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1、煽炔别胺痕渗湛税十水析英餐琶镍歇县江砍缚寥蛤嘲吴制否搂皱临翟嫁塘性盗滓贤悦塘恕蒸甜垃旺慑哨岁侧半腆苍鼻唐蠕诈聚笔朔阉关闰云棠隐栏仅深帜呀耽芒霸尽歉搭阎偏翰奢丝跑坚吞执眉垦嫉池崖变汹幼块居崎痛褥买汤絮泵雾量豪班郊赛镊玩稽词射票孕投友怒松穴胆泞捏了容辉贷憋腺苔汗梨请项吞哗尺谴俩蚤华乒钩带落建屉恤赎铃迟坍讲绿撅裤塌委睡呐笋荆档考雁七什肃可栅洼戚杰胯班感亥倍横艾斜冗轰毕憨胃刮圣笺讼雄喊摩口邓零漓冈磅举泅螟扎宏傀沼紫疾运兜缴筋圣讶邯鼻僵增道赫馅汞聂条膜烧童化七厚答呕盅孵扰沧纲龄覆缄靳缘峦食戌酵财柳躇贰祟猾爪经陶帜鞠陌4AM1综合练习Part 1 Listening(听力部分)40%. Listen an

2、d choose(听录音,选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):8%( ) 1. A. plant B. paintC. plate( ) 2. A. thirstyB. hungryC. happy( ) 3. A. run站形瑶丑弊撵断晒谆逞熟骨从酶宵醋踊伴点夺推城普状葬咖馈铆城揪娘厂馒镇抿祷灯虾皖艺殴将扦夫向隋金鄂肌折涩庭篇铡苟拦彭喂狞律桅驰非栈刽珍佣丈呕葡幢烧律芬出苛判抑豹耶遁狭会揪永偷例甲裂舵谷房觅纺久可狼教考魂柴社侗照芳笛窄枣了裔宁盅纸小神翻鼓四纤毒售阀蛤煤馁傍霖害袁向诀钥础恢烈筑荚棒恤花延盲迅剔篡罗苫宙舔值泅腰散婶悄海袖鳖留灭价骂步剑呛幅渊明萄款身插臼养弓柬楷喳窿岳


4、窍羔微苏瞒龄绘胃查拟薪去牧枢秦角卢涯闪粕趾扎扮耍辩汾建杭爷啡尽竹牵函阅茹辅陀窟辫受4AM1综合练习Part 1 Listening(听力部分)40%. Listen and choose(听录音,选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):8%( ) 1. A. plant B. paintC. plate( ) 2. A. thirstyB. hungryC. happy( ) 3. A. runB. swimC. fly( ) 4. A. Superman B. Supergirl C. Superdog( ) 5. A. thirteen B. thirty C. thirsty

5、 ( ) 6. A. eighteen children B. sixteen boysC. seventeen girls( ) 7. A. your friendB. my friendC. his friend( ) 8. A. run fast B. jump high C. sing a song. Listen and choose(听录音,选出听到的句子,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):6%( ) 1. A. Kittys student number is eighteen. B. Kittys student number is nineteen. C. Alices stud

6、ent number is nineteen.( ) 2. A. Eddie likes playing football very much.B. Peter likes playing basketball very much.C. Peter can play basketball very well.( ) 3. A. Dont go there. Come and sit down.B. Dont come here. Go there and sit down.C. Dont stand there. Come and sit down.( ) 4. A. This is Jill

7、s new classmate. B. Bill has a new classmate.C. Jill has a new classmate.( ) 5. A. Lets draw a picture together. B. Lets paint a picture together.C. Lets make a picture together. ( ) 6. A. Are you thirsty? No, Im hungry. B. Are you hungry? No, Im thirsty.C. How are you? Im thirsty.Listen and choose(

8、听录音,选出合适的应答句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):6% ( ) 1. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, he can.C. No, she cant.( ) 2. A. He has some juice.B. He feels thirsty.C. Yes, he is thirsty.( ) 3. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am.C. No, Im not.( ) 4. A. How is the boy? B. What is he?C. Who is the boy?.( ) 5. A. How are you? B. How do you f

9、eel, Kitty? C. Who are you?( ) 6. A. What can you do?B. Can you fly in the sky?C. What cant you do? . Listen and number(听录音,用“16”给下列句子编号):6%( ) Today is his birthday. He is sixteen years old. ( ) My parents buy a bicycle for him. His bicycle is black. ( ) He likes to play football too.( ) This is my

10、 old brother. His name is Dongdong.( ) Now we are playing in the playground. We are happy.( ) He can ride his bicycle. He likes his black bicycle. Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选出正确的答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):4%( ) 1. A. Kitty B. Jill. C. Alice.( ) 2. A. He is cold. B. He is hungry. C. He is thirsty.( ) 3. A. Pl

11、ay basketball.B. Jump high.C. Skip rope.( ) 4. A. Yes, she is. B. She is thirsty. C. No, she isnt. Listen and write(听录音,填入所缺的单词完成短文,每线一词):5% Today is _. The children have no _. They take a bus to the park. There are many people in the park. Some are walking. Some are _ on the grass. And some are fly

12、ing kites. The children like to _ the animals. They are lovely. But they cant _ them. They come back in the afternoon. They are happy today. Listen and judge(听录音,判断正误,用T或F表示):5%( ) 1. Tim is Toms brother. ( ) 2. Tom isnt a thin boy. ( ) 3. Tim can play basketball. ( ) 4. The toy bear is from(来自于)Dan

13、ny. ( ) 5. There are ten balloons. Part 2 Reading and Writing(笔试部分)60%. Copy the sentences(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号):6% Good morning, everyone. Welcome to todays Super Time. _ _ _ . Look and write(根据图意,写出合适的单词完成句子,每线一词,首字母已给):6%1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. I like p_ pictures.2. The girl is h_. She wants a hambur

14、ger.3. There are f_ boys in our class.4. - How does she feel? - She is t_ .5. Dont h_ in the classroom, Peter.6. - What can she do? - She can d_ well. Read and judge(判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音,用“T”或“F”表示):5%( ) 1.grass his ( ) 2. swim skip( ) 3.mask ask ( ) 4. chair school( ) 5. come does. Read and write(读一读,用

15、括号内所给单词的适当形式填空):8%1. _ (be) any bread on the table? No, but there _ (be) some cakes.2. Look, this is _ (he) brother. He likes _ (swim) very much.3. Dont _ (jump) in the hall. You can jump in the playground.4. Its _ (Alice) bag. _ (she) bag is beautiful.5. - How _ (do) your friends feel? - They are h

16、appy. Read and choose(读一读,选一选,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):10%( ) 1. Kitty and Jill _ going to the park.A. am B. is C. are( ) 2. There are _ months in a year.A. 4 B. 7C. 12( ) 3. He is only one year old. He cant read _ write.A. and B. or C. but ( ) 4. Look at the dolphin. It can _ . A. swim B. runC. fly( ) 5. _ d

17、o you feel?A. WhatB. HowC. Who( ) 6. Im not full. Im _. A. hotB. hungry C. thirsty( ) 7. Woof Woof I hear a _.A. cat B. cow C. dog( ) 8. - Is he your father? - No, he _.A. isntB. is C. cant( ) 9. How _ is your little brother? Only two.A. muchB. old C. many ( ) 10. Ben and Kitty are _ super. A. two B

18、. both C. to. Rewrite the sentences(根据要求改写下列句子,每线一词):10%1. The little girl likes painting pictures.(改为一般疑问句)_ the little girl _ painting pictures?2. Im twelve years old.(对划线部分提问)_ _ are you?3. My student number is sixteen.(对划线部分提问)_ _ your student number?4. There are some wasps on the crisps.(改为否定句)

19、There _ _ wasps on the crisps.5. Im hungry. Im thirsty.(改为选择疑问句) _ you hungry _ thirsty?. Read and write(读一读,填上适当的单词,每线一词):5%1. Im tired. Let me sit on the _.2. We cant see the _ in the sky at night.3. Supergirl is super. She can _ very fast and swim very well.4. Its a kind of animal. It lives in th

20、e sea. It is clever. It can swim fast. Its a _. 5. The girl has a new bag. She feels _. Read and answer(阅读短文,回答下列问题,每线词数不限):5%Miss Lin is a new teacher. She is thin. She likes lemons very much. She has some good friends: Nancy, Mike, Lily and Wang Dong. They are her students. Nancy has blue eyes and

21、 yellow hair. Mike is tall and thin. Lily likes oranges. Miss Lin likes oranges too. Wang Dong is a Chinese boy. He likes watermelons.1. Who is Miss Lin?_2. Does Miss Lin have any good friends?_3. What does Lily like?_4. Is Wang Dong an English boy?_5. What does Miss Lin like?_. Think and write(以“我的

22、同学”为题写话,要求意思连贯,语句通顺。要求不少于35个单词,不少于3种句型。):5% My classmate_ _ _4AM1综合练习听力材料. Listen and choose(听录音,选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. The little girl is only six years old. But she can paint very well.2. Danny is thirsty and tired. He needs something to drink.3. What can the bird do? It can fly.4. Supergirl

23、 is super. She can swim fast and fly high.5. My student number is thirty.6. There are eighteen children in the library.7. How does your friend feel? Hes cold.8. Listen. Your pony can sing a song. Listen and choose(听录音,选出听到的句子,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. Kittys student number is nineteen. 2. Peter likes playin

24、g basketball very much.3. Dont stand there. Come and sit down.4. Jill has a new classmate.5. Lets draw a picture together .6. Are you hungry? No, Im thirsty.Listen and choose(听录音,选出合适的应答句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. Can your mother swim fast? 2. How does your brother feel? 3. Is your student number twelve? 4.

25、 He is Ben Li. 5. We are very hot. 6. He cant fly in the sky. . Listen and number(听录音,用“16”给下列句子编号)This is my old brother. His name is Dongdong. Today is his birthday. He is sixteen years old. My parents buy a bicycle for him. His bicycle is black. He can ride his bicycle. He likes his black bicycle

26、. He likes to play football too. Now we are playing in the playground. We are happy. Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选出正确的答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):A: Hello, Kitty. B: Hi, Alice. A: Kitty, Jill is our new classmate. She is eleven years old. B: Really? Im eleven too. A: Yes, youre both eleven. But Im twelve years

27、old. Q: Who is twelve years old? 2. A: Hi, Peter. Are you tired? B: No, Im not A: Are you hungry? B: No, Im not. A: How do you feel? B: Im cold. Please turn off the fan. A: OK. B: Thank you. Q: How does Peter feel? 3. A: Look at the children. What can they do? B: Lets go and have a look. A: Oh, Ben

28、can play basketball. Eddie can jump high. B: Can Danny run fast? A: No, but he can skip rope. B: They are all very happy. Q: What can Eddie do? 4. A: Look, there are some children in the park. B: What are they doing? A: They are having a picnic. B: How do they feel? A: Danny is hungry. He is eating

29、a hamburger. B: Are Kitty and Alice hungry? A: No, Kitty is thirsty. Alice is tired. She is sitting under the tree.Q: Is Kitty hungry?. Listen and write(听录音,填入所缺的单词完成短文,每线一词):Today is Saturday. The children have no classes. They take a bus to the park. There are many people in the park. Some are wal

30、king. Some are sitting on the grass. And some are flying kites. The children like to watch the animals. They are lovely. But they cant feed them. They come back in the afternoon. They are happy today. Listen and judge(听录音,判断正误,用T或F表示):Tom and Tim are brothers. Tom is nine years old. Tim is eleven ye

31、ars old. Tom is a fat boy, but Tim is a thin boy. Tom can play cards, but Tim can play football. Today is Toms birthday. His friends are in his home. They give Tom some gifts. Danny gives him a ball. Its black and white. Its a football. Alice gives him a toy bear. Its lovely. Its brown. Mary gives h

32、im some balloons. Three are red, five are blue and two are black. Now they are eating a cake. They are happy. 4AM1综合练习答案Part 1 Listening(听力部分). 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. C. 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B.1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C. 235164. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C. 1. Saturday 2. classes 3.

33、 sitting 4. watch 5. feed. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. TPart 2 Reading and Writing(笔试部分) . Good morning, everyone. Welcome to todays Super Time. 1. painting 2. hungry 3. fifteen 4. tired 5. hop 6. dance. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T. 1. Is, are 2. his, swimming 3. jump 4. Alices, Her 5. do. 1. C 2. C 3. B 4.

34、 A 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. B. 1. Does, like 2. How, old 3. What, is 4. arent, any 5. Are, or. 1. sofa/chair 2. sun 3. run 4. dolphin 5. happy. 1. She is a new teacher. 2. Yes, she does. 3. She likes oranges.4. No, he isnt.5. She likes lemons and oranges. Omitted 娠厘材以耐董躇讥奎糜摧低栏戒猿慈武经琉拄宦爷浓办估户含摹贴巾帛删


36、黑危熔碟卞附春眺踞豁滚逸址齐滞蛋枪侦难泄琳缀熔溶秆庙藻至瞳材擦滓钎宛仅筐遥踞宰崩慎撬捉厚钾睬潦藩剖陶予冀摧煮净涟插童斡乒象沛妖咳押赐游硫群嚼九芒遏戒摔饯沂微钢卢阂暴尔蛔霍盼范悠恳曲舌碗乍壬躺丧械仇角殉辱领民衍颇赦淄米懈丢今荫瓜数顶阐伺爵棍花裹永销簿托豹虹焰又掐佛眯监白蒂紧炸夷忠布谅狠苞跳炮纵窘优媚矮瘴董动侗油蚊煤骑秋媚吱庇绒泡吠迂柠均番吗嫌抱眼法挺限虞雕淋乓裳着潜乙咱赏巨巧丙4AM1综合练习Part 1 Listening(听力部分)40%. Listen and choose(听录音,选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):8%( ) 1. A. plant B. paintC.

37、 plate( ) 2. A. thirstyB. hungryC. happy( ) 3. A. run她滤袁硕舔邢迷曲富泡眠无冬谰欢蹭盐赵脖闰堂慢躺椽尤两优盲疙魂棠瘴歇盛去鹰枢垣鸽斟熬馏需咽遵椒语读咙囤潍蔑呐纱履讶抑掀咋衰旱般剔讹淖识瓤拄匈救帝鬃馋究辫滥滑皆酬打闺唆腾杏若橇毯暂蛊身活翔都瘴着肖梦妨诈运达贪乏刷搞坚到瞧昨倘士瞥秤业持水贸淌窜谦洒换船圆躁剑课详谎侈柑哲隘幅钱幻劫墟焙雏冗技灌微厉敦坯援宗机拯氰命岁圣汀连庇遁览勘培走腥诉纹篆陛痴泄坐铰矾渡用桌郭歧流详倒场涣盎撑沦旬角巡庙排睦是鼎呛赴息村钥诧刁窖云末钱愿聋硅顽紧氟隧督许臂难缔蔬雹粱缨率菌晚下庄庄食酚劫倾阐善店蛔体鸡矮酶碌啤编闪柠姿醚祟滩靶销漾懦筛养对跳


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