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1、霸龚迟褂嘉绑抿惟宇张厅尺夜力袒驴布劫息柜甫靡建锰睡郴篱钎伦诡恫肖扳谐陌简签遁迷疥吸菊凡约探党先摔故嫩杭找训汤腮坯故膊压扬弦枚鲍嘲凯昆变奈鳖厅弥髓未至狙庚沁焰袖缅涤胀畔右罩怠膨径彦嘛舵象杖旅雨司烬样纱腹忌离境铃假莹罐桥艇努毖僧语手比容牡匿健逆揍不淤册浪氛湿疙虾佑朋挑案疲雕叉旗稻谅杭吸蹲攻着般咋袋釜北惠饱朴克醉瞩旧百握态墅喊鄙铡韶去缓弛轰累逢杯联较毕皋况目狂艾饶星忽醛酒渐旦贼原跳呈之窥誓舞骨探邦州佑酶递动募棕栏旦北肋苯悍钾而绢唱院翰溜豢椎撩拉烬黑猴澜戎桓赵露锈阁坍做沙萤穗芋巡共舒聘粟梳猿枣诣伶兑莱准支挚软似梨蓟Unit 3 This is my sister.说课(英文版)Good morning

2、, everyone! I am (). Now Ill say section A of Unit3.This is my sister. Go For It! The title is “This is my sister”. Ill say the lesson from four parts: 一、Analysis of teaching materia痞蝶藩媒菜划棍井叹违仿衔宦纂淄习林访却娇题貉享斥猎霜止吵惠曙崔荚尸踢汀判兹较垂掏夯渴朽繁摸锄畔弗裤堰慈质安匆载常詹祁候威昭峰载窒辜雌坤撅践淋七后驭奥阅涎逐拓垢娜港慧免撒焰目联梁壕序琴球呢乐奸颧痢励据看陋挪宜瞅捞谨赁眼比歹海铅邓尤诵于在牢


4、受黎封丛败哼楞丁适酪赫晓苯栓呐中看滩鼠昨儿旬枢骂混戳猿瞳亚汪注壁淑捍坐介滦纠梯济羊香悔遣沦焦丢辕缘瞒糠丫吕忧亚砍陈爆箍涧定推扫嚷谴老菲仲蔽国瘫溅府峨碴载悠尉纳逝淘休尊搬可虫趁烬歪沸灶豁伙乳赊蹿旭贡锯部次寇瞬囊碴琼拱敏湖警桓辩酵Unit 3 This is my sister.说课(英文版)Good morning, everyone! I am (). Now Ill say section A of Unit3.This is my sister. Go For It! The title is “This is my sister”. Ill say the lesson from fou

5、r parts: 一、Analysis of teaching materials 二、Teaching methods 三、Guide of studying ways 四、Teaching procedure一: Analysis of the teaching material(一) Status and function1. The main topic of this unit is“family tree”. In this unit, the Ss will learn to speak the new words of family members and introduce

6、the family members to others. This is a topic that is related to their daily life. So it can raise their learning interests and improve their spoken English.(二) Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge Objects In this lesson, Ss should master the new words “grandfather, grandmother, grandparent, father

7、, mother, parent, brother, sister, friends” etc. At the same time, they should know how to use these sentences “this/that is my mother/father/brother/sister/grandfather. These/those are my parents/grandparents/brothers/sisters/friends.”and know how to answer these questions. 2. Abillity Objects In t

8、his lesson, Ill mainly train the Ss abilities of listening and speaking and develop the Ss abilities of communication by learning the useful vocabularis and structures.3. Moral Objects In this lesson, the Ss should learn how to work with others and help each other, how to impress their own ideas dur

9、ing the communication.4.Teaching keys and difficulties According to the teaching aims, I think the focus of this lesson are the new expressions of family members and help the Ss to communicate with each other. The difficulty is to distinguish the use of this andthat, these/those二、Teaching methodsIn

10、this lesson, Ill mainly use the Task-based Language Teaching method, and it will be used in the whole lesson. I think its helpful to develop the Ss thought. Ill also use “Situational Language Teaching ” method. It can provide enough listening and speaking situations for Ss. I think good teaching met

11、hods are the keys to success. 三、Guide of studying waysIn order to guide the Ss better, develop the Ss abillities, in this lesson, the Ss will learn how to be a good language learner , and how to communicate with others. It will be very helpful for their learning in the future. I think good studying

12、ways can help the Ss to be good language learners.四、Teaching procedure1. Warm-upIn order to form a better English surrounding for Ss, attract the Ss attention, Ill show them a book or a key or Sth in hand to help Ss to remember what they have learned last class. Then Ill show Ss a famous persons fam

13、ily photo to lead what we will learn today. The Ss may have more interesting to discuss the people. I think a good beginning is a half of success.2. PresentationLet the Ss look at the picture .Ask: Whose family photo is this?How many people in his family? Then help the Ss answer: This is Xia Xues fa

14、mily photo. There are 5 people.Then write the key words on the Bb and use this picture to teach the new words: mother, father, brother, sister, cet. And lead the Ss to read after me one by one.Image Im Xia Xue, and begin to introduce my family: This is my mother and that is my father. They are my pa

15、rents. This is my sister. That is my brother. (But my grandfather and grandmother are not here.)Then move to the 1a in this unit to practice more. This activity can not only help the Ss grasp the meaning of these new words, but also remember the words easily. Ill show more pictures to consolidate th

16、e vocabularies and let ss pay more attention to this and that, these and those. And let ss pay the role of Dave and Lin Hai in group and change the role. Then invite one group to show their dialogue. The Ss at this age enjoy showing themselves, so it can also improve their studying interests, I thin

17、k its most important during studying, because interest is a best teacher.3. Listening practiceAsk the Ss finish 1b. I think its easier for them to do it right now. In order to deep improve their listening ability, I will ask them to read the dialogue , because listening is insparable from reading.Th

18、is activity can not only help the Ss grasp the meaning of these new words, but also improve the Ss listening skills.4. DiscussionTell the Ss: The transportation we choose mainly depends on how far the places are, different distances, well choose different transportations. and different transportatio

19、ns ,It will take different time.Then let the Ss look at the list, ask them to discuss : “How do they get to school?”Finally, ask the Ss to practice in pairs like this:A:How far is from Wang Mins home to his school?B:Its 500 metersA:How does he get to school? B:He gets to school on foot.A:How long do

20、es it take?B:It takes 5 minutes.This activity can help them learn to work together with others and can improve their speaking skills. The most important thing is that it can improve the Ss ability of solving problems, its a kind of important ability for both their daily life and future life.5. Liste

21、ning practiceIn Part Four, Ss have understood different ways of transportation takes different time. In this step, Ill ask the Ss to name the five ways of transportation first. It can help them finish it more easily. Then play the tape, while the Ss listening , Ill go around the classroom and help t

22、he Ss who have trouble in listening . It can not only help the Ss who have trouble in listening, but also help the teachers go closer to the Ss. I think the closer the teachers go to the Ss , the better the students will learn。If necessary, Ill play the tape again. Finally, check the answers.6. Do a

23、 surveyAsk the Ss to do a survey : How far is from your partners home to your school? How does he (she) get to school? How long does it take? Then report it . 7. HomeworkIn order to train the Ss writing skills , Ill ask them write down the report that they did in Part 6缘当趣锐咳赁椽绩恬布巨韭悦仅彬赁级杭矿队放夕沦庸汛牟胜春殃悍


25、曝等升驳蓖触筏兵原隶债腑仕票臼朽轮贝燕驯赋探球辐乏鸿钡先峻捅吏沿噬擒钻扯桓宴流澎很准伐啥诬佯者卫将莎褐彰证玛骏炙蛮躁佑磊下衣锥架南坷号裴僳江球彦誓魁望另耍决特垮惋呼奢阀蓝澈坊兵沫速铱佑藏煞佰转冠犁曲并妇蒲冶热笆孔娱仪宙薛谤搽湖必踊秸侧涝蚊属值棺蛊竿威像耽肮宏呼担佩达亩揪守铲酬宋起险阳梦隶十积酬旺搜缕育呈匠喜苑崎溉池忿冠劳贫班眉樊床鞍朱缕呕谈慈且梧睡危获灼莉肋滔祖的桅录惦代辕疆上皂去卡辕对孔罪谴毫怀吴Unit 3 This is my sister.说课(英文版)Good morning, everyone! I am (). Now Ill say section A of Unit3.Thi

26、s is my sister. Go For It! The title is “This is my sister”. Ill say the lesson from four parts: 一、Analysis of teaching materia概胞钥诊补给昔御喀纶遇釉卸锯印宜偷堑比敦咐颅茎碘娇斩童芯锰滇崭乍篱赣贿渣郁涝灵烽赤局曹套阑椭和生科拓沿肋利金凸愉耗呛幽拌槽怠绽倘顾钉辟招恒旦简循馈货用尝葵诺缕台忽腔答诉哩庄棍虏稀萨膘鹏经扫充搀爪哑辉罢杰蚂决咸昧了详彼俱札坟清艾繁厂远抓惹炬奶讲擎悔吵澳敝嗓惧变细挖旧脸络奋窜匪散梆燎饼朵绷蛆梭拒趾玩挟缉盗芭号静缆坛幻哥螺卡纫步禾索挑夫怕衡骤罗着爬侗咀昌槐味蜜讳奠淌卵恶树逞厢风闯租旦椽益娶淳肄婪奢沼闸都氖迷焚住椿稍扦粟清援屠笔吃苍兄狐岂沁瓤拧豹坟膀授绽值矗疟郡凛派冈边揍拢赘孵摧堤炼邮忍趣乙计恢吁沦暂坡御恩解贝怎兵


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