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1、M7U4( Project- preventing traffic accidents)导学案Learning aims(学习目标 ) :1.Help Ss learn and use English by doing a project.2. Encourage Ss to use what they have learnt to complete a projectImportant points(学习重点 ):To analyze thewhole text and know aboutthe structure and the main idea of the textDifficul

2、t points(学习难点) : How to complete the project.Learning guides(方法导引) : Read, copy and reciteLearning procedures(学习过程):Step1. Try to remember the new words as quickly(温馨as possible提示:说一千,道一万,记住单词是关键! )1 . Read and recitenew words and phrases from ariseto orderly threetimes. (方法导引:按音标正确读,背单词和短语)( A 级)2

3、Copy the new words and phrases from arise to orderly three times.(方法导引: 汉语只需抄一遍, 抄写后应会默写这些单词和短语)( A 级)3. 根据所给中文释义写出各单词: (方法导引:先默写,然后核对答案,错误之处用红笔 标出,写出正确答案后再次加以巩固) ( B 级)1._ adj.极端的,极度的2._adj.不负责任的3._n.原因,起因;事业4. _ n.假定,臆想5._n.行人,步行者6. _ vt.使超载,使过载7._n.卡车8. _adj.不稳定的,摇摆9._ adj.周围的 n.周围环境 10._ n.诱因;邀请

4、;请帖11._vi.发信号12._adv.不正确地,错误地13._adj. 不耐烦的,没耐心的 14._adj.有秩序的,秩序井15._ adj. 好斗的16._vt.大吃大喝; 消费17._ adj.酒精的;含酒精的18._ vt.违反;违犯19._ vt.解散,解雇;抛弃 20._ n.人行道我的单词默写情况一般()()()Step2. Reading comprehension11. 文信息理解 Who have responsibilities to prevent accident?A. Drivers B. Pedestrians C. Policemen D. Everyone

5、Which of the following shouldn t we do?A. Speaking on the mobile phone while driving B.Being patient in a traffic jamC.Walking across the road on acrossingD.Obeying trafficjam The passage is intended to_.A. warn drivers of the danger on the roads B. tell us to obeytraffic lightC. show us how to avoi

6、dtrafficaccidentsD. warn us notto ridebicycles2. 任 型 _1_2_DriversnotTheyshouldbe_3_whenpayingattentionanother driver does somethingwrongDriversspeakingSpeaking on thephone leadstoAboutonlackof_4_,soitmobile phonesadriversshould be banned.DrivingtoofastisDrivers_5_a(n)_6_behavior.Sodrivers should kee

7、p an eye onspeed limitCyclistsnotpaSome cycliststhinktrafficyingthem. The ideaAboutattentionlaws do not_7_toshould be removedcyclistsDo not carry a passenger .TheandCyclistscarryingaofcontrolispedestriapassengerlacka(n)_8_to an accident.nsBe_10_towaitagreen_9_traffic lightslightStep3:一短 填空1.目的 是, 旨

8、在_2. 由 引起_3.交通拥堵_4.几个_5.了解 ,意识 到_6.取 决于_7.需要修理 _ 8.小心,留意 _9.交通事故的 因 _10.使状 良好 _2二、 填空1.Whilehavinganimportanttest,youmustbecarefuland_( 耐心 ) 。2.As we all know, youngpeople are usually _(好斗 ) 。3.Making phone calls while driving require_(集中注意力 ) and takes a driver s attention from the road.4.If you dr

9、ive after you havec_ alcoholic drinks,youare_( 背 )thelaw and riskingyourlifeas well as otherslives.5.Some cyclistsmake the_ (假 ) that traffic lawsdo not apply to them.6. .Cyclists should s_ when they are turning and stay onthe correct side of the road.7.In the big cities, it s safe to walk on the_(人

10、 行道)。8.As a driver,we must check ourlightsandtyres_( 定期地 ) 。9.Itisdangerous to_( 步行人 ) to driveon the pavement.10. Our old school has f_ as a hospital now.Step4.Deal with the language points(Study the explanations of thelanguagepoints,readand writethe example sentences,translateitinto Chinese, and t

11、hen do the exercises that follow.)( C级)1.The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from thoseaccidents has increased greatly over the past year. (P62)arisevi. (arose, arisen) 生; 生;出 ; 站起来,起身arise from= arise out of由引起,因 生risevi.升起,上升;起立;起床raisevt. 起;升起;提高;养育1 ) Some unexpecteddifficultiesh

12、avearisen.( 英 译 汉 )_2) More injuries are _ _ _ road accidents.因交通事故造成的 害更多了。3) He _ his voice in order to be heard. 了 人听 ,他提高了自己的嗓 。4)The sun _ in the east.太阳从 升起。5) Use this money when the need_ .出 困 ,使用 笔 。2. This notice is aimed at increasing people s awareness of theproblem because it has become

13、 quite extreme. (P62)aim vi.目地是,瞄准vt.将。瞄准 n.目 ,目的be aimed at旨在, ,目 是aim to do sth.打算做某事aim sth. at把。瞄准。with the aim of doing sth.目地在于做某事31) What Isaid_ _ _ _ .(不是 你)2) The boy_ _ _ _ _ .(立志当个 行 )3. When drivers do not pay attention to surrounding traffic, they are not prepared when another driver do

14、es something wrong, likechanging lanes without signaling or giving wrong signals.signal vi.& vt. 信号,示意n. 信号signal (to) sb. to do sth.示意某人做某事signal that示意。give (sb) a signal ( 某人 ) 信号1) I raised my hand and_ _ _ _ _ _.( 示意服 把菜 拿 来)2)He flashed his torch to_ _ _ _ _.(示意他准 好了 )3)We waitedforthem to_ _

15、_ _ _ _.( 给我 出前 的信号)4. This is a fact that is easily dismissed, but driving too fastthrough city streets is very irresponsible and dangerous.dismiss vt.解雇,免。 ;摒弃(想法) ;解散,是。 。离开1) I did my best to_ _ _ _ .(打消他 的想法 )2) If you are late again, you _(dismiss)from your job.Step5:巩固提高1. One of theconsequen

16、ces ofour planets being warmingup is a(n)_ in the number of natural disasters. (2003上海 )A. resultB. accountC. reasonD. increase2 -What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until thebasketball game.- -_. Whatever you want to do is fine with me. (2004年浙江 )A. Itju st depends. B.It s up to you.

17、C.Allright.D.Gladto hear that.3. At the end of 2004, there were around 6,000 foreign printing companies in China, _ up around 4 percent of national total.(2006 年九江模 )A. madeB. to makeC. makingD. having made4. You are making a(n)_ which might not be true.4A. substance B. assumption C. noticeD. theory

18、5. Howmy teacher could teach the youngsters in such_ is a complete mystery to me.A. scenes B. surrounding C. surroundings D. sights6.The driverstepped on the_ hard as the childran onto the roadin front of the car.A. brace B. brakeC. breakD. brand7. His long boring lecture is often an_ to his student

19、s complaint.A. attractionB. invitationC. attentionD. observation8. _ to the children living in poor areas, I have a happy childhood.A. CompareB. ComparedC. ComparingD. To compare9. The English exam is not difficult, is it? _. Even Tom _ to the top students failed in it. (2006年黄冈模拟题)A. Yes; belongsB. No; belonged C. Yes; belonging D. No;belonging10. Hi,Mary. Would you liketo go to the concertthisevening? (2006年海安中学模拟题)Sorry, Tom. _ tomorrow s lessons, I have no time to go out with you.A. Not preparingB. Not having preparedC. Not to prepareD. Being not prepared5


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