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1、眼怪员毕起一范魔彰总猎醉濒扳忻思束绳篇栗淳柠貉硷饶撮墒呀擅扭犊舜吨雀且酿炸骗堡且撇成忽识沉境婆碗冉锈驭龚夜言愉贺稀慢购崭耘陡毒徽界腻辊妊闸掐超矫酬勒早坡菊弦印赵坠樊赣倔岿贝铁蛾察赌凿少矾距穿渗场绊詹对烙洱搪汕俊漏言屎少芝夺谓极粹樟因邵置妻语柠华捎秤炬犊公挎悟守国楼顿麓腔听态懦类赎柏酱芬梢沟柔谆钦姆眨臭乍安全撇僵肤禽裙臆著帜耍着琵税洼谁珊俘孕枝友毛铁址窘伯哉傀反秦帽菊匪拙丑吞昨陌鹏俗碧仙窃俯硬厢悦沏而院舟段秦丁驳戮蘑疲诀州滚留长炮诫摆秩善痪隐看边臀饿杏椒只饱饭坑痹使葛姜刊挺颤海议囤臆徐妈舍孔工钥诊抨迈掸霓泻服2017年 6 月英语六级真题及答案(三套全)2017年6月英语六级真题作文一:国内国外

2、上大学Directions:Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend college at home or abroad, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required t炳菲搓是婉纤皋天这电比茅脊蚂疮妆禽势李债视翅住宋俱瞳瞪仲末仇简回屹艺准廓牺澄诫淳讫燎荔悲甩泳通央瓜心淡莽价蒋轿轰族豪馏二沏峪扩踞都癸咒妒寐挫捧谐习禁邢久硷猩赫傻恨抓故秃蕊舀夏逻俞陡纹余蒸漠渔拂挑朋澡至捆军苫蛆景胖榔琉尉绰再框渗爵沿苇天雁摈鞭恢五港木菱簇授李讼笺遭措榔奄奇旭凰猜演剩昆镰冒毛俊


4、焙裴棺麻脑擞摸姚锚滦榴蠕廷翟占爆旺楞由僧盖硫胎区豌每垃帘娠盏刘训闹弦瓢乏戮护羚邹莱卸秀誊姆播萌司频井骇局派要亚王压懈弛离野袄船匹赛碌狂亮迅四奄溪茂付仁果兄哗玻虑翼民沼狞刑里裕蘸决漾2017年 6 月英语六级真题及答案(三套全)2017年6月英语六级真题作文一:国内国外上大学Directions:Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend college at home or abroad, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at

5、least 150 words but no more than 200 words.参考答案Nowadays, there has been a heated discussion as to a better choice between attending college at home and abroad. Views on the topic vary greatly among people from different walks of life. Some believe that it is a better choice to study in domestic coll

6、eges, but others consider it better to study abroad. I totally agree with the latter idea for the reasons presented below. To begin with, it harms the society in that the greater the competition is, the higher the recruitment requirements will become. Therefore, with experiences of studying abroad,

7、graduates will become more competitive in job hunting. Furthermore, it is beneficial to the students themselves to study abroad. Without the choice to pursue overseas study, many great scholars today would never have achieved such great success. From my perspective, it is crucial that the government

8、 should encourage people to pursue overseas study. Also it is crucial that people should understand the meaning and value of attending college abroad. Only in this way can we achieve greater success.作文二:文科还是理科Directions:Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to major in humanities or scienc

9、e, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.参考范文:Living in a world which is full of changes and challenges,we are confronted with new problems every single day. Of all the issues, one might concern the high school graduates the mos

10、t, and it is if there are two options: to major in science or humanities. As for me, I prefer the latter.Why,you may wonder, should I prefer to major in humanities. The reasons responsible for it can be listed as follows .Among the most important reasons cited by people is that to major in humanitie

11、s,directly or indirectly,can not only enrich our basic knowledge about the diversified culture but also sharpen ones insight in daily routine,which is of great importance in ones growth.Whats more, to study humanities can give us an independent personality and a deeper vision towards the world, if i

12、t were not for those two attributes, how could we achieve great goals in this dog-eat-dog world.Above all, in such a society where emphasis,more often than not,is laid on the depth of ones thought, to choose humanities as ones major, must be the best way .To major humanities, so at least it seems to

13、 me, is preferable for college students, if they had the chance, in the process of which we will develop an innovative thought mode.As a proverb goes ,there is no difficulty that an innovative thought mode can not solve, no door that an innovative thought mode can not open, no mountain that an innov

14、ative thought mode can not surmount.作文三:选择综合类大学还是职业题目:Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.参考范文:With the flourish of ed

15、ucation industry, modern students are faced with more alternatives to continue their further education. Both attending a vocational college or a university serves as two main options for the high school graduates. In terms of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, I shall advise as

16、 follows:Primarily, self-orientation matters the most when it comes to a issue like this. Obviously, the main task of vocational college is cultivating human resource with practical capability. Instead, university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different areas. Therefore, being awar

17、e of your self-expectation with a clear future blueprint lays a foundation for this important decision.Apart from what has been mentioned above, personal interest also plays a key role in it. For both passion and motivation are derived from interest, which not only decide how far you can reach acade

18、mically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled you will be .To sum up, a clear recognition of self orientation and personal interest will decide whether you will tick the box of vocational college or university. Only in this way can we get the most out of the further education.六级听力解析:Lo

19、ng conversation 1Q1: B Having friendly colleagues解析:原文中前半部分男士说到:“The most important factor for the majority of the people interviewed was having friendly, supportive colleagues.” 对于大部分接受采访的人来说,最重要的因素是拥有友好的、互相支持的同事们。Q2:B 20%解析:原文中部男士说到:“However, 20% of employees described themselves as being unhappy.

20、” 20%的员工说他们工作得不开心。Q3:A those of a small size解析:后半部男士提到:“First of all, small is beautiful: people definitely prefer working for smaller organizations or companies with less than 100 staff.” 首先小就是好:人们绝对偏爱在少于100人的小公司工作。Q4:C They can better balance work and life解析:原文中男士说到:“And workers on part-time contr

21、acts, who only work 4 or 5 hours a day, are happier than those who work full-time. The researchers concluded that this is probably due to a better work-life balance.” 每天工作4、5个小时的兼职人员比全职人员要开心,这可能是由于一种更好的工作与生活之间的平衡。Long conversation 2Q5:D It is a collection of photos.解析:原文前部分男士提到:“In 2006, when the co

22、ncert hall of the city of Bruges asked me to take some pictures for a catalogue for a new concert season around the theme of water.” 在2006年,布鲁日城市音乐厅请我帮他们完成一个以水为主题的摄影系列。所以这本书是一个摄影系列。Q6: C When taking pictures for a concert catalogue.解析:原文前部分男士提到:“In 2006, when the concert hall of the city of Bruges a

23、sked me to take some pictures for a catalogue for a new concert season around the theme of water.” 在2006年,布鲁日城市音乐厅请我帮他们完成一个以水为主题的摄影系列。所以是在拍摄这个系列时产生的灵感。Q7:A The entire European coastline will be submerged.解析:原文中部提到:“It is clear now that it is a matter of time before the entire European coastline disa

24、ppears under water.” 很明确,整个欧洲海岸线的消失只是时间的问题,由此判断出正确答案。Q8:D Tourists use wooden paths to reach their hotels in the morning.解析:文章结尾提到:“Also, Venice, the city eternally threatened by the sea, where every morning wooden pathways have to be set up to allow tourists to reach their hotels.” 威尼斯全程都被海洋威胁着,每天早

25、上人们都要搭上木桥,游客们才能顺利到达旅馆。Passage 1Q9: C they spend too much time anticipating their defeat解析:原文第一句说到:“When facing a new situation, some people tend to rehearse their defeat by spending too much time anticipating the worst.” 当面临新的挑战, 人们总花很多时间去想最坏的情况。由此得出正确答案。Q10:D Thinking has the same effect on the ner

26、vous system as doing解析:原文提到:“Research conducted at Stanford University shows a mental image fires the nerve system the same way as actually doing something.” 斯坦福大学发布的研究表明,心理暗示对神经系统作用巨大,会最终导致同样的结果。Q11:C Picture themselves succeeding解析:由文中年轻律师成功的例子得出正确答案。Q12:B She won her first jury trail解析:根据文中年轻律师成功

27、的例子得出正确答案。Passage 2Q 13: C It helps people to avoid developing breast cancer解析:文章前部分提到:“Telling them that eating lots of high-fiber foods could reduce the risk of breast cancer before middle age.” 摄入大量高纤维食品合一降低中年时期患乳腺癌的概率。Q14:D It tracked their eating habits since their adolescence解析:文章中间提到:“It turn

28、s out that those who consumed the highest levels of fiber during adolescence had a lower risk of developing breast cancer.” 研究发现青春期摄入越多纤维的女性在未来患乳腺癌的概率越低。所以答案是这项研究从她们青春期开始追踪的。Q15:A Fiber may help to reduce hormones in the body解析:文章后半部分提到:“The finding points to long-standing evidence that fiber may re

29、duce circulating female hormone levels,” 研究表明长期实验的证据表明纤维可以降低女性体内的荷尔蒙。Lecture 1Q16:B Conducting research on consumer behaviour解析:原文第一句提到:“Well my current research is really about consumer behavior.” 最近我在关注消费者行为这个课题。Q17:D It is an act of socialisting解析:文章中部提到:“One of the things that Ive identified is

30、that drinking for people say between the ages of 18 and 24 is all about the social activity.” 我的一项发现是年龄在18至24岁的人喝酒是出于社交原因。Q18:A They spent a week studying their own purchasing bahaviour.解析:文章最后提到:“last year my students spent a week looking at their own purchasing and analyzed it in detail from shopp

31、ing to the relationship that they have with their retail banks and their mobile phone providers.” 去年我的学生花了一周时间去关注、分析他们的购物情况,以及他们和银行、手机制造商的关系。Lecture 2Q19: D It is likely to give up paper money in the near future解析:在听力原文中说到Sweden was the first European country to print and use paper money, but it may

32、 soon do away with physical currencies. 瑞典是欧洲第一个印刷并使用纸币的国家,但可能不久就会停止使用。Q20:C whether the absence of physical currency causes a person to spend more解析:在听力原文中说到Barrett wanted to find out if the absence of physical currency does indeed cause a person to spend more, so she decided to conduct an experime

33、nt a few months ago. Barrett想知道不带现金是否会导致人们花更多的钱,所以几个月前她决定做一个实验。Q21:C the restaurant car accepted cash only解析:在听力原文中说到On the way, there was an announcement that the restaurant car was not currently accepting credit cards. The train cars were filled with groans because many of the passengers were trav

34、eling without cash. 在火车上,她发现餐车不接受信用卡消费,结果车上便充满了呻吟因为很多乘客都没有带现金。Q22:A By putting into envelopes解析:在听力原文中说到My parents, when they were younger, used to budget by putting money into envelopes theyd get paid and theyd immediately separate the cash into piles and put them in envelopes, so they knew what th

35、ey had to spend week by week. 我父母那一代,当他们年轻的时候,他们会把钱放进信封里来做预算。当他们拿到工资后,他们便立马把现金分为几份并放进信封,这样他们就能知道每周要花多少钱。Lecture 3Q23:B Chrome hunger解析:原文提到:“So lets start with a few problems. Right now, a billion people are chronically hungry.” 让我们先来说几个问题。现在有上十亿人长期处于饥饿状态。Q24:B About half of them are unintended解析:在听

36、力原文中说到About half of all pregnancies globally are unintended.全球有近五成意外受孕。Q25:A It is essential to the wellbeing of all species on earth解析:原文提到:“Its not only the study of human population, but the populations of non-human species. Demography also includes the study of non-living objects.” 人口统计学,不仅是关于人类

37、的种群,也关乎于非人类种群,还包括无生命的对象。由此可见,人口问题对所有物种来说都是必要的。Part III Reading comprehension (40 minutes)选词填空Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through

38、 carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single through the center. You may not use any of the word in the bank more than once.Lets all stop judging people who talk to themsel

39、ves. New research says that those who cant seem to keep their inner monologues (独白) in are actually more likely to stay on task, remain _26_ better and show improved perception capabilities. Not bad, really, for some extra muttering.According to a series of experiments published in the Quarterly Jou

40、rnal of Experimental Psychology by professors Gary Lupyan and Daniel Swignley, the act of using verbal clues to _27_ mental pictures helps people function quicker.In one experiment, they showed pictures of various objects to twenty _28_ and asked them to find just one of those, a banana. Half were _

41、29_ to repeat out loud what they were looking for and the other half kept their lips _30_ . Those who talked to themselves found the banana slightly faster than those who didnt, the researchers say. In other experiments, Lupyan and Swignley found that _31_ the name of a common product when on the hu

42、nt for it helped quicken someones pace, but talking about uncommon items showed no advantage and slowed you down.Common research has long held that talking themselves through a task helps children learn, although doing so when youve _32_ matured is not a great sign of _33_The two professors hope to

43、refute that idea, _34_ that just as when kids walk themselves through a process, adults can benefit from using language not just to communicate, but also to help “augment thinking”.Of course, you are still encouraged to keep the talking at library tones and, whatever you do, keep the information you

44、 share simple, like a grocery list. At any _35_ , theres still such a thing as too much information.A) ApparentlyB) ArroganceC) BrillianceD) ClaimingE) DedicatedF) FocusedG) IncurH) InstructedI) ObscurelyJ) SealedK) spectatorsL) TriggerM) UtteringN) VolumeO) Volunteers参考答案26. F) focused27. L) trigge

45、r28. O) volunteers29. H) instructed30. J) sealed31. M) uttering32. A) apparently33. C) brilliance34. D) claiming35. N) volume段落匹配A The lives of children from rich and poor American families look more different than they have in decades.B Well-off families are ruled by calendars. with children enroll

46、ed in ballet. soccer and after-school programs, according to a new Pew Research Center survey There are usually two parents, who spend a lot of time reading to children and worrying about their anxiety levels and hectic schedulesC In poor families. however. children tend to spend their time at home

47、or with extended family. the survey found They are more likely to grow up in neighborhoods that their parents say arent great for raising children. and their parents worry about them getting shot, beaten up or in trouble with the lawD The class differences m child rearing are growing, researchers sa

48、y - a symptom of widening inequality with far-reaching consequences Different upbringings set children on different paths and can deepen socioeconomic divisions. Especially because education is strongly linked to earnings Children grow up learning the skills to succeed in their socioeconomic stratum. but not necessarily others


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