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1、1,Unit 3 Computers,Vocabulary,2,calculate vt. (1)计算,核算 eg: He calculated the costs very carefully. (2)估计 eg: I calculate that we will arrive at 6:00 p.m. calculator n.计算器 calculation n. 计算,计算结果 calculating adj. (贬义的)精明的 会算计的,3,simplify vt. 简化,使简明 eg: That will simplify my task. simple adj. 简单的,朴素的 s

2、implicity n.简单,朴实 technological adj.工艺的,技术的 eg: technological advances technological progress Her son is studying in a technological school.,4,technology n. U技术,工艺学,工程技术 technique n. C技巧,技术,技能 revolution n. (1)革命 eg: cause/start a revolution The French Revolution broke out in 1789. (2)巨变,大变革 eg: a c

3、ultural/social/scientific revolution,5,artificial adj. (1)人工的,人造的,假的 eg: artificial intelligence 人工智能 (2)人为的,非自然的 eg: A job interview is a very artificial situation. (3)虚假的,假装的 eg: artificial emotion 假装的感情,6,intelligence U n. 智力,才智;消息,情报 搭配: have the intelligence to do sth 有做某事的智慧 eg: The government

4、 gets the secret intelligence of the enemys plans. He didnt even have the intelligence to call for an ambulance. intelligent adj.聪明的,7,solve vt. 解决,解答 eg: We finally solved the difficulty of transportation. Who can solve the mathematical problem? solution n. 解决,解答 fromon 从某时开始,从某时以后 from then/that t

5、ime on 从那时起 from now on 从现在起,8,reality n. (1)真实,现实 搭配: face reality 面对现实 (2)(在艺术等方面)真实,逼真 搭配: with reality 真实地 eg: The film showed life in the poor area with great reality. (3)事实,实际经历,见过的事物 eg: The little boy has to face the harsh realities of life on his own.,9,as a result 结果 eg: The boy worked har

6、d. As a result, he passed the exam. as a result of = because of eg: As a result of a traffic accident, eight people lost their lives. without result 没有结果,白费 result from 由造成,因而产生 result in 导致,10,application n. (1)申请,请求,申请书,申请表 搭配: make an application (to sb) for sth (向某人)申请某物 eg: I made an applicatio

7、n to him for help. (2)(尤指理论,发明等的) 应用,运用 eg: Its of wide application.,11,explore vt. (1)探测,勘查,探险 搭配: explore sth for sth 为了某物而勘探 eg: They explored the land to the south of the river for oil. (2)探究,仔细查阅 eg: Ill explore the possibility of getting a job here. exploration n.探险,探索,试探 explorer n. 探险者,12,an

8、yhow adv.= anyway (1)而且,加之,反正 eg: Its too expensive and anyhow the color doesnt suit you. (2)尽管,即使这样 eg: The water was cold but I took a shower anyhow. (3)(转换话题, 结束谈话时说) 无论如何,反正 eg: Anyhow, lets forget it.,13,goal n. (1)目标,目的 搭配: set a goal 设定目标 pursue a goal 追求目标 achieve/realize/reach a goal 达成目标 (

9、2)进球,得分 搭配: score/win/get/make a goal 得分,14,happiness n. U 幸福,满足,愉快 搭配: with/in happiness 幸福地 find/achieve true happiness 找到/得到真正的幸福 happily adv.幸福地,快乐地 happy adj. 幸福的,快乐的,15,human (1) adj. 人类的 eg: There are many differences between animals and the human race. (2) adj. 有人性的,有人情味的 eg: He is quite hum

10、an when you know him. (3) n. (= human being) 人 eg: Dogs can hear much better than humans.,16,“人,人类”的多种表达法: man 人类(用于科普文章中) human(s) 人(与动物相对) mankind 人类(统指全人类,带有崇高、庄重的色彩) human being(s) 人(与动物、 神、灵魂相对) the human race 人类(必须 与the连用,统指) humanity 人性,仁爱(指人性) humankind 人类(统指,用 于文学作品中),17,signal v./ n. (1) v

11、. 发信号;示意 搭配: signal to sb 向某人发出信号 signal to sb to do sth 向某人发出做某事的信号 eg: She was signaling to the children to stay outside. (2) n. 信号,暗号 eg: When the teacher closes her book, its a signal for everyone to stand up.,18,type n./ v. (1) C n. 类型,种类 搭配: a type of 一种 eg: She mixes with all types of people.

12、 = She mixes with people of all types. (2) C n. 具有某种特征的人,典型 eg: Shes the artist type. (3) v. 打字,打印 eg: The letter needs to be typed.,19,in a way 在某种程度上 = to a certain degree eg: In a way, I like this new textbook. in one/some way = in a way in the way/ in sbs way 挡道,碍事 in no way 决不,一点也不 in this/ tha

13、t way 以这种/那种方式 by the way 顺便说一下 in any way 在任何方面 on ones way to 在去的途中,20,arise (arose, arisen) vi. (1) 发生,产生,出现 eg: Several new industries arose in the town. (2)(由)引起,(因) 产生 搭配: arise out of 由引起 arise from 因产生 eg: All the injuries arose out of a road accident.,21,with the help of = with ones help 在的

14、帮助下 eg: With the help of him (= With his help), we finished the work on time. 注意:在这个短语中,不要受 汉语影响而把with换成under.,22,deal with (1) 对待,对付,处理 eg: How do you deal with this problem. (2) 与交易(尤指做买卖) eg: Weve dealt with this company for 20 years. (3)论及,涉及 eg: This book deals with an important issue.,23,watch over (1)看管,照顾 eg: Will you watch over my clothes while I have a swim. (2)看守,监视,守卫,保护 eg: They were watched over by three policemen. watch out 注意,留神 keep a watch on 监视,


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