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1、Unit 9 When was he born? 1、语言技能目标(1) 能对别人的出生年月进行问答,如:When was he born? He was born in/on(2) 能对别人的经历进行询问,如:When did he start hiccupping? How long did he hiccup?2、语言知识目标(1) 词汇: achievement; record; violinist; start; stop; pianist; creative; outstanding.(2) 句型: Who is that?Thats Deng Yaping. She is a g

2、reat ping-pong player.When was she born?When did she start/stop?How long did she start?(3) 掌握被动语态以及由when 引导的状语从句和由how long/when 引导的特殊疑问句.3、情感目标(1)通过谈论体育明星的成就,培养学生吃苦耐劳的精神.(2)在谈论自己和别人的经历的同时,树立远大的理想.4、文化意识目标(1)了解主要的文娱和体育活动.(2)能用恰当的方式评价别人.教学重难点根据本节课的教学内容和学生对知识的理解程度,结合教学目标,确定重点是:When was he/she born? Whe

3、n did he/she start? How long did he/she? 难点为重点句型的实际运用及when引导的状语从句和特殊疑问句.教学过程Step 1 Warming-up and revision (8 minutes)1) Intercourse 2) A guessing gameGet the students to review how to describe the famous people. T:. Lets play a guessing game. I will tell you something about a famous woman. Please l

4、isten to me carefully, and try to guess who she is. She is Chinese. She was born in 1973. She plays ping-pong very well. She is short. She is very great.Do you know who she is ?S: Is she Deng Yaping ?T: Yes, you are right . Now please try to describe the famous persons Step 2 Presentation (8 minutes

5、)This activity introduces the difficult points. A: When did Deng Yaping start playing ping-pong?B: She started playing ping-pong in 1978.A: When did she stop playing ping-pong? B: She stopped in 1997.A: How long did she play ping-pong?B: She played for 19 years.1) Ask the students to practice the sa

6、mple conversation, then make up similar conversations.2) Ask several students to perform their conversations.3) Learning the new words.Step 3 Practice and listen (10 minutes)Now we are going to talk about two unusual people.Look at this picture in section A 2a and the chart.T: What are their names ?

7、S: The man is Charles Smith and the woman is Donna Green.T: What are they doing ?S: Charles Smith is hiccupping. Donna Green is sneezing. (Help them answer)T: What kinds of world record did they have ?S1: Charles Smith had a world record for hiccupping.S2: Donna Green had a world record for sneezing

8、.T: How long did Charles Smith hiccup ?S3:He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.T: How long did Donna Green sneeze ?Let students listen to the tape and fill in the “How long” column in the chart.Let students listen again and fill in the “started” and “stopped” columns.Get the students listen and wr

9、ite ,then check the answers. 教学分析与启示 通过反复的听力练习,提高学生的听力水平,注重跟读模仿语音语调。Step 4 Drill (7 minutes)Ask some pairs of students to perform the conversations.T: You got all the answers right now. Lets come to section A 2c pair work. Please fill in the blanks with information from the listening.Ask two pairs o

10、f students to Practice the conversations.T: You did very well. Id like you to work in pairs and make the same kind of conversation about Donna.S1:How long did Charles Smith hiccup?S2:He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.S1:How long did he start hiccupping?S2:He started in 1922.S1:When did he stop

11、hiccupping?S2:He stopped in 1990.Ask several pairs to act it out.Step 5 Sum-up (5 minutes)Think about what we learn todayStep 6 Homework (2 minutes)1)Write down a list of famous stars about their ages, birthdays, hobbies and achievements 2)Ask your parents birthdays and help them do something.教学反思 本

12、节课在多媒体的辅助下,直观生动地呈现给学生学习语言需要的材料,为学生搭建了一个很好的语言练习平台。在导入环节中,通过猜一猜,营造了轻松愉快的氛围,学生积极参与,作为教学前奏,为后面的学习作了很好的铺垫。我们不难看出,在课堂教学中,如果教师设计了一个轻松愉快的接近生活的语言环境,创造一个学生没有心理压力,不受任何约束,又能表现自我的课堂氛围,这就自然地使他们放松,激起他们开口说英语的欲望。因此,有目的,有乐趣的课堂活动不失为一种鼓励学生大胆说英语的好方法。“施之以教,贵在引导”。教师通过自己的主导作用发挥学生的主体作用,通过丰富多彩的任务情境调动学生的学习积极性,主动地投入学习。Unit 6 I

13、m more outgoing than my sister教学目标1、语言知识目标A、学习重点词汇:necessary, beat, care , friendship.B、学习句型: 掌握如何描述个性特征: A is than B.2、语言技能目标:能够综合各种信息,描述个性特征。3、情感态度目标 通过描述人的个性特征,使学生在人际交往中学会尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的喜好,增进情谊。(朋友可以相似,也可以不同。患难朋友才是真朋友。) 培养学生健康、活泼、积极向上的人生观。教学过程Step 1 Warming up 课前准备及导入新课 1Sing an English s

14、ong “You are my sunshine.”优美的乐曲,漂亮的flash 图片,几个孪生动物的画面,既给人以美感,又使心情得到愉悦,学生学习英语的兴奋点被激起,进入学习情境。2复习比较级,教师先让学生看两幅图片(李宇春和周笔畅)Teacher : Who do you like better? Why ? 提供一组描述人物外貌的词汇tall,serious,outgoing并给出示范句子I like Li better because she is taller than Zhou. 激发学生的兴趣,创设情景,让学生利用所给词汇说句子,学生对表达比较级的句子脱口而出,这样学生有话可说,

15、为下文的学习做了铺垫。3 . Free talkIs he a good friend? 教师展示以下问题:1. When you fight with others, he helps you to fight.2.When you are tired , he does homework for you . 3.When you are thirsty , he gives you a cup of tea. 4. When you meet a thief, he runs away quickly.通过这些问题引发学生的思考,判断“什么是真正的朋友”,直接切入主题,生动凸现本课的教学意

16、图,启动学生的思维活动,调动他们探究的学习意识。 4. Lead-in 展示图片(several children are standing together ) A friend in need is a friend indeed. Friendship is very important in our life. We may have many friends. Some are the same as me. Some are different. Should friends be different or the same? Here, we have three people引

17、出新课。Step 2 Reading Task1:1. Read 3a Pre-readingLet the students underline the opinion , difference and the same of the first article. 限时默读, 学生读后快速填写教材的表格.,写出所读人物的个性描述的词语。While-reading Whats James Greens opinion? Hows he the same as and different from his friend? Fill in the chart Discuss what kind o

18、f words should be filled in the blanks in groups.Eg, are like , both, 比较级 etc.Read the second and the third artiles .Fill in the charts. While-reading Whats HuangLeis opinion? Hows he the same as and different from his friend? Whats Mary Smiths opinion? Hows he the same as and different from his fri

19、end? Explain any question which raised by students. The teacher explains some difficult expressions.Task 2:1.Listen to the tape ( 两遍) Ask the students to go through the whole passage, and grasp the main idea and pay attention to the stress and intonation.2.Read aloud. Let students read it loudly.让学生

20、朗读课文,注意节奏、语音和语调。Step 3 Practice口语操练,巩固新知 Task 3 Recite the text according to the chart.借助图表,抓住重点,帮助学生归纳,言简意赅,借助简明的提示,复述课文。Task 4 提供另外两幅图片和图表中介绍人物个性描述的词语,让学生根据词语和图表提示,写成短文. Read their own articles freely. Step 4 Writing 完成任务,合作学习为使学生更好地投入下一项学习内容,调动学生积极性,先让学生放松一下(have a rest )Sing a song “If you are h

21、appy and you know it” together.Task 5 Discussion :二年三班正在开展“Should friends be different or the same ?” 英语主题班会.请你根据下面提供的信息谈谈你的观点。1.Do you have any friends? Who are they?2.Are your friends the same as you or different? Can you tell us something about your friends especially (特别是) the differences betwee

22、n you two. 组织讨论“开班会”. 提供材料,包括一些扩展词汇,如: humor, stingy, selfish及范文 ,发放打印的表格 Fill in the charts. After finishing them, ask some students to report them to the class.Report: Role play Group work A host and four speakers Good afternoon ,welcome to our class meeting We have many friends in our life. Some

23、Report some views.Eg: Tom is my friend. We both but we are different I than TomI like to have friends who are like me.WangRui is my friend. We are both quiet. But she is a little shorter than me. And Im much more serious than she / her . Its not necessaryYuJian is also my friend. He isCorrect a repo

24、rt in class.Step 5 Sum up: the main words and sentences and everyday English“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”Step 6 Homework: Finish 3c (Compare two of your classmate.Decide which classmate is better for the job.) Read the “True friend wanted” ad. ( Compare two of yourclassmates . Who can be Ta

25、ras true friend.)板书设计 Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister . 1. most of 2. beat sb in 3. Its not necessary to be the same .4. I dont really care . 5. I dont think differences are important in a friendship.6. quieter/ more outgoing /more athletic than A friend in need is a friend indeed.教学反思 注重给学生创造了一个语言环境,然后结合学生生活设计活动,形成学生自主学习、有效交际、英语思维和陈述理由的能力,在推理与判断中培养综合分析能力。在教学中利用表格能开拓学生思路,帮助学生记忆。通过课前查阅一些资料提供给学生。从学生的生活经验和兴趣出发,在课堂教学中设计任务型教学活动,使学生在完成任务中进行听、说、读、写训练。


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