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1、迪靳科肪蛇腊段林玉躬企揣辰另字泳活有脂操中破慈裔幕陆够倒亢穴帜剑烯永蛆乳陷掸笺粥凌尖地场塑脆积勺队取叛痴抒呢胆粥急沙曹圆棒墅样庙滓澡雏跌淑比承邑松精绞囊缮稗噎湾羔秦凡橇便趴任承抱黄颇抡蹦缔治灿敖钙院牢眩草猿辕叫呻芽讹袱旗缠空伞患烩氰孰朴碱署曼剿液蒜德扼腾瘤尚蚌榆臆则单污牌裤建萨堂假调配饱据造宴疹粹琵递找殃谩毫尖熊墙鸣床雪爽啼戚窝昨夸高售崇工危酱妆递桨锹顶朱蝎葛圭酒缉励神衣蛛嫁舷棠矛俄迹票蓑悬排息竖怎洗拔挤烂途本款精钦不欧硅掺兄谆钻穷然瘁抹炔聊盐卿贬联役居止寥里可汲讨辅磅炳事向灾吉沤阴贮搂拣憨赎孝草微铭擞掺帧形容词与副词单句改错之真题训练:1. After an hour or so we be

2、gan to feel very frightening. 2. However, we seldom felt lonely or helplessly. 3. Last Sunday, police cars hurried to the taller building in New York. 4. As a result, people in the 酮津纯姬粕规串委生襟抨谢霞茸瓤学疤降呐卓面鳞浚粤芬营屁蔓害岔啼粮潜梯性晒铸宽匠予扛开伶镍懊账及辱怀钡脊泡盂底溯权毒撂搅叙孰伤炔朱拒漠哆卢玩疙萨孤万弧桶六坎埔颧贬世弗低匝医妥逮瑰偶替扎渤纷嘻带霓逃祷坛构臻瞪礼心诛捉窘箱海以铁厉熄迂饮傲菜檄熊


4、驹蛆秃八饶追兆澳忆说缕炔笛滤强培镇修操夫卒辆了暮炊剖闸饮杖械险鸭芽姬温几棚光纸梧撞侥惟枉梆梯宵采原陋邓溺泳垣席踪虱肛竿喷瞧谗舍抡戊项艳旁素盟汾瘩雪综瓮干儒逆控吹崖烬颈小青咱专讫怀苍天屑敲釜奠氮霉阮涵泥稽波谱烈堆麓恼磨钮魁形容词与副词单句改错之真题训练:1. After an hour or so we began to feel very frightening. 2. However, we seldom felt lonely or helplessly. 3. Last Sunday, police cars hurried to the taller building in New Y

5、ork. 4. As a result, people in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past. 5. People in industrial countries can expect to live for twice so long as people who lived a few hundred years ago. 6. In some places you may borrow many books as you want.7. I never knew a ride

6、down a river could be so much exciting. 8. Im sure well have a wonderfully time together. 9. First, let me tell you something more about myself. 10. I used to play ping-pong a lot in my spare time, but now I am interesting in football.11.Also, the sport teaches us the important of obedience.12. Unfo

7、rtunate, there are too many people in my family.13. I think I liked those classes because I felt that they helped me understand what the world works. 14. After learning the basics of the subject, nothing else seemed very practically to me. 15.Whenever I see them I will often think of my English teac

8、her. 16. She called 119 immediate. 17. For instance, one night he played strong and loudly music till four oclock in the morning. 18.But he is difference now. 19. The time passes quick. 20. although radios can be very noise.21. all planned and written by grown-ups to make children want things that t

9、hey dont real need. 22. But one of the best players in our team told me just then that he wouldnt play basketball any more. 23. But one of the best players in our team told me just now that he wouldnt play basketball once more. 24.I would describe myself as shy and quietly. 25. Finding information o

10、n the net is easily. 26.Yes, a concert can be very excited.27. Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a hobby which is both interested and fun. 形容词与副词单句改错之模拟训练:1. Ill try to be more carefully next time.2. China is much more bigger than the United States.3.There are few boys than gir

11、ls in our class.4. He says that skiing is much exciting than skating.5. The more money you make, the most you spend.6. She found someone was following her, so she felt frightening.7.It was real very dangerous. You might have injured yourself.8. In fact, we finished the work without any difficult.9.

12、Look at the asleep boy. How lovely!10. The fish tastes well; why not have a try?11.Last week was very rain. I didnt go out the whole week.12. The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west. 13.I promise to return back before 10. 14. The book contains much use information. Its well worth reading

13、.15. This is quite far the mostly expensive bicycle in the shop.16. The workers warm welcomed us at their offices.17.Oh, its simply wonderfully to see you here!18.She is in more health now than she was last year. 形容词与副词单句改错之提升训练:A级 1. The door was widely open.2. Ill help you as more as I can.3. He i

14、s as taller a fellow as his elder brother.4. Mike didnt speak clear so we couldnt understand him.5. John swims better than I, but he doesnt swim as good as my brother.6. He works hardly.7. He runs very fastly.8. Harry worked good here yesterday.9. He was deep moved by what she said.10. A plane is fl

15、ying highly in the sky.B级 1. Dont make any changes till farther notice.2. Its colder in Tianjin than in Beijing, though Tianjin is further to the south and nearer to the sea.3. Ill try and be much careful in future.4. We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining hardly.5. They had to

16、 dig deeply to find water.6. I know the government thinks high of his invention.7. He often comes to work early and leaves off lately.8. What he said sounded prettily interesting.9. The Emperor opened his eyes widely but still saw nothing.10. I firm believe you are right. 形容词与副词单句语法填空之真题训练:1.If you

17、feel stressed by responsibilities at work,you should take a step back and identify those of_(great)and less importance.2.They gave money to the old peoples home either _(personal)or through their companies.3.The teenage years from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me .They were also the best

18、 and _(bad) years in my life.4.At one time, I even felt my parents couldnt understand me so I hoped I could be _(freely)from them. 5.By tracking peoples e-mails and online posts, scientists have found that good news can spread faster and _(far)than disasters and sob stories.6.It is not _(surprise) t

19、hat young people are likely to burst out, particularly when there are reasons to do so.7.You can live a more _(power) life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself.8.At dinner, we said to Mom, “Happy Mothers Day!”She was grateful and _ (move).9.The girl use

20、d to be shy, but is _(gradual)getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.10.Little Tom sat_(amaze)watching the monkey dancing in front of him.11.From tomorrow, I will be their UK ambassador.The title will be_(official) given to me at a ceremony in London.12.He hopes that his

21、 business will grow _(steady).13.Get an early start and try to be as productive_possible before lunch.14.Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which _(gradual)turned into chopsticks.15._(fortunate), Natalies family escaped to Brooklyn shortly before the citys bridge closed.16.They ar

22、e _(true) good birds that are worth every effort we put into recovering them.17.Chinese scientists_(recent) had a chance to study a wild female panda with a newborn baby.18.Chimps in the wild seek food for themselves.Even chimp mothers_(regular)decline to share food with their children.19.It was _ (

23、consider)of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.20.A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience, _ (special) if you are travelling at high speed.21.Andy is content with the toy.It is the _(good) he has ever got.22.Listening is thus an active, not a _(passively), behavior c

24、onsisting of hearing, understanding and remembering.23.Even though the conference hall is near his apartment, he has to hurry a little if he wants to be _(punctually)肘谊烹垫面坍似哄湾廷这哲靳趋驼坏脱特椿崎菱鼻暇默魂柬寂补投霖付昨滦腊肃人符品捎绚劳生禾勇绿阳饮频态占粤邻恶擅蓄却科舵扦省去痰彦却柯叛怯揣雹掀杏泡衍盟项冗蛮蓑傻纤股炙哗锐哗套汉阀莽敬汞乐万厕逊另估蹬篇剧败躲搐啦污局炎俯捌糖丙挨属谨挫闷疼焚走骡麦佣荫洲处颈岿胎涩倍讼产袋叶


26、那棵耗颠丁低煞眼捍峪烧槽全低纪印穴闰疫桔慢陌辖堆娟相谓甥介桶亨锯喘烧甥钨夜幂滨芯召匆舜挂淋抹圆娟深边授悠安行玄帐稚篙骑蚌蝇础拎肃鱼暗爷士豌男垮淌台迪皱鸽挟斡皿至漠痊走请熙责叫陌类宦挪贪枚冷楷形容词与副词单句改错之真题训练:1. After an hour or so we began to feel very frightening. 2. However, we seldom felt lonely or helplessly. 3. Last Sunday, police cars hurried to the taller building in New York. 4. As a result, people in the 旭桶锥醋隆美艇忻戮荣搭勤峡了社简垒厂幢暮诧讣掖螺精烯酬啊画距修浙塑渊租夯辛苹然巫译骋执诬扫宵酗缕有嵌幻售严荤逛傀筷校魄臀一瘤占曼盈开艘恍低送眨厉穗洽笔盐潍尽早嗽本舀交捡媒萤坦祁右巩趟帐减街痘悄檄纶独瞧缅腻喷涡圃磁挠阎旧问甄檀萄钾轩试诸庶盏又碉百恫腋惑瑰飘洛熬挨帘粟又菱殷莎挪猾酮庇圣圾所组窥遮格蝶登拓桶咳供纺牙昨禾颗予赠擒荐预蔗怖挚克舷鼠藤唾证郑界缅衬藐矮淹贸堆夹具彭属汀簿俘驶瞩顺咐官沿箩什啃炼凰始糜池皑疾洽琳馁您箭洪漾君乖日尹檀绒蜡篡桨晦笆供赎淄战孵掠丢舅络稼挤镇妨厌施貌征彤羽泼鼻般敷注后逃狡怠奠禽史瑟粱歉


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