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1、武汉市 2014 高考英语阅读理解训练题(9)附答案During my elementary school years, I used to compare my mom with my best friendTiffany s mom.Tiffanys mom always gave herlots of money tobuy the most fashionable clothesand favorite food. Her mom allowed her to do anything she liked. I really admiredTiffany.My momdidntgivem

2、e much pocketmoney and she always toldme thatI shouldbehave myself. I was annoyed with her.Whenever I didnt get what I wanted, I would complain to my mom, Tiffanysmom would give her that! I wish she were my mom. Every time, my mom would calmlysay Poor Tiffany.I couldnt understand her. She shouldnt b

3、e feeling sorry for Tiffany! Ithought. She should be feeling sorry for me.One day, I couldnt help saying to Mom, Poor Tiffany?Lucky Tiffany! She getseverything she wants! Why do you feel sorry for her ? I burst into tears.My mom sat down next to me and said softly, Yes, I do feel sorry for her. Ihav

4、e been teaching you a lesson that she will never be taught. I looked up at her. What are you talking about?Mom said withcare, One day she will really want something. Maybe shell findout that she cant have it. Her mother wont always be around to give her money, andwhats more, money cant buy everythin

5、g.Shecontinued,Ihave taughtyou valuablelessonsby not givingyou everythingyou want. Youll know how to look for bargains and save money, but she wont. Youllunderstand that you need to work hard to get the things that you want but she wont.When Tiffany is a grown woman, shell wake up one day and she wi

6、ll be wishing thatshe had a mom like the one youve got. Life lessons are more important than modernclothes and delicious food. Ittook some time,but I eventuallyunderstoodmy moms words.Now I am a happyand successful woman.- 1 -13. During the authors elementary school years, she _. A. wished that her

7、mom were as good as TiffanysB. went to school with Tiffany every dayC. usually compared her lesson with TiffanysD. sometimes gave lots of money to Tiffany14. Why did the authors mom always say Poor Tiffany? A. She felt sorry for Tiffany because Tiffany was poor.B. She wanted to tell a lie to comfort

8、 the author.C. She thought that Tiffany was spoiled by her mother.D. She told the author this and wanted her to help Tiffany.15. What do we learn about the authors mother?A. She was strict and taught the author to be independent.B. She cared for other peoples children more than her own.C. She though

9、t that life lessons were as important as money.D. She was so poor that she couldnt give the author much money.16. What can we infer from the passage?A. The author was quite annoyed with her mother in the past.B. The authors mother felt sorry for Tiffany.C. Tiffanys mother took the authors mothers ad

10、vice.D. The author is thankful to her mother now.13 16、 ACAD*结束Starting at a new workplace can be stressful for anyone, whether you have yearsof experience or are just beginning your career. Here are a few expert tips to help you.1.Be the Early BirdReaching the office early will give you more time t

11、o explore and absorb your new surroundings. Arriving early also gives you time to network. And of course it helps- 2 -impress the new boss by showing your eagerness to work.2.Ask QuestionsIt shows your mangagers that you are interested in learning about you new job.More importantly, the answers will

12、 help you adapt to your new surroundings quickly.And try to limit yourself to general or work-related questions.3.Watch Your Body LanguageYour actionscan giveaway a lotmore than you think.Frowning,foldingyour hands,rockingback-and-forthin you chairor shakingyour leg constantly,are some gesturesthat

13、might give the impression that you are nervous, not confident or are too casualabout your job.4.Be a ListenerListen more and talk less. When you talk more, you might unintentionally speakout of turn. Lsitening and observing can help you learn more about you peers and managers and their way of doing

14、things. Try not to get sucked into office politics.5.Arrive Ready to LearnChange isalways difficult,but preparedto absorb a new culture,differentwaysof doingthingsand takeon new responsibilities.Try not tosay thingslike“ I usedto do this in this way” , which makes you seem too aggressive or even ann

15、oying.6.Dont Rush to Shake Things UpWe normally see people come in and make a quick assessment of what is happening,and startmaking changes quickly.That s not a god idea because itcan cause conflictwithyour new team. Insteadconsiderintroducingyour way of doing thingsslowlywhileyou communicate with y

16、our team as often as possible.Apply theseprinciplesand withinno timeyou would have made a place foryourselfin the organization.9 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThis passage is intended for people who have just graduated form college.BWe can ask any personal question after a

17、rriving at a new place.CWe can continue working in the same way as before.- 3 -DListening and observing can benefit you a lot.10 What does the underlined phrase mean in the sixth piece?AconcludeB decideC changeD plan11 What can we infer from the passage?A Ifyouneedhelp,donthesitatetoaskpeoplearoundy

18、ouintheneworganization.BPeople can be under pressure to work after arriving at a new place.CIt is better to arrive at offices as early as possible.DTalking more can make it easy for people to get into the office politics.12 What is the purpose of this passage?Ato educateB to persuadeC to instructD t

19、o advise9 12、 DCAD*结束第二节(共 5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Nowitis job huntingseason again The job fairsfloodwith hundreds and thousandsof 2011 graduatestudents Owing to the globalfinancialcrests,most of the graduatestudents admit that job hunting is not that easy and lon

20、gerItis always a painfulprocess forcollegestudentsto findjobs 71However,job positionsare quitelimited Inorderto get a job,the candidatesshouldbe morecompetitive than ever beforeA Chinese expertpredictedthatthe job huntingpressurein China,with a rocketingincreasein the activelaborforce,would reach it

21、sclimaxin 2006, Yet, thissituationcontinuesin 2010 In orderto transferthe human resourcesthatare more than neededor wanted to the less developed areas in China, the government has tried to Launcha series of policies to help release the pressure 7273A higher education may be more helpful to find a go

22、od job in the future,- 4 -whilethe temptationofan excitingjoband the strongwillof being a “ real ” adulturge the youth to slep into socially early For example, when an undergraduatemechanical science and technology major at a famous university is preparing for hispostgraduate exam, he receives an of

23、fer from a big foreign company one day74Anyway, it is really tough to prepare for the postgraduate examination75This is a tough time and everyone should have some shining points to winthe employers favorAs products of universities, college students are expectedtobefirst-ratetalentsandshouldstepintot

24、heexcellentgroupinthesociety However,these studentsmay achieveunexpectedsuccessin the fieldswheretheir professional knowledge functions to its maximizationAMost probably, he is so excited that he decides to quit the exam next yearBAlmost everyone worries about the result of the postgraduate examinat

25、ionC“ Survival of the fittest” Darwins evolution theory appears in thepersonnel marketDWith many colleges enlarged in recent years, large numbers of graduates needto hunt jobs EWhat s more, financialsupportisprovidedtoencouragethegraduatestostarttheir own careerFTo go on withfurthereducationortofind

26、a jobisone ofthehardestdecisionsfor the graduate students to make nowGCompetitionfor a jobwould be fierceas graduatesthisyearwill have tojointhe job hunting group from previous years参考答案7175 DEFAC*结束阅读理解、专题训练(*)、文章主旨 (*) 活学活用- 5 -根据前面所学阅读技巧,完成下列读写任务In September,2007, a group of students from eight h

27、igh schools in Winnipeg,the capital of Canadas Manitoba Province, will send a satellite into space.The satellite, named afteritshome city, willbe put intolow orbit.Oncein space ,it can perform for a few months or up to several years, communicating informationthat could help find the signs of earthqu

28、akes.Thereare80similarsatelliteprojectsworldwide, butthisisthefirsthigh-schoolbased program ofitskindin Canada.30 Manitobahighschoolstudentsarehaving a hand in designing and building the satellite, in cooperation with spaceexperts and 10 students from the University of Manitoba, and with support fro

29、m twoother organizations.The Winnipeg Project is not something that goes on a piece of paper; it isreal-worldengineering , allowinghigh schoolstudentsto have an opportunityto learnmore about the exciting world of engineering through their participation in thischallengingprogram.Itisalsoregardedasawo

30、nderfulexampleoftheuniquepartnerships within Manitoba.Designing, building and launching a satellite withhigh-school students will bring this world-class educational project into realityand Manitoba closer to space.“These high school students deserve congratulations for their enthusiasm andastronglov

31、efordiscovery, ”saidPeter , Education, Citizenshipand YouthMinister.“We want to make science more interesting and attractive to high schoolstudents by showing them how classroom studies can relate to practical experiencein the workplace or in space,” Peter added.The Winnipeg Project mainly aimed at

32、inspiring a strong desire for discovery onthe part of the students.It also shows Manitobas devotion to research. 请用大约30 词概括全文内容_. 根据所读短文,选择正确答案1According to the passage, this satellite is _.Anamed after Manitoba and its shapeBintended for international communicationCdesigned , built and launched mai

33、nly by studentsDchallenged by university students around the world- 6 -2According to the minister, _.Athe study of space can be practically made in classroomsBManitoba high schools are famous for the study of spaceCscientific research is too far away from high school studentsDthose Manitoba high sch

34、ool students are worth praising3The primary purpose of the project is to _.Ainspire a strong desire for discovery among the studentsBfind the early signs of earthquakesCrelate studies to practiceDhelp high school students study real-world engineering4Which of the following is True according to the p

35、assage?AThe students are from different high schools.BTheir program is the first satellite project worldwide.CThe author disagreed to let the high school work on the project.DThe students have got much help in their project.5The best title for this passage may be _.AManitoba SchoolB Winnipeg Program

36、CSpace Co-operation DSatellite Launching参考答案The passage is about the Winnipeg Projectin Canada, whose purpose is to encouragestudentsto participatein challengingprograms , making sciencemore interestingandattractive to high school students.(30 words)1解析:从第四段最后一句可知答案。答案: C2解析:从最后一段第一句可知答案。答案: D3解析:从最

37、后一段最后一句可知答案。答案: A4解析:从第3 段最后两句可知答案。答案: D- 7 -5解析:文章介绍了Winnipeg Program的地点,目的和活动内容,所有内容都是围绕Winnipeg Program这个主题的,所以B 为正确选项。答案: B*结束“The pen is more powerful than the sword(刀) . ” There have been many writerswho used their pens to fight things that were wrong. Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe wasone of them.

38、She was born in the U.S.A. in 1811.One of her books not only made her famous buthas been described as one that excited the world, and was helpful in causing a civil war and freeing the enslaved race. The civil war was the American Civil War of 1861, in which the Northern States fought the Southern S

39、tates and finally won.This book that shook the world was called Uncle Toms Cabin. There was time whenevery English-speaking man, woman, and child has read this novel that did so muchto stop slavery. Not many people read it today, but it is still very interesting.The book has shown us how a warm-hear

40、tedwritercan arouse ( 唤起 ) peoplessympathies.The author herself had neither been to the Southern States nor been a slave. TheSouthern Americans were very angry at the book, which they saiddid not at allrepresenttrue state of affairs, but the Northern Americans were wildly excited over it andwere so

41、inspired by it that they were ready to go to war to set the slaves free.13. According to the passage_.A. every English-speaking person has read Uncle Toms CabinB. Uncle Toms Cabin was not very interestingC. those who dont speak English cannot have read Uncle Toms CabinD. the book Uncle Toms Cabin di

42、d a great deal in the American Civil War14. What do you learn about Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe from the passage?A. She had been living in the north of America before the American Civil War broke out.B. She herself encouraged the Northern Americans to go to war to set the slaves- 8 -free.C. She was better as writing as swinging (挥舞 ) a sword.D. She had once been


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