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1、 模块七 Unit2 Fit for life一、本单元重点知识1fit:(vt / vi.) (使)适合于;装配;安装1).指大小,形状合身,引申为吻合,协调. fit sb. 适合某人 2).表“使适合”的结构: fit sb. for sth/. fit sb. to do sth. 使某人适合Her experience s her to lead the research group. 她的经验使她适合领导这个研究小组 3).作形容词时,适合的;健康的;能胜任的,可作定语或表语 be for sth,. be to do sth. He is not to join the soci

2、ety. 他加入这个协会不合适2. recipe: C 医 处方;烹饪法;(糕点等的)制作方法,诀窍(与for)连用 He thinks the one for success lies in hard work. 他认为成功的唯一诀窍在于勤奋。3. physician:医师,内科医师 physics:物理学 physical:物理学的,自然科学的,身体的,物质的, physicality(n):肉体性,物质性 physicist:(n)物理学家4standardize:使符合标准;使标准化 standard:标准;规格 /标准的;权威的,第一流的 set a standard for为制定标

3、准,living standard 生活标准5There is a probability/possibility that +从句 “很有可能/有可能There is no doubt that +从句 毫无疑问There is no need(for sb)to do sth某人没必要做某事6occur 发生,想起,想到 It occurs to sb that/sth occurs to sb 某人突然想到7pleasure 乐事,乐趣 for pleasure 为了享乐,作为消遣 take pleasure in以为乐趣 Its a/my pleasure. 不客气 with plea

4、sure 十分愿意 pleasant(adj)令人愉快的(主语多是物或者修饰物)pleasant weather pleased(adj)满意的,高兴的(主语多是人)8adjustable可调整的 adjustto使适应adjust oneself to 使自己适应于 注意:to为介词make an adjustment 作出调整 9point尖,尖端;分数;细节 (v)指;瞄准 on the point of 正要的时候to the point 中肯;扼要 off the point 离题 point out 指出 point at/to 指向Theres no point in doing

5、 sth. 做没有意义10addiction (n).上瘾,沉溺 a television addiction 电视迷, be addicted to 对上瘾be addictive to 对上瘾11relieve (v).减轻(疼痛、忧虑),缓解 relief(n)解除;救济to ones relief 令人宽慰的是 relieve sb. of 解除某人的 relieve sb. from anxiety 消除某人的忧虑12fill in 填写;填满 fillwith用填充, be filled with 装满了, be full of 充满了 13turn up 发现;到达;出现 tur

6、n back to 翻回到 turn down 关小(音量);拒绝turn into 使成为,使变成, turn off 关(灯,水,煤气等), turn on 打开 turn out 结果是,原来是 turn to sb. for help 向某人求助注意:作结果却讲时turn out(to be)n/adj 而work outadvWe didnt expect the exhibition like this, but it worked out well./turned out good.14. look round 环顾 look out 当心 look through 浏览 loo

7、k up 查找;向上看 look for 寻找 look after 照顾 look into 调查,研究 look forward to doing 期盼做 look down on / upon 轻视 look back 回顾15. decide on 决定 decide to do 决定做某事 make a decision 作出决定16. put through使穿过,使从事;接通(电话) put forward提出 put off推迟;脱掉 put out生产;熄灭 put on穿上;增加 put up with容忍 put down平定,镇压;放下,拒绝17. note (v).注

8、意到;写下来 (n.) 笔记;短信;(外交)照会;注解;注释 take notes/a note of 记笔记;take note of 注意到,留意到;compare notes with sb与某人交流 make notes of=make a note of 记录 note down记下18trial: n.试验;考验;审讯;审判 on 试验性的(地);试验结果;在审判中trial and error 反复实验,不断摸索 19thin: vt. 使变薄(细;稀少;淡) thinned, thinning薄的;细的;瘦的;稀少的, 稀薄的, thinner , thinnest20leng

9、th: n. 长度;长; at 最后;终于;充分地;详细地 in 在长度上a length/depth of + 数词:长度 / 深度, Its 2,010 kilometers long. = Its 2,010 kilometers in length. 它长2010千米。21open up 打开;开发;开始 be open to 对开放的;易受的;in the open(air)在户外,在露天 ;keep ones eyes open 留心22bark: (n).C 树皮,吠声 (vt. / vi).吠,咆哮,剥树皮, at 对叫,斥责bark out 咆哮地说,吼出 Barking d

10、ogs seldom bite. 爱叫的狗不咬人。(真人不露相。23contemporary: (n)./(adj). 同时代的人/当代的;同时代的 be with 与同时期的 literature 当代文学 鲁迅和胡适是同一时代的人。LuXun was with Hushi.24. name: (vt). 命名 name sb sth 给某人取名为 after 以命名 in the of 以名义 make a 出名;成名25. purify: (vt).使纯净 (v).净化 the organization of traitors 清除组织的叛徒pure: adj. 纯的26. mass:

11、(adj). 群众的;大规模的, (vt). 使集合 (vi). 聚集 the mass media 大众媒体 a of (es of ) 许多;大量;大部分 in the = as a whole 总体上;大致上27. powerful: (adj). 强大的;有力的 powerless: (adj). 无能力的 , power权力in 当权 take 当权,执政 have over sth. 对有控制权 come into 开始执政,上台当权 beyond / out of ones 力所不及28. wonder:奇妙的,奇迹,惊奇 ful:(adj). fully:(adv).(Its

12、) no 难怪 Its a . 难得;奇怪的是29. risk: (v. / n). 冒险 run / take the of 冒的危险 doing 冒险做 at the of()冒着的危险 at 处于危险中30. fundamental: (adj).基础的,基本的, ly. 根本地,本质地 be fundamental to 对是必要的,对是根本的 Hard work is fundamental to success.勤奋是成功的根本。31cure: (vt). 治愈;治疗;整治 sb. of 治愈某人辨析:treat / cure treat: 治疗,着重于过程,不涉及结果; cure

13、: 治好,医好,纠正,消除(弊病)32arrangement: n. U 布置,准备(用作pl. 形式)We made an to meet at the airport. 我们安排在机场见面 arrange(v), arrange sth 安排,整理 arrange to do sth 安排好干 arrange sth for sb/sth为安排好什么 arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人去干什么 33fine: adj. 美好的,精美的, 细的,纤细的,纯粹的 (r, st) weather 好天气 n. 罚款,罚金,晴天, 精细 pay a of 50 = pay

14、a 50 50美元的罚款 vt. 罚款, sb. for sth. 为了而处某人罚金 sb. sth. 罚某人的 I was fined 30 for speeding。我因超速被罚款30 美元二、词组识记1.focus on 集中于(某事物 2.open up 打开3.carry out 执行;实施;完成 4.give up 放弃5.mass production 大量生产 6.see through 看透;识破7.be made from 由做成,用做成 8.try out 试验9.put off 推迟;推延 10.put up with 忍受 11.look down upon轻视;看不

15、起 12.make out 分清;看出,理解13.be unable to不能,不会 14.in addition 除之外;另外15.in large quantities大量地 e true成为现实;实现17.be used to 被用于;习惯于 18.figure out计算出;解决 19.be made from 由制成 20.be fundamental to(介) 对是必要的21.millions of 数百万的,大量的 22.have influence on 对产生影响23.go away走;开离开;消失 24.leave behind 忘带;留下;超过25.save ones

16、life 救某人的命 26.talk over (彻底而严肃地)商议27.take measures to do sth采取措施做某事 28.make arrangements for 作安排29.set up设置,树立,建立,设立,创办 30.go wrong 犯错,出了毛病,坏掉31.heart attack 心脏病发作 32.put through 接通(电话)33.decide on 对做出确定 34. take down 记下,记录35.fill in 填写(表格,空格等) 36.look around 参观,环顾37.a handful of 少数的,少量的 38.turn up

17、出现,到达,调大声音39.split up 分裂,分离,分手 40.be addicted to对上瘾,入迷41.let out 放出,发出 42.be associated with 把联系起来43.be involved in 与有牵连,卷入 44.on trial 受审,实验45.take sth into account/consideration 把考虑在内 46.try out on animals 在动物身上做实验47.base on 以为基础 48.recommendto把推荐给49.function as 充当,用作 50.have disadvantages over比占优

18、势三、重点句型1 If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world, there is a high probability that you will find aspirin and penicillin.2 This is one of the first medicines in the world ever to be sold as a standardized tablet.3 Not only has aspirin saved many peoples lives by reducing fever and helping s

19、top pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.4 However, it was not until World Warthat two other scientists managed to use new chemical techniques to purify it.5 It was a dream come true.模块七 Unit2 Fit for life练习一、单词听写第 9 页 共 9 页1.可能性,概率(n) 2.历史学家(n) 3.医生,内科医师(n) 4.药剂师,化学家(n)

20、5.试用,实验,考验(n) 6.使符合标准,使标准化(v) 7.毫克(重量单位)(n) 8.畅销的(adj) 9.作者(n) (以a开头) 10.(使)变稀,变薄(v) (过去式) 11.长度(n) 12.当代的,同时代的(adj) 13.透明的(adj) 14.应用,运用,申请(n) 15.使纯净,净化,提纯(v) 16.量,数量(n) 17.普遍的,广泛的(adj) 18.迅速地,快速地(adv) 19.奇迹,奇观,神奇(n) 20.潜在的,可能的(adj) 21.基础的,根本的(adj) 22.每年的,一年一次的(adj) 23.安排,排列(n) 24.接待员,招待员(n) 25.详情,

21、细节(n) 26.可调节的(adj) 27.肿胀的(adj) 28.银子,含银的(n/adj) 29.不锈的,无污点的(adj) 30.外科的,外科手术的(adj) 31.症状(n) 32.功能,作用(n) 33.上瘾,沉溺,入迷(n) 34.缓解,救济,救助(v) 35.插入,嵌入(v) 二.词组听写1.集中于_ 2.打开_3.执行;实施;完成_ 4.放弃_5.大量生产_ 6.看透;识破_7.由做成,用做成_ 8.试验_9.推迟;推延_ 10.忍受_11.轻视;看不起 _ 12.分清;看出,理解_13.不能,不会_ 14.除之外;另外_15.大量地_ 16.成为现实;实现_17.被用于;习惯

22、于_ 18.计算出;解决 _19.由制成_ 20.对是必要的_21.数百万的,大量的_ 22.对产生影响_23.走;开离开;消失_ 24.忘带;留下;超过_25.救某人的命_ 26.(彻底而严肃地)商议_27.采取措施做某事_ 28.作安排_29.设置,树立,建立,设立,创办_ 30.犯错,出了毛病,坏掉_31.心脏病发作_ 32.接通(电话) _33.对做出确定_ 34.记下,记录_35.填写(表格,空格等) _36.参观,环顾_37.少数的,少量的_ 38.出现,到达,调大声音_39.分裂,分离,分手_ 40.对上瘾,入迷_41.放出,发出_ 42.把联系起来_43.与有牵连,卷入_ 44

23、.受审,实验_45.把考虑在内_46.在动物身上做实验_47.以为基础_ 48.把推荐给_49.充当,用作_ 50.比占优势_三.单词拼写1.A p_ is a person who has general skills to treat physical problems.2.He is the a_ whose books are best-selling this year.3.Aspirin can reduce the risk of heart attacks by t_ blood.4.He tried to apply for the patent. But his a_ wa

24、s not accepted at all.5.The Great Wall is one of the _ of the world.6.They realized there was some _ (潜在的) danger behind the case.7.There is a high _ (可能性) that the murderer just hid in the hill.8.Hard work is _ (基本的,根本的) to success.9.Only a few students learned how to _(净化) the water in the chemist

25、ry class.10.Penicillin was discovered in the mould that grew on a special t_(透明的)jelly.四.完成句子1.你先填一个表格,然后我们再对组织旅游的最好方法做出决定.Youll have to _ _ a form and then we may _ _ the best way to organize the trip.2.药的作用是减少心脏病发作的风险. The function of the medicine is to _ _ _ _heart attacks.3.我的爸爸曾经对烟上瘾. My father

26、 used to _ _ _ cigarettes.4.到目前为止,这种新药还没有进行人体实验。 ,this new medicine hasnt been on humans yet。5.倘若你打开世界上任何一个药柜,都很可能找到这两种药.If you _ _ any medicine cupboard in the world, there is a _ _ that you will find this two kinds of medicines.五.单项填空.1.Much to our _, the outcome of the general election is far bet

27、ter than we have expected before. A. delight B. relief C. surpriseD. disappointment2. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _ jokes. A. turning upB. putting upC. making upD. showing up3. We always keep spare paper, in case we ran out. A、too much B、a number C、plenty of

28、D、a good many4. With no one to in such a dangerous situation, the lady felt very helpless. A、turn over B、turn off C、turn onD、turn to5. Our success was largely the good cooperation of all team members. A、because B、result from C、due toD、thanks to6 We such great achievements without your efforts. Thank

29、s a lot.A.cant have made B.couldnt have made C.were unable to make D.are unable to make7. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time the guards discovered what had happened. A、before B、until C、since D、when8. The book forty maps, three of Great Britain. A、is containing; including B、

30、contains; includes C、includes; containing D、contains; including9. Air, water and such sine are fundamental the growth of crops.A、for B、with C、in D、to10. However, _ the last 2,000 years, the number of acupuncture points has gradually increased _ about 2,000.A.over; to B.after; by C.over; by D.for; to

31、11. This chair is made of wood while that wine is made _ grapes. A. of B. in C. from D. into12. He has so many friends to send cards to every Christmas, so he often buys cards _.A. in that caseB. on the one hand C. for one time D. in large quantities13 Im going away on a business trip. Would you min

32、d looking after my house? Not at all. _. A. Id be happy to B. Id rather not C. Id like itD. Ive no time14There is no _ record of that war no one knows what happened at that time.A. contemporary B. same C. contrary D. popular15Its going to rain soon. Look! There are _ of dark clouds in the sky.A. var

33、ieties B. masses C. amounts D. few六.完型填空:Farmer Ed Smith smiles as he looks at his orange trees. The young oranges are growing well in Floridas weather. Warm sunshine and gentle rains, along with Ed Smiths expert 16 , will produce a good crop of oranges this year.But Ed has to fight against Floridas

34、 17 winter weather. In January and February, temperatures can 18 Eds entire orange crop. Having farmed in Florida for the past 35 years, Ed Smith is constantly fighting against the frosts(霜冻). When temperatures drop below freezing, Ed tries to save his crop by 19 his orange trees. The water 20 and f

35、orms a thin layer of ice on the trees. It may sound strange, but this thin layer of ice actually keeps the fruit 21 . What happens is simple. When the trees are watered, the water 22 heat and becomes ice. The warmth of the heat it loses is sucked (吸取) in by the fruit and keeps its temperature at a 2

36、3 level. Ed Smith has 24 used this method to save many orange crops. 25 Ed still faces some difficulties. The trees should be watered at the exact moment when the temperature drops to the freezing point. Also, just the right 26 of water must be used. Too much water can form a 27 layer of ice that will break the tree branches. Another difficulty is that wind 28 the heat. So Ed has to worry about not only 29 but also how often his trees should be watered, and how much water should be used. 30 technology may help Ed Smith with some of these worries. With equipment, air and soil temperature


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