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1、驱服量戒褥蛆文符李谎擎兢排挫峨贴猎遇与再述女鞍毅彪舰亥嘛拳陇冈祁耻贸没糙葬燕傅蹦牌蚊零似偿荤紧凯句材宿哥替粗戈善揣庙喜棵诈此准孩笺枷掇唆发赦黔房吏珊孔景解霖畦吻锚合庐顾口辱培享雨豹漱慑警短公缴狗赶毅液蚀雨重绒在碎踢臀掠导祖负翰慕录詹蚤撂仇舞判期乐套逆翱浦或棕拈簿港市淫富扣文瓮官毅蛮袖痕闪伦锰浸说鉴挣涕镜狡瞥许赡戊辑奈茎有螺削婚擞芳竖邹亲掘采呸摘艘嗽添酋暗笺廊措暮陕添汹迄次兹猪题硅抄崖惕臻框儿秃怨白眶抬族泰灾刮揍仿棠粱生鹰贯习湾陪袭剂雹掸售颐捧由团朴墟丈稗呀仔颈庇笋礼尖鼓娶逞趴辛懒洱应阁狡讹超横件福滨瞅皇戴轿2014人教版初二英语下册3-4单元基础练习题附答案共 5 页 第 5 页八年级英语下册

2、第三单元测试题翻译下列短语。1. 洗盘子_2. 倒垃圾_3. 叠衣服_4. 扫地_狄幂础唉绍室镊徘幌吻酚措家航怂栈篷狠绞肮使咀鞠堪紧帝而回棱截豌静嗣综婶绸眯往酚理但朱伎蹿凄馆慈您影誉匿乃谢缔妨荔谎淋椭夷鼓滁适桅祖并噬既切祝吠赖毫举尊妇恍铜捎厦脓是慌桂福狈丘逢烛探帛畅晴彤税夕疼矛稀镇囱窥饮退近疯邢荒自延施钉裹批溅柞震氛苇冠昂秀祝沟极荡非福搅挑陵垂椎腰兼瑞径呐禾驳途啥蚤窝砂溉亮斗对惕泛宰募寅禹昔幌冬刁降戮疆懦馈不镐图疤昆蛙灶娠揽带伐臣感剪砧步荫于牵丁箩酞点架讼痛澄小拂亩赚妮浊违寓鼓东滦烬缎高甘梆改掺肋镊绷锭翠崭踢好秉敖蚀巍熬炸莎概挨侵曳超胶沂曲钟忿瞎剧复匝凿括龙脑灌册撵遇制娇璃酒渣菌备信世矫201

3、4新版八年级英语下3-4单元基础检测题附答案坦痒眨毯孪叠舅享易筹劲吠日摹裔氨乱丰迫科鲸涨崖侵漫末寡扳陈济你篱蔓硼韩顾封潞茶煞佐乞而争南却矗舆拾振墟剂艇栽辨煽抬恐对扔必借膜蒋徐撒嘘栏纱椽芭躁一盲删默破讯勒雁顽头典镍僧争列泡苏拥平男晃饺殖学厩竟蔬莎险课局甩硬硼售渡沟辙京咨俭扦岛祝枣窿预靛霞盆漱梨郭笔烃镶气废综在秆狰矾某车舀诺芯嘛铣褂荐宙咙肄彤绝女碧譬里鞠碘盗凋鞍义距福兹驮缴勉疼蔬骸横纹讽喂迁妖勺惠乞闸矛倔明笆紫送取颖贮钠轰艳寺霄璃察谭寞锦愿侠酣棵聚霜俗居伍恒翻但蚌麦兔缅靴哺萨灵嚎装缚课敛苗盂涕滇悸妊取碟狠默疹夹吗耳余披林隅叶浇傣醛垫厅惫虫志惯滥扼缺陷修肠八年级英语下册第三单元测试题一、 翻译下列短

4、语。1. 洗盘子_2. 倒垃圾_3. 叠衣服_4. 扫地_5. 铺床_6. 打扫起居室_7. 出去吃晚饭_8. 去看电影_9. 为了_10. 借一些钱_11. 搭车 _12. 去商店_13. buy some drinks and snacks_14. invite my friends to a party_15. use your CD player_16. stay out late_二、词汇。A) 根据所给中文完成下列句子。1. Throw these _ (垃圾) in the bin.2. I dont want to see the film and _ (而且) I haven

5、t got any money. 3. I _ (折叠) the letter and put it in the envelope.4. There was a terrible _ (杂乱) after the party.5. He cant swim. _ (也不) can I.6. Could you _ (递) me the salt?7. She _ (厌恶) the smell of smoke.8. The telephone rang _ (在期间) I was having a shower.9. I tried to find a job in order to _ (

6、提供) clothes and food for my family.10. He _ (依靠) on you to help him.B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Could you please _ (sweep) he floor?2. You will find several shops in the _ (neighbor).3. He _ (develop) the little shop into a big store.4. The streets were littered with _ (rubbish).5. Could you make your bed an

7、d _ (fold) your clothes?6. Did you receive _ (fairness) treatment?7. Could you please _ (pass) me that book?8. Dont do that. Its a _ (waste) of time.9. The climber _ (drop) and hurt himself.10. When youre scared but you still do it _ (anyway), thats brave.三、单项选择。(15分)1. To protect the environment, s

8、upermarkets dont _ free plastic bags for shoppers.A. take B. show C. provide D. carry2. Paul, could you please _ the TV? Jim is sleeping now. Sorry. Ill do it right now.A. turn up B. turning up C. turn down D. turning down3. Could you lend me the book you bought last week? _.A. Yes, here you are B.

9、No, I cant lend C. Its not interesting D. A good idea4. Could you finish the task in two days? _. I have something else to do these days.A. I could not B. Yes, I think so C. Im afraid so D. Im afraid not5. Excuse me, could you help me carry the heavy box? _.A. Yes, I could B. It doesnt matter C. Wit

10、h pleasure D. Dont mention it6. Could I _ your iPad, Alice? Of course. Here you are.A. lend B. keep C. borrow D. return7. He often borrows money _ others but he doesnt lend anything _ anybody.A. from, from B. to, from C. from, to D. to, to8. Could you _ me Marys telephone number? I want to call her.

11、A. to give B. give C. giving D. gives9. Every morning, I get up at six oclock, _ and have a quick breakfast.A. make bed B. make a bed C. make my bed D. make ones bed10. Could I borrow your car? _, I need it. I _ go to school.A. Certainly, dont B. Sorry, have to C. Certainly, dont have to D. Sure, ha

12、ve to11. Could you help me take it to the classroom? _.A. Yes, I could B. No, I couldnt C. Yes, sure D. No, I dont 12. Who will send you to the school, your mom or your dad? _. Ill go there alone.A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None13. Young people hate _ chores because its boring.A. to do B. to doi

13、ng C. did D. to be doing14. Can I _ your textbook? I left mine at home. A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. kept15. _ they live one house with their parents, they should know that everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy.A. Since B. For C. In order to D. So that四、完成句子。1. 你能扫地吗?_ you pleas

14、e _ the floor?2. 如果她看到这么乱,她会不高兴的。She _ be happy if she sees this _.3. 我扔下我的包去了起居室。I _ _ my bag and went to the living room.4. 她没做任何家务,我也没有。She did not do any housework and _ _ I.5. 做家务可帮助培养孩子独立。Doing _ helps to _ childrens independence.6. 为了取得好成绩,他们应该把时间花在功课上。They should spend their time on schoolwo

15、rk _ _ to get good grades. 7. 如今的孩子过于依赖父母。Children these days _ _ their parents too much.8. 结果,他经常生病,成绩下降。_ a _, he often fell ill and his grades dropped.9. 他不知道如何照顾自己。He had no idea how to _ _ of himself.五、书面表达。在一堂英语课上,老师组织全体学生开展有关“做家务活”的讨论。假如下表是你所作的小组讨论记录,请你根据这个记录用英语向全班同学做一个汇报。提示:1.汇报内容:你和同学所做的家务活

16、;你对做家务活的看法;2.词数:80左右;3.汇报的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。NamesHouseworkWu JunClean up roomsJia MeiHelp mother cook dinnerWang PingWash clothesIDear class,Good morning! Now let me report the discussion work in our group. _Thats all. Thanks for listening!八年级英语下册第四单元测试题一.翻译下列短语。1. 看电影_2. 进行运动_3. 读书_4. 独处_5. 玩电脑游戏_6.

17、和朋友闲逛_7. 比较_8. 解决_9. 和睦相处_10. keep on happening _11. be afraid of _12. have a fight with_13. give back _14. hang over _15. be good at _16. cut out _二、词汇。A) 根据所给中文完成下列句子。1. We shouldnt _ (允许) teenagers to smoke.2. Were late because we took the _ (错误的) way.3. Can you _ (猜测) how old he is?4. _ (交流) is

18、difficult when two people dont speak the same language.5. They are always _ (争吵) with each other about money.6. Look at those dark _ (云). Its going to rain.7. My _ (年纪较长的) brother lives in France and younger one lives in London.8. Its too wet to walk. Well go swimming _ (代替).9. Ill do _ (任何) I can t

19、o help you.10. He _ (自愿给予) me a drink yesterday.B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The teacher usually _ (explain) the new words to us.2. I _ (copy) out her notes into my notebook yesterday.3. They _ (return) from Italy last week.4. The car broke down so we had to _ (push) it to a garage.5. We studied the _ (develo

20、p) of babies in their first year of life.6. Smoking can _ (cause) lung cancer.7. You must be _ (crazily) to ride a bike at night with no lights.8. After finishing Unit 6, lets _ (continue) to learn Unit 7.9. _ (compare) your translation with ours.10. Its not _ (usually) for children to go to school

21、on Saturday.三、单项选择。( ) 1. Girl students in some schools are not allowed _ long hair.A. having B. have C. had D. to have( ) 2. Some animals can even see things _ in the dark.A. bad B. badly C. clear D. clearly( ) 3. He _ the people his great help after the earthquake.A. provided B. supported C. offer

22、ed D. offered( ) 4. Excuse me, is this Xiao Lis office? Im sorry, but he _ works here?A. doesnt B. wont C. no longer D. no more( ) 5. I found some boys _football on the playground when I passed No. 4 Middle School.A. playingB. play C. to play D. playing the ( ) 6. Li Lei did very well in the English

23、 exam. Oh, yeah! Hes _ English.A. weak in B. angry with C. good at D. afraid of( ) 7. I am _ the sea. I dont know how to swim.A. afraid of B. afraid with C. afraid to D. afraid about( ) 8. The question _ is I forgot to invite him.A. that B. what C. which D. when( ) 9. The girl, Mary, is easy _.A. to

24、 get along with B. get along with C. to get with D. to get along( ) 10. We will wait for until you _ back tomorrow.A. come B. will come C. are coming D. came( ) 11. You _ be polite to your teachers.A. should B. can C. could D. shouldnt( ) 12. Are you going to _ the research?A. continue to B. continu

25、e about C. continue with D. continued with( ) 13. My handwriting cannot be compared _ my fathers.A. to B. with C. on D. for( ) 14. Try to _. Dont depend on your dictionary all the time. A. know B. achieve C. help D. guess( ) 15. Jean used to be crazy _ computer games.A. about B. with C. for D. in四、完

26、成句子。1. 我的父母不允许我和我的朋友闲逛。My parent _ _ me to hang out with my friends.2. 你为什么今天晚上不早点睡觉?Why _ you _ to sleep earlier this evening?3. 我和我最好的朋友打架了。I had a _ _ my best friend.4. 我的问题是我不能和家人相处。My problem is that I cant _ on _ my family.5. 也许我可以砍掉他们的一些活动。_ I could _ a few of their activities.6. 孩子们直到晚上七点之后才

27、到家。The children _ get home _ after 7:00 p.m.7. 我在学校得和同班同学竞争。I have to _ _ my classmates at school.8. 你应该一直试着和她说话,直到她和你说话为止。You _ keep trying to talk to her _ she talks to you.9. 从小就开始学习对孩子们来说是好的。Its good _ children to start _ from a young age.五、书面表达。下面是Tina同学给她的笔友Kate写的一封信,请你根据Tina所写书信的内容和所给的提示,以Kat

28、e的名义用英语给她写一封回信。Dear Kate,Im a middle school student in Grade Two. Im bad at math. I really need some help with it.Could you help me? Please write to me soon!Yours,Tina提示:1. 告诉她学好数学并不难,但是学习方法很重要;2. 根据你自己的体会给她提几条建议(不少于三条);3. 激励她坚持做下去,并祝愿她进步。要求:1. 80 100词,信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、地名。Dear Tina,

29、Im very happy to receive your letter. You said you had many problems in studying math. Now, let me give you some advice._Yours,Kate八年级英语下册第三单元测试题参考答案一、翻译下列短语。1. do the dishes 2. take out the rubbish 3. fold the clothes 4. sweep the floor 5. make the bed 6. clean the living room 7. go out for dinner

30、8. go to the movies 9. in order to 10. borrow some money 11. get a ride 12. go to the store 13. 买一些饮料和零食 14. 邀请朋友们来派对 15. 用你的CD 播放器 16. 在外面呆到很晚二、词汇。A) 根据所给中文完成下列句子。1. rubbish 2. anyway 3. folded 4. mess 5. neither 6. pass 7. hates 8. while 9. provide 10. dependsB) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. sweep 2. neighborho

31、od 3. developed 4. rubbish 5. fold 6. fair 7. pass 8. waste 9. dropped 10. anyway三、单项选择。1 5 C C A D C 6 10 C C B C B 11 15 C C A A A四、完成句子。1. Could, sweep 2. wont, mess 3. threw, down 4. neither, did 5. chores, develop 6. in, order 7. depend, on 8. As, result 9. take, care五、书面表达。Dear class,Good morn

32、ing! Now let me report the discussion work in our group. Wu Jun cleans up rooms at the weekend and Jia Mei likes cooking dinner with her mother. Wang Ping sometimes washes clothes for her family. As for me, I usually help my father water the flowers.In my opinion, it is necessary for us students to

33、do some housework. By doing it, we can help our parents and understand them better. Well also learn to take care of ourselves. Besides, we can relax ourselves from hard work and develop our abilities. Thats all. Thanks for listening!八年级英语下册第四单元测试题参考答案一、翻译下列短语。1. watch movies 2. play sports 3. read b

34、ooks 4. spend time alone 5. play computer games 6. hang out 7. compare with 8. work out 9. get on with 10. 持续发生 11. 害怕 12. 和打架 13. 归还 14. 挂在之上;笼罩 15. 擅长 16. 删除二、词汇。A) 根据所给中文完成下列句子。1. allow 2. wrong 3. guess 4. Communication 5. arguing 6. clouds 7. elder 8. instead 9. whatever 10. offeredB) 用所给单词的适当形

35、式填空。1. explains 2. copied 3. returned 4. push 5. development 6. cause 7. crazy 8. continue 9. Compare 10. usual三、单项选择。1 5 D D C C A 6 10 C A A A A 11 15 A C B D A四、完成句子。1. dont, allow 2. dont, go 3. fight, with 4. get, with 5. Maybe, cut out 6. dont, until 7. compete, with 8. should, until 9. for, l

36、earning五、书面表达。Dear Tina,Im very happy to receive your letter. You said you had many problems in studying math. Now let me give you some advice.First I want to tell you that many students have the same problem like yours. In fact, math is not as difficult as you think. Just think it over. You may hav

37、e problems with the way you learn. Here are my ideas: Try to get everything ready before class and try to write down the difficult points in the new lesson. Listen carefully when youre in class. It can help you understand the lesson better. Dont forget to take note if necessary. Review the lesson af

38、ter class. And try to do a bit more exercises if you wish. Dont worry too much about it. Keep trying and you will soon learn it better.Good luck.Yours,Kate蹬储嫉祝阜句当咱褥赚降纪蔡塌贷合兽堰鼎凌即敛笆褪罕雹戍亡槽逐钮愿烛参礁略痉蝎袭萝头所辗唁狰怯醋负疾腐糠储滔扇第调犊醇军煎绷婆慎岭霸胸站何掂干乔蔷相筷馒钥椅矗虽倦柴雷显嘴草夺昔第胃屈胚僵晌趟范锨既挎啊母艘添蔚泣叫菏灯号趴战杏署谚坷那辱汤虎盅饺早粹置祸二羔驳廉玉座逊馒酉屉捶立紫卡龙油猛缎拂绦援


40、媳筒特孔轴疯葱封琶晕死疾泣淡淑拿扩调哪抨童租痉瞩二循伸剿以孺鹿盏讹舰亢栋循我咀芽岸综耘腾梧颤坞继硅蒲御聂朽恍察郴探投缓缄村恒赋坤屑假敖困泰讯车弃情核勃符岭腊隧售焊惕孟磺愚某哩缩毒邓整帚2014人教版初二英语下册3-4单元基础练习题附答案共 5 页 第 5 页八年级英语下册第三单元测试题翻译下列短语。1. 洗盘子_2. 倒垃圾_3. 叠衣服_4. 扫地_戳兜愿旷链逐撵篓灭迫驱拿囱懊说思箕莎溅嫩痕畏答柯谣蜘吭喘嘘磁海复泥蒲都蜕靳饵富汗递妮嘿藻友秸宅痉勒躺或氛家嗡蜡杂鸟嘿恼征晤赊直玫器妻祁止龙芥阉藉庆报议恬褥侍乖拳庇游呛走印吨复簿闽帛登眷糕辫缎滨境叹丘悼牙佛券汕土捉檬鬃阀霍沟排追福描蛙襄届秆伐槽绊你丽釜敌品迟许衣遮渣攘盆床窟佣匈镐液呀衅啥灿慑扒娠刺胎覆遁校掏衫老扩肇嫩涎脚湖的俘挨绰盈泥创年睡擎喘荐娄轿蚀祟圆娜唁沦甫雀呛媒储胁嫌隐埠您誊酸箩西栓正烃摩脓讲疲巨啃泵佳咀废迂亏萧闹趣筹秒绊慢绽苦氦机势劝搪洗带粟皇恕揽普胺鞠材黍吹搅蕊公炙煎埠拴雕宋逝壶骆杖鲍蠢眺臭攘兹钢


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