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1、二年级英语期末试题姓名:听力部分 (30分 )一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词. (10分 )() 1 A deskB pantsC leg() 2 A inB onCunder() 3 A handB pearC may()4 AnoseBshirtC shorts( ) 5 A doorB newC old() 6A friendB boyCgirl()7 A classroomB schoolbagC window() 8 A pinkBbrownC blue()9 A 17B 7C 18() 10 A faceBeyeCmouth二听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分 )()1 A Th

2、isisLiLin.BThisismyfriend .C Thisisourclassroom .()2 A Howmany pencilsdoyou have ?B Howmany pensdoyou have ?C Howmany markers doyouhave ?() 3A Theruler isinthebook.B Theruler is on the book.CTherulerisunder the book.() 4 A Thesearemyeyes.B Thesearemyears.C Thesearemyhands.() 5 A 12 + 6 = 18B 20 + 6=

3、 26第 1页C 2 +6 = 8三 根据问题,选回答。 (10 分 )() 1A Sheiswearingadress .B HeiswearingaskirtCTheyare wearing pants.()2AThanks!B Youare welcome !C No ,no no!() 3ATwentymarkersBTwentypencilsCTwentyschoolbags .() 4AI seeabird .B Ihave two yearsCIeatwithmymouth.() 5A Nicetomeetyou,tooB Iamgood .CGood morning !笔试部分

4、 :70分四、选出下列单词中不属于同一类的。(10 分)()1 A oneB fourC earD six( )2A dressB apple CT-shirtD socks()3 A bookB rulerC window D Danny( )4 A penBblueC red D green( )5A strawberryB eyeC faceD ear五、选择 ( 10分)()1 We_friends .A amB isCare( )2 Ihearwithmy_A mouth BearsCeyes第 2页( )3Ihavefifteen _A markerB pencilsC book(

5、)4 I am _ a skirt.AwearB wearsC wearing( ) 5ThisisKim ,_ isa newstudent .AheB sheCit( ) 6Thisismyfriend,_ nameis Kim .AhisB herC she( )7Itis_AbluesBblueC ablue()8 That is a _AwindowB doorsC blue( )9 Howmany _ do you see ?Apencil BmarkerC birds( )10 Sorry ,I_haveagreenmarker .AdoBdont Cnot六 将下列单词标在图片

6、上 (10分)A eyeBearC noseD mouth E handF foot G arm HheadIlegJface七 、选择正确的语句。(12 分 )1 ( ) 我用鼻子闻AIhearwithmynoseBIsmellwithmynose .CIeatwithmynose .2 ( )在桌子上A In the desk .B On the deskC Under the desk3 ( )它是新的吗 ?第 3页AIsitold ?BIsitnew ?CIsitred ?4 ( )我喜欢你的衬衫。AIdon tlike your skirt .BIlikeyourskirt .CIl

7、ikeyourshirt .5 ( )我想要洗袜子A I wanttowashmy socksB I wanttowashmy shoes .C I wanttowashmy pants .6 ( )你是一个好男孩。A You areagoodboy !B You areagoodgirl !C You areagoodteacher !八 选出正确的汉语意思( 16 分)1()studentA母亲B父亲c学生2()schoolbagA学校B书包C教室3() windowA门B窗户 C黑板4()bodyA身体B男孩C女孩5( ) twelveA 20B 12C 26( ) skirtA衬衫B长

8、裙C短裙7( ) shorts第 4页A矮的B长裤C短裤8 () shoesA 鞋子B袜子C裤子九根据短文内容判断句子,正确的打,错误的打。(12 分)My name is Tiffany,Iama girl , I am 8 years old , Iamanewstudent ,Iam a goodstudent .I like school .1() Tiffanyisagirl .2()Tiffanyis8yearsold .3()Tiffanyisan oldstudent .4() Tiffanyisgood .5()Tiffanylikesschool .6()Tiffanyis

9、aboy .听力部分一 1pants2under 3pear 4shorts 5door 6friend 7eye8 brown 91710 schoolbag二 1This isourclassroom .2How many pencils do you have ?3The ruler is on the book.4These aremyears.520 + 6= 26三 1 What is she wearing ?2 Thank you3How many markers do you have ?4What do you see?5Good morning笔试部分答案四 CBDAA五 CBBCBB BBCA六略第 5页七 B B B B A A八 CBBABC CA九 第 6页


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