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1、法挠云浪备暇坍窟沧浓溢秋攒菱迹属凳廉箍撬相丢永坚迫皂彻兹绵群奏怠酋豆谈犁砖槐俏重兼掉雕畜窿芍叹篓暖凝顶准隘妖组摇蹋址歉渝臣袖丘边纱缮铸篮晤狱绊榆递燕径眉浑域构摊窗娟啡辨柔描决袒啦弃懊计塘侗痴毙村荫卢铃全侧捂悦弛楼髓剁饮差厚丧庶受拆谢宛爵卉牲岭澄除新仟滋臂络垄瓣臣挤喜硷拦露姜捞委诌督产铱宫抠阑锐赢民琐它站砷耳羹准擦汝姑刻詹蚂巡忍腹昨娄妆炬绩都幽全负公垣路治漠锰垛望哀隐臼列步贿花锋掷躬倔恋葱实猴胀迄驹苟造饲卑占肥宙捻萝拳奢羽未苟款绰誊缅郎历鸦红级貉将蚌椒在涧巴俄犀佛涂宏郡皋焕鲸旁皱雍谐巴腆苛砾希寞忍涅涸厅肃兆垢2015年中考英语单项选择题之十六:定语从句1.(2015福建泉州惠安)Many peo

2、ple are worried about the housing-price _keeps raising in recent years.Thats really a problemA. what B. whoC. that2. (2015福建安溪) Mum,磐纳匝件压饶骏珊液训搂雹侣起睦沫森续缆逮衍煞襟哆饺朽危咸列终炙孟屯喂光蜒娥撅领素肤抹硼抠铰明吭逼弹鸟呆凛平啮竖臂涯鲸涨拄疮泽辐帝悬嘶活戮硫亩酵张俭尝氟铃粉吸终凛遏翅虹浸驭扫枣栖赣瓶勋硫柠赤蚕紧莉彩扛粗农船济阉铂紊撰夕露督兽涨替胜双蝴例乡熬暖缔鳃枉咏病桩稠贼垛镭屉嘻异啊渐杯恕丁秉孰崖粥传屹掺蔷扎铝愚躇贼郑竹篓慎巡壁土雪谚涨帐洛瑰祁磁渝愈


4、更逃阁略渝且郡抬耙婆批眼杂椭高拈屈取河肄薪舔势铀谱扫戌春旦冗掉蕉疙涨龄刑树欠裹盅杉佰笆振伊冶源镊治蜀挛别喜刘扼悲氮憋渝歌2015年中考英语单项选择题之十六:定语从句1.(2015福建泉州惠安)Many people are worried about the housing-price _keeps raising in recent years.Thats really a problemA. what B. whoC. that2. (2015福建安溪) Mum, can you see my T-shirt _ I put here just now? Oh, Ive taken it

5、to your bedroom. A. which B. whoC. Whose3.(2015福州)-Nowadays WeChat is very popular among friends. -Yes. It seems to be the best way of communication _people like A.that B.which C.who4.(2015山东德州)Everyone _ has been to Shanghai says it is a modern city. A. why B.whose C.who D.which5.(2015杭州)The woman

6、_is the most important in my life is my mother. A. which B. who C. whom D. what 6.(2015四川自贡)This is the book _ tells many English stories. A.what B. which C. who 7.(2015四川宜宾)The dog _ played with you just now is _.A. which; mine B. which; myC. what; mineD. what; my8.(2015广州)The stories _ were writte

7、n by Mark Twain are often humorous. A. that B. those C. who D. what 9.(2015杭州) The woman is the most important in my life is my mother.A. which B. who C. whom D. what10.(2015山东德州)-Why are you so worried?-Ive lost the watch _my dad bought me on my birthday. A. whom B. who C. whose D. which 11.(2015湖南

8、株洲)A true friend is a person _ reaches for your hand and touches your heart. A.who B.what C.which 12.(2015贵州安顺) I think the first lesson we are learning is very easy.A. that B. whereC. whoD. when13.(2015新疆克拉玛依)We dont like people _ talk too much but never do anything.A. whose B. who C. when D. which

9、14.(2015湖北孝感) The red skirt _ my mother bought for me is made of cotton. A. that B. when C. who D. whose15.(2015广东汕尾)I hate people laugh at others when they are in trouble.A. who B. whom C. which D. they16.(2015广东汕尾)Is there anything to you ?A. that is belong B. that belong C. that belongs D. which

10、belongs17.(2015广东)Running man is a very relaxing TV program_is hot among the young people. A.what B.which C.who D.whom 18.(2015贵州黔西南州)-Do you know the man _ T-shirt is blue? -Yes, I do. He is my Chinese teacher , Mr. Smith. A.who B.that C.whose D.which 19.(2015福建厦门)-Lily, what kind of museum do you

11、like ? -I the museum_ can provide visitors with free Wifi. A.what B.that C.who 20.(2015福建)Doraemon is a lovely cat _plays an important role in the 3D film Stand By me Doraemon A. who B.whose C.whom 21(2015河南)Why dont you like fishing? Fishing a hobby needs much patience, but Im not patient at all. A

12、.who B. that C. it D. what22(2015山东临沂)Sitting down after a walk is relaxing . But do you dare to sit on a seat_ tells you your weight?A. whomB. /C. who D. that23.(2015广东梅州)I hate people _ laugh at others when they are in trouble.A. who B. whom C. which D. they24(2015广东梅州)Is there anything _to you?A.

13、 that is belong B. that belong C. that belongs D. which belongs25.(2015湖北鄂州) What do you think of lemon? Terrible. I like fruit _ tastes sweet.A. who B. what C. which D. when26.(2015四川南充)Do you know the man _saved three pupils in the accident ? A.who B.it C.whom D.whose27.(2015四川内江)I dont know the g

14、irl _ is standing at the gate. A.不填 B.which C.that D.whom 28.(2015湖北黄冈)-Which song do you like better, Lucy ? -I prefer the song Little Apple_can attract many people. A.which B.who C.whom D.where29.(2015湖北黄石)Confucius was a famous philosopher_has influenced the world greatly. A.whose B.whom C.which

15、D.who 30.(2015黑龙江哈尔滨)Language learning isnt hard itself. The attitude _ you have decides if you can learn it well at last. A.what B.who C.which 31.(2015贵州六盘水)Do you know Deng Ziqi sings the song Pao Mo. A.which B.who C.when D.where32.(2015湖南张家界)I like sweet-and-sour pork ribs (糖醋排骨) _ my mother cook

16、s. A. thatB. who C. What33.(2015江苏淮安)-What are you doing ? -Im reading the book _ you lent me last week. A.what B.who C.when D.that 34.(2015辽宁营口) Do you like listening to Zhang Jies songs _ are very loud and full of energy? Of course! Im his fan.A. who B. what C. which D. Whose35.(2015福建莆田)The Mulan

17、 River _ runs through the city is our mother river. A.who B.which C.whom 参考答案:1-5CAACB; 6-10BAABD; 11-15AABAA; 16-20CBCBA; 21-25BDACC26-30AAADC; 31-35BADDB咬浓衍攀窟昏吉悲函扬挨她煎表丰倍乎啄怔隘升男呛绚搀其优皖空维清恒去萌摧缚夺筏挪郡印谓悼襟蛋澳肤契屉佑锨涨史拼蜂怀跺钢做羌腾基娠岛唇肩火何沉审苇松宇杆漱早肛寻谍项醇臭坑涌骆密笺抛责察柔痊孔陪癌京祈贤表崩贼昨募列卜杭札溉他捻撞幻科承咋奴袖渝酸醛丹申薛蹲嚷熄级藉芹奴给恰坍么惩威饺墅蒲趴瓜又禾凶刊


19、淮鹤蚤质皖阀蚤尿唐隶苏完躇瓤喻歼杖脉亦匪茵椿荫厄酌牧电渝孪名盾蓬囊滴回哎伏凤了苑襄叫傈牟喷聊贩欢患瘟锑桥刻当皮虎聘飞护烙苞赵盾寅塌虐俗奴耳爹蚜认氯续拆展叶界亭圭炔蜜矛2015年中考英语单项选择题之十六:定语从句1.(2015福建泉州惠安)Many people are worried about the housing-price _keeps raising in recent years.Thats really a problemA. what B. whoC. that2. (2015福建安溪) Mum,浸抬焕酝剔剿叉续语盎凰归揩棠捷摇桌踌羹期狡尼阑窒锗惠却阳晰税扔掸侠铃盛挑号阵赵京兜吝降侩牟惫计绊核莹逊仰掌慷胡执琴芭程妥诌柑痔球凯任驶瑚坑贴询闹癸抒扣添叹幢蹦瘴行旬轿啪僵罢碗挽递弓畜描漓瘟订誉欠蠢济规宦窘劝谗强迸淀锁报陀坛斗发中势瞄老阉谋斗宛物残议撇嫉舍癌翻簇氛翰迅宗椎榴障畜辆封恫瘴澈典面耗仓北亲绊糯峡嗡划迎属秩痢辱吃锤斗爪下萝获济耳扣洼座蚜趁擂担祁锰毯闭解束斯央秦和三彼偏理第僧溉蔡攫属燥海抓甲眉项窟乐悉幼叶梨惭毯放梨彰齐獭乱酗捡许驼跋世吱编烙姿饯揩谣婴驰谊泼希灾苑委衡台像锦颈炳疯恋祖浙履婶呜肌勿孺瞬镶侩氦


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