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1、60-64专练一 单项选择 3.妈妈,李明下周将飞回在中国的家。我们能为他做些什么?1.I phoned you one hour ago,but there is no _. 我们要给他开一个惊喜晚会送行。A.matter B.answer C.examper D.way Mom, Li Ming will _ _to China next week. 2.He remembered _his knife here, but I couldnt find it. What will ae do _him?A. put B.puts C.putting D.to put We will hav

2、e a _ _ for him to _ _.二 根据首字母提示及句子含义补全单词 4.现在李明正准备离开加拿大。他加拿大的朋友给他带来一些礼物1.Nobody can a_ this question.Its too hard. Now Li Ming is _ _ _ _ Canada.His2.They e_enjoy playing cards friends in Canada _some _for him.3.Can you r_these new wards in ten minutes? 5. 你需要帮助吗,詹妮? 三。要求要求变换下列句子,每空一词 是的。到厨房来吧。我们要做

3、一个漂亮的蛋糕和带字母的九块饼干1.Her trip to Beijing is more than 24 hours. (对划线部分提问) Do you _ _ help,Jenny? _ _ is her trip to Beijing? Yes.Come to the _.We will_a beautiful cake 2.Mr.Black will fly to London tomorrow. (改为同义句) and nine_ _ letters. Mr. Black_ _ to London tomorrow 6.再见,大家!我该走了。飞往北京的飞机15分钟后要3.Ill go

4、 skiing with you in one hour(对划线部分提问) 起飞了。 祝你旅途愉快! _ _ will you go skiing with me? -Good-bye, everyone!Its time_me_go.The 四根据句意,选用cost,spend,pay,take的适当形式填空。 plane for Beijing_ _ _fifteen minutes. 1.Sally_ten dollars on the shirt yesterday. -We hope you will _you trip. 2.Marry,we are going to _our h

5、oliday in Hong Kong. 7.丹尼看见这个风筝有点不高兴。“放风筝太难了”他不高兴地说3.I _$10 for the new dictionary just now. Danny feels _to see the kite.”Its _ to _4.How long does it_you to get to Tianan man from kits,” he says_. Wangfujing by bicycle? 8.詹妮,这个小红龙是给你的。我想让你记住中国。5.Digital cameras are becoming more and more popuple,

6、谢谢!我不会忘记你的。 but some still _to much. -Jenny,this little red _ is for you.I want you to _ 6.His boss_his $100 a day. China.7.Lily_200yuan a month for this apartment.(公寓) -Thank you.I _ _ you.8.It_me one day to read novel. 七。改错 1。I wont forget writing an e-mail to you. 五根据句意用be going to或will完成句子 2.Eac

7、h cookie have a letter.1.It _be Sunday tomorrow. 3. “What can I do for you? a noise says.2.Betty _write to her grandma next week. 4.not be scared.3._you please give hime this letter?4.I_never do that again.5.She has bought some cloth,and she _make herself a dress.6.-Oh,what a heavy box! I cant carry it. -Dont worry! I_ carry it for you.六。根据汉语意思,完成句子,每空一词1.李明,你要去哪里?我要去购物。在走之前,我想为我的家人买些纪念品。-Where are _, Li Ming?-I will go _.I want to buy some_my family _I go.2.A请问,这些T恤衫多少钱? B每件10美元。 A。哦,不贵。我要11件。A:_ _are these T-shirts,pleaseB:Ten_ for_. A:Oh,they arent_.Ill take _


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