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1、2012 届高考英语专题总复习精选荟萃单项选择系列(六)1 Have you finished reading Jane Eyre?No, I _ my homework all day yesterday.A was doingBwould doC has doneD do答案A句意: 你读完 简爱 了吗?没有,我昨天一整天都在写作业。从 allday yesterday可知,昨天一整天都在写作业。用过去进行时表示过去某段时间一直在进行的动作。一般过去时与过去进行时的区别参见考点一第3 点。2. When you are home, give a call to let me know yo

2、u _ safely.A are arriving B have arrivedC had arrived D will arrive答案B句意:你到家时打个电话给我,让我知道你已安全抵达。从句意看,在打电话时对方“已经到达”,因此这里的宾语从句要用现在完成时,而不是现在进行时、过去完成时或一般将来时。3. The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune_.A is made B would makeC was to be madeD had made答案 C 句意:在澳大利亚发现了金子,这使

3、数以千计的人认为在那里可以发财。“在那里 发财”这 一动作发生在 “发现了 金子”这一动 作之后且还未发生 ,因 此 make afortune( 发财 ) 用过去将来时的被动语态。4. Up to now , the program _ thousands of children who would otherwise havedied.A would saveB savesC had savedD has saved答案 D 句意:迄今为止,这个项目已经救了好几千名孩子。如果没有这项工程,这些孩子早就死了。 up to now相当于 by now ,要与现在完成时连用。5. We _ on

4、 this project for four hours.Lets have a rest.A are working B have been workingC worked D had worked答案 B 句意:我们已经连续为这个工程工作了四个小时,休息一下吧。根据句意中“休息一下吧”可知工作尚未完成,又结合题干中的for four hours,可推知设空处应该用现在完成进行时态。6. Every few years ,the coal workers _ their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.A are having B haveC hav

5、e hadD had had答案B句意:每隔几年,煤矿工人们都要对肺部进行X 光检查,以确保身体健康。根据every few years(每隔几年 ) 可知动作是经常性的,有规律的,所以用一般现在时。7 In the spoken English of some areas in the U S. ,the “r ” sounds at the endof the words _.A are droppedB dropC are being droppedD have dropped用心爱心专心1答案A句意: 在美国一些地方的口语中,单词结尾的字母“ r ”的发音通常被略掉。通过题干可以判断出

6、sounds 和 drop 为被动关系,故排除B、D;另外,题中所提为普遍现象,应用一般现在时,故选A。8. Im not finished with my dinner yet. But our friends _ for us.A will waitBwaitC have waitedD are waiting答案D句意:我还没有吃完饭呢。可是朋友们在等我们。根据句意“正在等我们”可以判断此处为现在进行时,故选D。9. Im sorry , but I dont quite follow you.Did you say you wanted to return on September 2

7、0?Sorry , I _ myself clear.We want to return on October 20.A hadnt madeB wouldnt makeC dont makeD havent made答案D句意: 抱歉, 我不太明白你的意思。你刚才是说你们要在9 月 20 日返回吗?对不起,是我没有表述清楚。我们要在10 月 20 日返回。 D是现在完成时,表明现在的情况和影响,符合题意。 A 为过去完成时; B 表示过去常常; C 为一般现在时,表示通常情况下都如此,均不符合句意。10. Ittookme a longtimebeforeI was ableto fully

8、appreciatewhat they_for me.A had doneB didC would do D were doing答案A句意:过了很长一段时间我才能完全理解他们为我所做的一切。“他们为我做的”这一动作发生在“我可以完全理解”之前,因此用过去完成时更符合题意,故选A。11. Peter , where did you guys go for the summer vacation?We _ busy with our work for months, so we went to the beach to relaxourselves.A were B have been C ha

9、d been D will be答案C句意: 彼得, 你们这些年轻人去哪里过暑假了?几个月以来我们一直在忙工作,因此我们去海边放松了一下。忙工作发生在度假之前,此处应用过去完成时态。12. I have to see the doctor because I _ a lot lately.A have been coughing B had coughedC coughed D cough答案A句意:我得去看医生,因为我近来一直咳嗽。根据句子中的lately,可知设空处表示现在的事情,故用现在时,排除B、C;D 表习惯性动作,故被排除。现在完成进行时表示动作从过去开始,持续到现在且现在还在进行

10、。13. It is reported that many a new house _ at present in the disaster area.A are being built B were being builtC was being builtDis being built答案D句意:据报道,目前在这个灾区正在建很多新房子。many a 许多,谓语动词应该用单数,排除A、 B。根据 at present,可知应用现在时态,故选D。14. Mother wanted to be a good provider, a role she _ since her marriage toF

11、ather.用心爱心专心2A shouldersB shoulderedC is shoulderingD has been shouldering答案 D 句意:妈妈想做一个好的家庭供应者,一个自从和父亲结婚以来就一直承担着的角色。由 since 和题意可知本题应用现在完成进行时。15 When she realized I _ her, she quickly made a pose, smiling.A photographed B had photographedC was photographing Dwill photograph答案 C句意:当她意识到我正在为她拍照时,她迅速地微

12、笑着摆了个姿势。英语中背景动作通常用进行时, 而背景中发生的动作用一般时。过去进行时对应一般过去时,现在进行时对应一般现在时。16. Guess what ,wevegot our visasfora short-term visit tothe UK. thissummer.How nice! You _ a different culture then.A will be experiencing B have experiencedC have been experiencingD will have experienced答案 A句意:你猜怎么着,我们获得了今年夏季去英国进行短期访问的

13、签证。太棒了!到时候,你将会体验到不同的文化。由this summer 可知此处应该用将来时,而then 表示将来的某个时间点,故用将来进行时。17. His younger sister left home in 1998,and _ since.A had not been heard ofBhas not been heard ofC had not heard of D has not heard of答案 B句意: 他妹妹在1998 年离开家, 从那以后就没了音讯。根据句意,指的是过去离开以后,到现在一直没音讯,故用现在完成时;hear of 与 his younger sister

14、在本句中为被动关系,故用被动语态,所以选B。18. Edward , you play so well.But I _ you played the piano.A didnt know B hadnt knowC dont know D havent know答案 A句意:爱德华,你弹得这么好。但是我不知道你会弹钢琴。根据句意,应该是指“我”过去不知道爱德华会弹钢琴,故用一般过去时。19 If the building project to be completed by the end of this month _,the construction company will be fin

15、ed.A has delayed B will be delayedC is delayed D will have delayed答案 C句意:如果这个月底即将完工的建筑工程延期的话,这家建筑公司将受到处罚。if 引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表将来,根据句意用被动语态,故选C。20. Scientists have many theories about how the universe _ into being. A came B was comingC had come D would come答案 A 句意:关于宇宙是如何产生的,科学家们有很多理论。宇宙产生发生在过去,故用一般过去时

16、。21 The way the guests _ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of theservice.A treated B were treatedC would treatD would be treated答案B句意:客人们在旅馆中被招待的方式影响到对他们服务的评价。根据题意,客人用心爱心专心3是被招待的,应排除A、 C 两项; influenced提示为一般过去时,故选 B。22. When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak , but by the

17、timewe _ up , her voice had been full of life.A were hanging B had hungC hung D would hang答案 C 句意:当我与奶奶在电话中交谈时,她的声音听起来很虚弱,但到我们挂断电话时,她的声音已经充满了活力。根据题干提示,her voice had been full of life为过去的过去,因此我们挂断电话为过去,故选C。23 My parents _ in Hong Kong.They were born there and have never livedanywhere else.A live B li

18、vedC were livingD will live答案 A 句意:我的父母住在香港。他们在那里出生而且从未在别的地方生活过。根据句意可推断出:“我”的父母现在仍住在香港,因此选A。24 Mary went to the box office at lunch time, but all the tickets _ out.A would sellB had soldC have soldD was selling答案 B 句意:玛丽在午餐时间去了售票处,但是所有的票都已经卖完了。根据题干信息Mary went to.为过去时间,而票售完在此时间参照点之前,即“过去的过去”。25. Duri

19、ng theperiod ofrecent terroristactivities, people _ notto touchany unattended bag.A had always been warnedB were always being warnedC are always warning D always warned答案 B 句意:在最近恐怖活动期间,人们总是在被警告不要碰任何无人照看的包。bealways doing sth.总是做某事,表达某种抱怨、不满或赞许的情绪。人们是“被警告”,要用被动语态。26. She stared at the painting, wonde

20、ring where she _ it.A sawB has seenC sees D had seen答案 D 句意:她盯着那幅画看,想着自己曾经在哪里见过它。“看见”这个动作根据上下文应该发生在 stared 之前,需用过去完成时。27. Ive got to go now.Must you? I _ you could stay for dinner with us. A think B thoughtC have thoughtD am thinking答案B句意: 我现在得走了。你非得要走吗?我原以为你能留下和我们一起吃饭的。句中主语I 的动作“认为”发生在过去,所以只有B 正确。2

21、8 Months ago we sailedten thousandmilesacrossthe open sea, which _ thePacific, and we met no storm.A was calledB is calledC had been calledD has been called答案 B 在海上航行虽然是数月前的事,但我们所航行的海洋叫太平洋是不受时间限制的客观存在,故选 B。29 Why does the lake smell terrible?用心爱心专心4Because large quantities of water _.A have polluted

22、B is being pollutedC has been polluted Dhave been polluted答案D 句意:这湖水怎么这么难闻?因为大量的水已经被污染了。water 与pollute为被动关系,故排除A; B 表“正被污染”,故排除; large quantitiesof 后加名词,谓语动词应与quantities保持一致,故排除 C 选 D。30. According to the literary review, Shakespeare _ his characters livethrough their language in his plays.A will ma

23、ke Bhad madeC was making Dmakes答案 D 句意:这篇文学评论说,莎士比亚剧中的人物通过语言鲜活起来。当介绍一种理论时,常用一般现在时。31Over the past decades ,sea ice _ intheArcticas a resultofglobalwarming.A had decreased B decreasedC has been decreasingD is decreasing答案 C 句意:在过去几十年里, 由于全球变暖, 北极的海冰一直在减少。由时间状语 overthe past decades可知,主句只能用现在完成时,故选C。32

24、 Although he has lived with us for years, he _ much impression.A hadnt leftB didnt leaveC doesnt leave D hasnt left答案 D 此题中 has lived是重要信息。句意:尽管他和我们居住了多年,从过去到现在,但他没有给我们留下多少印象。33 Mr.Li said those who had failed _ further training and a second chanceto pass the exam the next week.A were given Bhad giv

25、enC were to giveD would be given答案 D 句意:李先生说那些在测试中没有通过的人将被给予进一步训练和下周的一次补考机会。句中定语从句中的had failed是很关键的信息词,正是它给我们提供了“时间”背景,暗示在本句中主句要用过去将来时态。34 Profits in this company went up by 20% lastyear , and _ so farthis yearthough the financial situation was bad.A have not decreased B werent decreasedC had not de

26、creased Dhavent been decreased答案 A 句意: 尽管金融状况很糟,利润到今年此时为止还没有下降。利润升降是主动的,不用被动语态。 so fa r “迄今为止”是现在完成时的标志性时间状语,故选A。35 When Madam Curie did the science experiment again, she was more careful whereshe _ a mistake.A made B has madeC was makingD had made答案 D 句意:当居里夫人再做实验时,她会在原来曾经出过错的地方更加小心。where引导地点状语从句。m

27、ake a mistake发生在 did the experiment again之前,表示过去的过去,故应用过去完成时。36 Can I have a talk with you at about 4 oclock this afternoon, Mr.Black? All right, I _ from a conference by then.I will be waiting for you.用心爱心专心5A will have come back B will come backC have come back D will be coming back答案A句意:今天下午大 4 点

28、我能跟你 一下 ,布莱克先生?好的,我到 候就已 开会回来了,我会等你。 句意中 到将来的某个 候就已 做某事了,故用将来完成 。37 What is the terrible noise? The neighbors _ their kitchen.A have repaired B are repairingC repairedD will repair答案 B 根据 句可知 方 的是 在的情况, 因此用 在 行 , 表示 作正在 生。38 Why on earth didnt you answer my phone just now? Sorry , but the doorbell_t

29、oo.A had rung Bwas ringingC rangD was about to ring答案 B句意: 才你究竟 什么不接我的 ? 不起,可是当 也在响。根据句意可知道是当 方打 来的同 ,正有人按 。所以 用 去 行 。39 The house could fall down soon if no one _ some quick repair work.A has done B is doingC does D had done答案 C在 if引 的条件状 从句中, 当主句中含有情 ,从句用一般 在 。注意此 主句中的could 表示不太肯定的 气,不是一般 去 的 志。40

30、 To her disappointment, what she had devoted herself to _ in nothingbutfailure.A resultingB resultsC has resultedD resulted答案 D句意:使她失望的是, 她全身心投入的事情却以失 告 。devote oneself to sth.投身于, 致力于某事。 what引 主 从句, 同 作 to 的 , result in 作 , 意 “ 致”。 devote 作 生在 result in之前,故后者用一般 去 。41 You were not listening, what t

31、roubled you? I _ my coming maths exam.A am thinking about Bwas thinking aboutC had thought about Dwill think about答案B由第一句“你当 没听,有什么 心事 ?”提供的 景可知指的是 去某个特定的 正在 生的事,故用 去 行 。42 Whenyou finishyour work ,dontforgetto put the toolsback where they _.A are B will beC wereD had been答案C句意:当你干完活后, 得把工具放回原 。句意表明

32、“放回原来所放的地方” 用一般 去 ,故 C。43 The interview he paid little attention to _ him the chance to work inthis company.A being costB be costC costingD cost答案D句意: 于 次面 ,他没有足 重 , 使他付出了失去在 公司工作的机会用心爱心专心6的代价。 cost sb.sth.使某人付出代价,定 从句he paid little attention to修 先行 interview;空格 缺少主 的 ,故排除A、 C 两 ,“某事使某人付出代价” 用主 形式,故

33、排除B。44 Isnt it amazing that I met Francis at the Christmas party?Really? For how many years _ each other?A didnt you see B havent you seenC hadnt you seenD dont you see答案 C 句意表明两人“ 面” 生在 去,在此之前已 好多年没 了,因此“没有 面”用 去完成 。45 Ifa computercrashes , you willlosethe fileyou _ on ifyou dontsaveit early enough

34、.A are working B workC will workD worked答案A句意: 系 崩 ( 出故障 ) ,如果你不能及 存 你将会 失正在 入的文档。句意 你“正在 入或制作的”文档,故用 在 行 , A。46 Ring me at six tomorrow morning, will you?Why that early? I _.A will be sleeping Bhave sleptC have been sleepingD will sleep答案A句意: 明天早上六点 我打 ,好 ? 什么要那么早呀?我那 在睡 呢! 句意 将来某一 ( 明天早上六点 ) 正在 行的

35、 作,所以用将来 行 。47 Lucy, can you tell me when Linda _ here? Im not sure , but she _ to be here at ten to nine.A gets ; supposesB is getting;is supposingC got ; supposedD will get;is supposed答案D句意:露西,你能告 我琳达什么 候到 里 ?我不太清楚,但是她 在 8: 50 就到了。根据句意第一空表示将来的事,故用一般将来 ,排除A、 C 两 ;第二空用被 ,be supposed to相当于 should 。48

36、. What a mistake!Yes. I _ his doing it another way, but without success.A was suggesting B will suggestC would suggest D had suggested答案D从 境看, 他已 犯了 ,而 suggest 在他犯 之前,是“ 去的 去”,所以用 去完成 。49 I didnt ask for the name list. Why _ on my desk? I put it there just in case you needed it.A does it land B has

37、it landedC will it land D had it landed答案B句意:我没有要名 ,名 怎么会在我桌上?我 放在那儿的,以防你需要。根据句意可知,名 在在桌子上,故用 在 ,排除C 和 D; 里 land 作 生的影响,即“我看到名 了,它已 在桌上”,故用 在完成 , B。50 What were you up to when mother came in? I _ for a while and _ my homework.用心爱心专心7A was playing; was going to doB had played; didC had played; was going to doD played; did答案 C 根据句意可知 play 的动作在 came in 之前,故用过去完成时,而 do my homework 的动作即将开始,故用过去将来时。用心爱心专心8


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