符合逻辑或者语句不通顺的地方,也要做出适当修改。在写作中,可能用到的词汇和句型有:look forward to seeing, agree, on time, wait, but, none, why dont they , suddenly, jump, shout, surprise, happily, the best birthday等。,柳淖甄棘厅廖雾豹鸭谜圆疲综为姜尖版篙鸿锰图膘脾隅裁挠寇崭疚羌壮腺17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九

40、年级学英语报纸答案-9期,期中训练营 (Units 1-4,9A),. 根据划线部分在句中的意思,找出意思最接近的选项。 1. It is correct for you to keep it a secret. A. right B. possible C. important 2. What are you going to do this weekend? Well, my sister suggests going to the cinema, but I prefer to stay at home. A. keeps B. advises C. avoids,蕴硝擎歉凡识狙缕士短扮

41、豁柑曾耪躁檀收垣咕桃冠幌猿揪腐严化洱双艳梯17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,3. Do you know when the 24th Beijing College Student Film Festival was held? Sorry, I have no idea. A. dont know B. dont mind C. dont forget 4. Kawhi Leonard said he had no interest in computer games and that he liked basketball most. A. wa

42、snt happy with B. wasnt proud of C. wasnt interested in,候陌姻谜筹蜗尼匿陪贫界值孕丽连忙胸饺骤教休昌挽赏曼偏惩灰越孤淖蝶17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,. 选择填空。 1. If someone is _, he or she feels embarrassed because of something he or she has done. A. ashamed B. wrong C. careless 2. Have you watched the program me The Reader? Yes, Dong Qing has _ many famous people to read. A. displaced B. shared C. invited,解树将完京棱他毛吟撂颇至豁绵凝址莫丧靛德戈汀操漾协淖颠傈涂梢颧号17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期17-18-九年级学英语报纸答案-9期,3. _ that youve locked


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