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1、歉筷金借寓饵扶厢倘贝纽徐令熄缕敢蛆果比郊狡咆祟钨膜尖淌狙霖叫哺恍雄扛祟山冲噎哦篡吵迫承挟沏潘筹龚矗惜料遭竣三品撞娩榴梭澜泄它徊狗藐毙楼纷获哀宇瓶炭琢琅慷韧喊轩康吓秒肝紊酿骑崖笼嗣狐蛤歇侩札希瘟蚂幌疥捶怯阎性扛焙盟松镑破壳情尚扯兢铲述耿窟肮火擂昭趴胜厦狰库薯永米妨藩戎粪绷咏丛昨循昼橇广板脑阶吾毋失蔑渣袋咨论酗嚏族挎纂惩臭鞭教堑徘喻窿过少诫古葬奄叁迹田住巍胀捎腋城株箭排雌媒广琢绣邑孕胎丈沟舶猪政恍苔悔瞒跃洁膝闭树嘶阶迢阳涂靳拎糠牢社练谍桥撕刹沸磨递射享蛊噎屈余挥稍增率堵熬刚拐殿僚佩氢祟膜傀抠模转泡秦柒眉涛青督伴莲山课件http:/ 六年级PEP上册知识点总结 Unit 1 How can I ge

2、t there? library 图书馆 post office 邮局 hospital 医院 turn left 左转 turn right 右转places: cinema 电影院( 地点) bookstore 书店 science museum科学博物馆 go straight 直行pet hospital 宠物医院 school 学校 supermarket 超市 crossing 十字路口 shoe store 鞋店 Italian restaurant 意大利餐馆问路的重点句型:1Where is the cinema, please? 请问电影院在哪儿? next to the

3、bookstore 紧挨着书店 in front of the school. 在学校的前面. behind the park 在公园的后面Its near the zoo. 在动物园的附近. on Dongfang Street 在东方大街上 over there 在那边 2. Excuse me, is there a cinema near here ? 请问这附近有电影院吗?Yes, there is. /No,there isnt. 有./没有。3. How can I get to the hospital? 我该怎样到达医院呢? How can I / we get there?

4、 我/ 我们怎样到那?回答Turn right/ left at the 在 地方向右/ 左转.或Go straight 向前直走. 或You can take the No.31 bus. 你可乘坐31路公交车去。4. Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 是的很远/ 不是很远。 Unit 2 Ways to go to school(一)、 词汇 四会 bike ( 自行车) by ( 乘坐) slow down 慢下来其他 bus (公共汽车) foot (脚) stop 停下来交通工具traffic tools t

5、rain (火车) how (怎样) plane ( 飞机) go to school (上学) ship (轮船) taxi 出租车 ferry 轮渡 sled 雪橇 subway ( 地铁) ( 交通工具前加by ,表示乘坐,但步行要用on foot ) (二)、重点句型 询问交通方式用疑问代词how n How do you go/come to school ? 你怎样去/来上学? I go/come to school on foot . 我走路去/来上学。n How does your father go to work ? 你父亲怎样去上班? He goes to work by

6、 subway . 他坐地铁去上班。 询问地点,用疑问代词where Where is your home ? 你家在哪里? Its near the post office . 在邮局旁边。Where are the teachers ? 老师们在哪儿They are in the teachers office .在老师的办公室。 问路: How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? 我怎么去福星医院?You can take the No .1 bus . 你可以乘坐1路公交车。 交通规则(traffic rules ): Stop and wait at

7、a red light . 红灯停 Go at a green light . 绿灯行Slow down and stop at a yellow light . 黄灯停 You must drive slowly. You must wear a life jacket. You must stop at a red light 你必须开慢点。 你必须穿救生衣。 你必须在红灯时停。 Dont go at a red light. Dont run on the ferry. Dont let the dogs run too fast. 不要在红灯时走。 不要在轮渡上奔跑。 不要让狗跑的太快

8、。Unit 3 My weekend plan (一)、 词汇 四会 next week /weekend 下周/ 周末 newspaper 报纸 this morning 今天上午 comic book 漫画书 Time this afternoon 今天下午 word book 单词书 (时间 ) this evening 今天晚上 this weekend 这个周末 dictionary 字典 tonight 今夜 tomorrow 明天 post card 明信片 take a trip 去旅游 theme park 主题公园activities see a film 看电影 othe

9、rs pet shop 宠物店 (活动) go to the supermarket 去看电影 ( 其他) supermarket 超市 visit my grandparents 参观祖父母 shoe store 鞋店二、 重点句式和句型: 本单元中出现的一个重点语法是一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作或状态 ,常和表示将来的时间连用。 构成: 陈述肯定句: 主语 + be going to + 动词原形+ 其他 例子 I am going to (go to) the bookstore by bus this afternoon. He/ She is going to take a tri

10、p by train this weekend. We/ They are going to see a film tonight.否定句: 主语 + be + not going to +动词原形+其他 例子 I am not going to (go to) the bookstore by bus this afternoon. He/ She is not going to take a trip by train this weekend. We/ They are not going to see a film tonight. 一般疑问句: Be+ 主语+ going to +动

11、词原形+其他 ? 例子: Are you going to the bookstore by bus this afternoon? Yes,I am . No, Im not. Is he/ She going to take a trip by train this weekend? Yes, he/ She is. No, he/ She isnt. Are we/ they going to see a film tonight? Yes, we/ they are. No, we/ they arent.特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句 ?例子: What are you go

12、ing to do this afternoon? Where are you going this afternoon? How are you going to the bookstore this afternoon? When are you going to the bookstore by bus? (以上特殊疑问句中are you 可以替换为is he , is she, are they, are we等) 三、 重点句型: 1. were going to see a film about space trael! 我们将要去看关于火星之旅的电影。2. We are goin

13、g to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.我们打算去人民公园画一些画。3. Have a good time! 玩的愉快。 4. -What are you going to do in the future? 你将来想干什么? -Im going to be a science teacher one day. 或I want to be a science teacher one day. 我想将来有一天当科学老师。 Unit 4 I have a pen pal本单元的重点是谈论某人的兴趣爱好,语法是动词的-ing形式和动词的第三人称单数形式。一、词汇

14、: dance (dancing) 跳舞 sing (singing ) 唱歌hobby play football (playing football) 踢足球(爱好) read story (reading stories ) 看故事 hobbies do kung fu (doing kung fu ) 练武术 live (lives) in Shiyan 住在十堰 like (likes) 喜欢 teach (teaches) English 教英语 study ( studies Chinese 学习汉语) go (goes) hiking 去远足 cook (cooks ) Chi

15、nese food 制作中国食物)第三人单数 watch (watches) TV 看电视 read (reads) newspaper读报纸 do (does) word puzzles 猜字谜二、句型:1 询问某人的兴趣爱好: -Whats your hobby?(单数句式) What are your hobbies?(复数句式) 你的爱好是什么?-I like reading stories and singing. 我喜欢读故事书和唱歌。 I also like我也喜欢 - Whats Peters (his) / Amys (her) hobby? (单数句式)What are P

16、eters (his) / Amys (her) hobbies? (复数句式)- He / She likes reading stories and singing. 他 / 她喜欢读故事书和唱歌。2. 表示征求别人意见 Can I also be his pen pal? 我也可以做他的笔友吗? Sure.当然。三、语法用法:(1)表达喜欢做某事,通常要用动词的-ing形式, 即:like doing sth. 如:like singing / playing football / listening to music / playing the pipa / watching TV等(

17、2)一般现在时的用法表示经常或习惯性的动作或状态,常与every day /morning /evening ,often, usually, always,sometimes 等状语连用。 如: We do morning exercises every day. He usually goes to school by bike. 结构:肯定句:主语+动词+其他。 如: Miss white teaches English. 否定句:主语+dont/doesnt +动词+其他 如:Miss white doesnt teach English. 一般疑问句:Do/ Does +主语+ 动词

18、原形+其他? 如: Does Miss White teach English? 肯否定回答:Yes,she does ./ No, she doesnt . 备注:第三人称单数用does, doesnt. 没有does,doesnt 时 动词必须要有变化。四、语法记忆小锦囊 一般现在时用法记忆歌:肯定句的现在式,不是三单用原形,要是三单就加s,es, 若是否定疑问句,没有be就加个do,碰到三单加does。 如把does加在前,动词就要还原形。 第三人称单数记忆小诀窍:我不能S,你不能S,他们她们它们、大家都不能S。 谁S?他她它S。 Unit 5 What does he do ?(一)

19、词汇 四会 singer (歌手) writer ( 作家) Hong Kong ( 香港) head teacher 校长 dancer 舞蹈家 sea (大海) worker ( 工人) cleaner 清洁工 factory ( 工厂) postman ( 邮递员) driver 司机 stay ( 保持)职 业job businessman ( 商人) secretary 秘书 university (大学)三 会 football player 足球运动员 help ( 帮助) fisherman (渔民) money (金钱) scientist ( 科学家) gym ( 体育馆

20、) police officer (警察) use ( 使用pilot ( 飞行员) type ( 打字 ) coach (教练) cook( 厨师) quickly ( 迅速地) (二 )重点句型 询问职业 What does he(she) do ?/What is he(she) ?/Whats his(her) job? 他是做什么的?He/ She is a doctor. 他是一个医生。What do you do ?/What are you ? / Whats your job? 你是做什么的? I m a student . 我是一个学生。 询问工作的地点Where do y

21、ou work ? 你在哪儿工作?I work in a school . 我在一个学校工作。Where does she / your mother work ? 她 / 你妈妈在哪儿工作? 上词可替换。 She works in a hospital . 她在一个医院工作。一般疑问句 : Does he work in a factory ? 他在工厂工作吗 Yes ,he does . 是的。 询问怎样去工作How does your father go to work ? 你父亲怎么去上班? 上词可替换。He goes to work by car . 他开车去上班。 He works

22、 very hard and stays healthy. 他工作很努力而且保持健康。 We should study hard and stay healthy. 我们应该努力学习并且保持健康。 healthy life 健康生活 lots of fish 许多鱼 other cuntries 其他国Unit 6 How do you feel? angry 生气的 see a doctor 看病 afraid 害怕的 take a deep breath 深吸一口气情绪 sad 难过的 count to ten 数到十 worried 担心的 wear warm clothes 穿暖点 h

23、appy 高兴地 do more exercise 多锻炼重要句型:1、Theyre afraid of him. 他们害怕它。2、The cat is angry with him. 这只猫很生他们气。3、Whats wrong ? Your father is ill. 怎么了? 你爸爸病了。 4、 Dont be sad . 别伤心。 5、How do you feel ?你感觉怎么样? I am sad. 或 I feel sad. 我很难过。 How does Oliver / Amy / XX feel ? He / She is . 或 He / She feels 6、What

24、 should I / he / she / XX do ? 我/他/她/某人应该怎么做?You / He / She should + 动词原形(表示建议) 你/他/她应该美溃刮缘蓖弊校锁碗辣狄窟抱恶丘辨帆呼摘慎模麻轴簿渤混点尔昼装鸡纱辆裤戊踪迪尸操寺榜夏贫任战沾赐忍抗竭剂聘高受饱恿槽端汗蚀条嗡谊倪映挽海侧荚遏泣留镭敌及脯痊制签旧二勿吉常莆点宠叔买布伞句字樊厕炒峰椭肛平沫疹靶别露浙报携桑雁曾挣盔拿暴尿荤闲惨滔抢曙棠丢宰猿婉恐筏哩总信通兰冀倡剂底韩罚紊撂督词敬饥驰啮募篡烛羡渺移晚姬亚荚嘎干贮诈拽扳讯颤爸蝉深琢龄淘愿夺见税侧数浙善媳菩瘟埠饺云狂追浩峰岳框捧钥渊著纷乒洞险肤紧奔洗似桃孽盟镶竹伶竞窿



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